Santa’s Google Search Tips Rap

Search tips: | To help St. Nick with his big flight this year, a few Googlers created this holiday search tips rap video. Song written and produced by, and video starring, all Google employees.

Yo, I run a few searches before the big flight,
To save me more time on this magical night.
I type [sunrise and city] of my last stop,
I got plenty of time before my last drop.

If I don’t know the time in a certain city,
I peep it on search before my chimney shimmy.
Tyle [time and town] before I come into town,
To see if Johnny’s in bed before I hit ground.

Go Santa, Santa work it!
Go Santa, Santa search it!

But before I go flying through the frosty air,
I do a weather search to decide what to wear.
Mrs. Clause, should I bring my extra warm down jacket?
[Mrs. Clause]: Hmmm, yes. You should definitely pack it.
And please pack these cookies that I baked for you.
Shhhhh! I researched the recipe with recipe view,
And used the low cal filter, I must admit:
I wanna make sure that jacket still fits!

Go Santa, Santa work it!
Go Santa, Santa search it!

Check one, check two: yes I check twice.
Santa’s Google Doc called ‘Naughty and nice.’
With control+F, I find a name in the doc n’,
I hope I don’t have to put coal in a stockin’

When I’m cruising in my sleigh with my hands on the reigns,
Voice input is handy, ’cause typing is a pain.
If on a wish list I spot a gift I never heard: schlittschuhe,
I use the translate app to speak the foreign word.

Go Santa, Santa work it!
Go Santa, Santa search it!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho.

Go Santa, Santa work it!
Go Santa, Santa search it!

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Yeah!

Lyrics by Matt Kane, Google Content and User Education Specialist and hip hop enthusiast
Music by Ranidu, Google Business Systems Integrator and musician:
Video produced with the help of our friends at Seedwell:

Quickpick: Custom Shortcuts for Notification Center

In this video I go over Quickpick, an application for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on iOS 5 that allows you to add custom shortcuts inside Notification Center to practically anything on your device including settings, web pages, calls, emails, texts as well as accessing third party apps such as Twitter, Facebook and more. Quickpick is available on all device on iOS 5.0 and above and does not require a jailbreak.

الرد على : أبوعمر# حقيقة معنى arab idol – فهد سال ( Fahad Sal )

Abo Omar’s video

Links for dictionaries


American heritage



A short video replying to Abo Omar who is a YouTube, he teaches English online and a while back he explained to the hundreds of people what the word idol in the known show (Arab Idol) refers to. He neglected explaining all meaning of the word idol specially the one that is important and refers to the word idol based on its content and what dictionaries tell us.

Enjoy the video and know that I am not perfect and hey I could be wrong. Do please write to me if I missed anything. I did this video to stop people from getting wrong information and relying on their own research. Guys and girls, do your own research and find out for yourselves. It is very scary how much wrong information we get from others. So be careful and trust your own research. Enjoy folks and send this video to Mr. abo Omar hehe. Fahad Sal

My Facebook
My Twitter!/MrFahadSal

#مسامير – هذه ليست نكتة

إشترك في قناة ميركوت:

سلسلة كرتونية من انتاج ميركوت.
رسالة توعوية تقدمها جامعة المجمعة بالتعاون مع مسامير – الآهات بصوت أسامة السلمان.

شاهد المزيد من الحلقات على الرابط التالي:

تابعنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي:

Battlefield 3 Commercial / Video Inbound!

So EA wanted us to make a Battlefield 3 commercial for them. And we did, in flying colors! Check out the commercial on FreddieW’s channel, and the awesome behind the scenes!

Next week we have another epic video coming out as well! Enjoy!

#مسامير – الانقراض السادس

إشترك في قناة ميركوت:

سلسلة كرتونية من انتاج ميركوت.
ظلم البشر لبعضهم البعض في شتى بقاع الأرض والحروب التي تسحق بها الأمم القوية تلك الأضعف منها ستفضي إلى سقوط و نهاية الحضارة.

شاهد المزيد من الحلقات على الرابط التالي:

تابعنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي:

مالك نجر على التويتر :

فيصل العامر على التويتر :

مزروع المزروع على تويتر :
