My unboxing Samsung galaxy S2
Boxwave Keyboard Buddy for iPhone 4 / 4S Review
Phil from iKryptic gives a review of the Boxwave Keyboard Buddy 2nd generation for the Apple iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. The Boxwave Keyboard Buddy is a physical Bluetooth keyboard that doubles as a case for your iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. It gives you access to a real keyboard to use with any app on your iPhone such as Messages, Notes and more and allows you to slide it out when you need to use it and store it when not in use.
UPDATE: SORTED Live @ Good Food Show
This week we’re at the BBC Good Food Show at the NEC in Birmingham, meeting some great chefs, eating some fantastic food, and doing daily cooking demos on the Kenwood stage.
If you’re at the show, please come along and say hi!
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