Learn how to make a Roast Smoked Goose Recipe! – Visit http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2011/12/my-goose-was-already-cooked.html for the ingredients, more recipe information, and over 650 additional original video recipes! I hope you enjoy this Christmas Roast Smoked Goose Recipe!
Batman: Arkham City Lockdown Review
In this video I review Batman: Arkham City Lockdown for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. I show the gameplay, graphics, controls as well as additional features like the Batman Begins and Animated Series Batman suits, Arkham City comics along with unlockable characters like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Arkham City Lockdown is a based on the Unreal Engine 3 and features very similar gameplay to Infinity Blade 2 with a heavy emphasis on swiping on the touchscreen to execute combos. Arkham City Lockdown is a pure fighting game and features 16 levels with boss fights including Two-Face, Joker, Deathstroke and Solomon Grundy.
Batman: Arkham City Lockdown is available in the App Store for $5.99 on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
Miyamoto’s Angels INTERACTIVE – PEACH
A nostalgic interactive based on the creations of Shigeru Miyamoto, as well as Charlie’s Angels.
Taking on a different role at Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto has decided to devote his life to clean up the crime ridden city using his most trusted allies. No, not Mario or Link, but Peach, Samus, and Zelda! This is their first adventure. Pick your favorite Nintendo heroine to lead the fight against the dealers filling the streets with poison mushrooms.
Brought to you by The Game Station – http://www.youtube.com/thegamestation
Written and Directed by
Geoff Yano – http://www.youtube.com/oogafilms
Michael Schroeder – http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone
Produced by Will Lu
Director of Photography: Layne Pavoggi http://www.youtube.com/laynepavoggi
Music Composed by Andrew Johnson http://andrewjohnsonmusic.com/
Peach – Lisa Foiles http://www.twitter.com/lisafoiles
Samus – Ashley Nichole http://youtube.com/ashesbootiful
Zelda – Kathleen Nielson
Miyamoto – OMFGCata http://www.youtube.com/OMFGcata
ShyGuy – Simon from Yogscast http://www.youtube.com/BlueXephos
Bomberman – Ryan Tellez http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone
King Hippo – Johnny Skourtis
Murphy – Michael Adams Davis http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone
Brian Fisher – http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone
Jose Rivera – http://www.youtube.com/thewtfjoeshow
Josh Mattingly – http://www.youtube.com/indiestatik
Production Coordinator: Jeannie An
Gaffer/2nd Unit Director: Mike Schmidt
PA: Phil Chea
Assistant Director: Trent Turner
Sound/Sound Mixing by Alon Wolman
Colorist: Colin Brooker
Costume Designer: Morgan Christensen
Wardrobe and Makeup: Candice Levendosky
Props: Butterusfx http://www.youtube.com/butterusFX
Check Out these awesome T-Shirts created independantly by Joe Angelillo:
Sheik/Zelda Sprites made by SemiJuggalo
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Autocar interviews Nissan GT-R creator, Mizuno
Kazutoshi Mizuno, the creator of the extraordinary Nissan GT-R, talks to Steve Sutcliffe about the 2012 GT-R upgrades and the future of this modern performance icon. Read the Nissan GT-R review http://www.autocar.co.uk/CarReviews/FirstDrives/Nissan-GT-R-3.8-V6-2012-MY/259759/
Gaming with Google Chrome
Kroll: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/efjdaaaepgacfpadimoljoefkmnnkpkm
Realm of the Mad God: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dhjfmaldpppkmjjgkmadddbanpabfflp
Crysis 2 on Gaikai: http://www.gaikai.com/
In this video I show gaming with Google Chrome. Unlike before browsers are no longer relegated to only play Flash games on Facebook but instead there are legitimate games you can play using only Chrome. Kroll is a good example of a solid extension to install, Realm of the Mad God is a fun Flash based MMO and Crysis 2 is a fantastic example of cloud based gaming using Gaikai.
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