2024 MotorTrend Truck of the Year | Chevrolet Colorado

We are proud to announce our 2024 MotorTrend Truck of the Year is none other than the Chevrolet Colorado. Want to find out which trucks it beat out, and why it won? Get the full story here: https://bit.ly/3Ru0KOU

#TruckoftheYear #TOTY #Chevrolet #ChevroletColorado #MotorTrendAwards #MotorTrend

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

Mazda Miata | Super Street Garage

Back in the day, the Miata was a cute roadster, before evolving into a fun, stylish track car. Today, TikTok memes and dancing headlights have tarnished its rep. Amir and Nads work to build a cool, clean Miata and drive it to the ultimate homecoming. Stream Super Street Garage NOW on MotorTrend+ ➡️ https://motortrend.app.link/Orp0td7X9Eb

#SuperStreetGarage #MotorTrend

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

Can You Still Use a CPU Cooler from 2005?

Noctua sent us one of their first CPU cooler models, the NH-U12 from 2005. But how does it actually perform versus an equivalent Noctua CPU cooler that you can buy today?

Sign up for the Noctua edition LTT Screwdriver: https://www.lttstore.com/products/noctua-screwdriver

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4×4 Garage: Hemi-Swapped International Rock Crawler Build & Tow Rig Upgrades Pt. 2 | MotorTrend

Woods Off Road and Christian Hazel continue to tear into a 1956 International Harvester S120 Pickup truck – readying it for rock crawling duty. The S120 gets a 5.7 Hemi Crate Engine from AutoZone, and Jeep JK Unlimited chassis, with Super Duty axles. The guys also finish upgrades on the 2020 Ford F-350 Tow Rig with basic Bolt on goodies, and new wheels/tires. Keep following along as the S120 gets fired up and trail ready.

Presenting Sponsor:
RealTruck: https://realtruck.com/

In Association With:
Painless Performance Products: https://www.painlessperformance.com/
IH Parts America: https://www.ihpartsamerica.com/
ESAB: https://esab.com/us/nam_en/
WD-40 Brand – Shop WD-40 Specialist Corrosion Inhibitor: https://www.wd40.com/products/corrosion-inhibitor/
Pro Eagle Racing Jacks: https://www.proeagle.com/
SendCutSend: https://sendcutsend.com/
ODYSSEY® Battery: https://www.odysseybattery.com/

#4x4Garage #FourWheeler #Ford #Truck

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

2005 Ford GT | Mecum Auctions Kansas City | MotorTrend

Only 5,000 miles on this Ford GT! Watch Mecum Auctions on MotorTrend TV and MotorTrend+ ➡️ https://bit.ly/3CwcM2a

#Mecum #MecumAuctions #WhereTheCarsAre #MecumOnMotorTrend

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

How is THIS a Gaming Mouse?

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People have been re-inventing the mouse for decades. Not every idea is a winner.

Dilay sculpting software: https://abau.org/dilay/

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1545036-how-is-this-a-gaming-mouse/

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
1:28 Sony VAIO Mouse Talk
3:36 Microsoft Easy Ball
6:43 Appoint Mouse Pen Pro
10:00 Altra Felix Pointing Device
13:30 Suncom Atom Mouse
15:40 Novint Falcon
23:00 Outro

مركز الأبحاث و التطوير شركة شيري الام اقليم وهوو – الصين – حسن كتبى

مركز الأبحاث و التطوير شركة شيري الام اقليم وهوو – الصين – حسن كتبي
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Go F Yourself dbrand – WAN Show December 1, 2023

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Podcast Download: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5msk0blHz92KGafQbSLcn6?si=bc7f8ef1d3d64fa2

