Top 10 Real Life Plot Twists That Changed History Forever

We didn’t see that coming! For this list, we’ll be going over the plot twists and other unexpected events that had a big impact on history. Our countdown includes Japan Wins the Russo-Japanese War, Gore Loses, Bush Wins, Napoleon’s Return, and more! If we shockingly left one out of our list, be sure to surprise us in the comments below!... Read More

Sancocho: Diverse Flavors From Across Colombia

Sancocho is known around Latin America as a comforting, traditional soup that can be eaten day or night. With hundreds of recipes and variations, the dish takes many forms, but in essence it consists of a flavorful broth, meats, and root vegetables. Across the many regions of Colombia, cooks take influence from their unique histories and make sancocho with indigenous ingredients like catfish, pigeon peas, cassava, and much more.... Read More