#مسامير – مُعلقة البطريق

إشترك في قناة ميركوت:

سلسلة كرتونية من انتاج ميركوت.
معلقة ( البطريق ) للشاعر الكبير هزاع المنبثق.

شاهد المزيد من الحلقات على الرابط التالي:

تابعنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي:


Not everyone is a fan of traditional christmas pudding, but everyone loves chocolate right? This chocolate swiss roll recipe, decorated to look like a fallen festive log is a chocoholics heaven. And to up the game even more… we’ve made it a Baileys chocolate yule log.

So from everyone at SORTED… Have a very merry Christmas and make sure you enjoy as much food and cooking as you can!

Get the recipe at http://sortedfood.com/yulelog
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Lamborghini Aventador vs 911 GT2 RS vs Mercedes SLS

If the Lamborghini Aventador can live up to its performance claims, the 691bhp four-wheel drive supercar should easily beat the much cheaper Porsche 911 GT2 RS and Mercedes SLS. Clearly, the only way to find out is a drag race. Read the Lamborghini Aventador review at http://www.autocar.co.uk/CarReviews/FirstDrives/Lamborghini-Aventador-6.5-LP700-4-/259076/

Nintendo 24 Hour Challenge

We all participated in a 24 hour video challenge for Nintendo with a bunch of other Youtubers. Now we’re preparing you for an onslaught of Nintendo content!

Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/thewarpzone
Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/warpzonetweets
Tshirts! http://www.districtlines.com/thewarpzone

-The Warp Zone-

Super Mario 3D Land Adventure

Davis and Fish team up with Steve Greene and Alex Carpenter to make a video about Super Mario 3D Land for Nintendo’s 24 hour challenge.

This video was made for a Nintendo 24-hour challenge. Mandatory rules included an orange traffic cone and the line: “you have to see it to believe it.”.


Concept by Team Danger Team:

Steve Greene – http://www.youtube.com/stevegreenecomedy
Alexander Carpenter – http://www.youtube.com/alexandercarpenter
Davis – http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone
Fish – http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone

Directed by:
Brian Fisher

Script by:
Steve Greene

Editing by:
Alex Carpenter
Brian Fisher

For more Warp Zone:

FACEBOOK – http://www.facebook.com/thewarpzone
TWITTER – http://www.twitter.com/warpzonetweets

– The Warp Zone –

Thanks to Nintendo for supplying us with 3DS products in order to prepare for the challenge, and for the post-challenge gift cards to Sammy’s Camera

Mario Kart 7 3DS Trailer Parody

Odom teams up with Rocco from Mega64, Joey of WinterSpringPro, JasonMundayMusic to make a new trailer parody for Mario Kart 7, now on the 3DS.

This was part of a nintendo 24-hour challenge and include the mandatory rules included an orange traffic cone and the line: “you have to see it to believe it.”

Christmas came early for The Warp Zone this year as Nintendo was gracious enough to give us 3DS products in order to prepare for this challenge.


Concept by The Miyamoto’s:

Rocco – http://www.youtube.com/roccobotte
Joey – http://www.youtube.com/winterspringpro
Jason – http://www.youtube.com/jasonmundaymusic
Odom – http://www.youtube.com/thewarpzone

For more from The Warp Zone:

FACEBOOK – http://www.facebook.com/thewarpzone
TWITTER – http://www.twitter.com/warpzonetweets

– The Warp Zone –

Thanks to Nintendo for supplying us with 3DS products in order to prepare for the challenge, and for the post-challenge gift cards to Sammy’s Camera

The Legacy of Zelda

Schro teams up with Michael Aranda, Shawn of Mega64, and Sawyer Hartman to make a video about Zelda for Nintendo’s 24 hour challenge. Mandatory rules included an orange traffic cone and the line: “you have to see it to believe it.”

For more Shawn

For more Sawyer

For more Michael

– The Warp Zone –

Thanks to Nintendo for supplying us with 3DS products in order to prepare for the challenge, and for the post-challenge gift cards to Sammy’s Camera

The Truth About Tetris

Ryan teams up with Luke Conard, Derrick of Mega64, and TJ Smith to make a video about Tetris for Nintendo’s 24 hour challenge. Mandatory rules included an orange traffic cone and the line: “you have to see it to believe it.”

For more Derrick

For more Luke

For more TJ

– The Warp Zone –

Thanks to Nintendo for supplying us with 3DS products in order to prepare for the challenge, and for the post-challenge gift cards to Sammy’s Camera