Timestamps: (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
0:00 Chapters
2:00 Intro
2:45 Topic #1 – Elon Musk’s interview on advertisers boycotting Twitter
7:03 Linus on making decisions, advertisers’ obligation
12:41 Linus on controlling advertisers, “do you like white teeth?” example
14:20 Degree of separations, Linus’s grandma using baking soda, Luke on X’s idea
17:46 “X-days until Twitter dies,” private company revenue, shorting stocks
21:49 Luke on being recommended followed users’ interest, Linus’s household story
24:57 dBrand falls for WAN Show’s clickbait title, looking at viewership
26:21 Topic #2 – Tynan provides Linus two packages
28:26 Linus tries to show the prototypes, chaos ensues
30:15 Manual notes, Linus shows off the machined silver & brass screwdrivers
33:06 Aluminum LTT screwdriver with brass accents
38:32 u/Frashure11’s mining backpack, Steven sent another & grabbed the used one
41:16 Carabiners update, comparing backpack colors, Luke holds the backpack
43:20 Luke shows the inside, mining samples, physical inspection, “double layered”
49:35 Linus checks whether this is “double thick,” continues to cut it
51:00 Merch Messages #1
1:00:10 FP exclusive videos featuring Tynan, the screwdrivers & backpack
1:01:14 Noctua x LTT screwdriver update, Linus’s set collection
1:02:52 BYOS idea, fixed shaft screwdriver, sizes, teasing a big screwdriver
1:06:40 Topic #3 – H3’s Dan likes the LTT screwdriver
1:11:02 Topic #4 – DevTernity conference canceled due to fake female speakers
1:12:03 Luke on why this wasn’t noticed, is there a female speakers supply issue?
1:16:11 “So tired of Lisa Su simping,” Linus on “tech” companies, FP, mentions DankPods
1:22:00 James channel, mechanic of DankPods in Garbage Times, is now on FP
1:24:11 Topic #5 – Casetify V.S. dBrand update
1:24:29 BestBuy recalls Casetify’s cases, Casetify’s site DDoS’d, response
1:26:55 “Bastion of originality” despite the evidence, Canada’s apology act
1:29:37 Linus was a what-kid, current habit of “pardon?”
1:30:53 Topic #6 – NVIDIA wakes up and decides to be an AI company
1:39:32 Sponsor – MSI
1:40:45 Sponsor – BackBlaze
1:42:01 Sponsor – Manscaped
1:43:16 dBrand is sponsoring After Dark
1:43:35 Merch Messages #2
1:46:41 What’s the most expensive thing your kids have broken or lost?
1:49:09 “Hey click this” – Zhvowa’s The WHAM Show ft. Lina, Lucy & Daniela
1:52:37 “You should license Zhvowa’s designs to print on shirts” ft. Upcoming body pillows
1:55:55 LMG & FP is now hiring! ft. Elijah’s AMD tech upgrade, cool laptop text
2:01:14 Topic #7 – Microsoft Paint’s Cocreator, an integrated DALL-E
2:03:11 Linus’s prompt, Luke on the outputs, weird image, AICreations idea
2:07:15 Anime Luke, Anime girl Linus, weird generations
2:11:54 Clipart duck to color, tech YouTuber RGB background set
2:14:24 Computer hardware prompt, cool ideas, Luke’s keyboard prompt, limited tokens
2:19:12 LTT’s retro screwdrivers, bit sets back in stock, new strap for backpack
2:21:25 Community feedback – WAN couch patch on crooked LTX23 logos ft. Bread
2:25:05 What would you do differently if you rebuilt your IT infrastructure from scratch?
2:26:40 Topic #8 – 4,000 Auto dealers suggest lowering sales on EV mandate”
2:36:44 Topic #9 – Massachusetts police warn about Apple’s NameDrop”
2:38:20 Topic #10 – Calyos’s update on the fan-less case backers
2:41:40 Topic #11 – Nvidia’s DLSS 3 & AMD’s FMR running at the same time
2:44:18 Topic #12 – Sony’s legal post on removal of Discovery’s content
2:45:07 WAN Show After Dark sponsor – dBrand ft. XBOX’s colors article
2:48:59 Merch Messages #3
2:49:06 Upcoming LTTStore laptop bag update?
2:53:30 Aspects of LMG’s culture Linus is proud of developing or maintaining
3:08:58 What is your take on tech in construction?
3:10:03 Will Linus get his hands on the mini-LED AYA Neo? mini-LED V.S. OLED
3:12:15 Ever given news that impacted lives without being limited by HR scripts?
3:13:18 Linus’s experience with being fitted the Bigscreen Beyond
3:13:33 Would it be possible to persuade Govee to support OpenAI to enable home integrations?
3:13:52 What project Luke regretted the outcome of the most
3:15:50 Quarterly or bimonthly merch updates instead of on-WAN Show?
3:16:46 Given CPUs getting hotter, at what point would AIO be necessary?
3:18:10 A feature in a game that got removed after an update that bothered you?
3:19:12 LTT backpack’s rain cover update?
3:21:35 Outro