Want To Go Behind The Scenes At Google?

Nat & Lo make a YouTube show (https://goo.gl/hsUcSW) about all the stuff they’re curious about at Google. Subscribe to join them behind the scenes → https://goo.gl/CEsJyN

Featured episodes:

Street View → https://g.co/go/NLtrekker
Google Translate → https://g.co/go/NLtranslate
Android Lawn Sculptures → https://g.co/go/NLandroidm
Project Loon → https://g.co/go/NLloon
Terra Bella → https://g.co/go/NLterrabella
Machine Learning → https://g.co/go/NLlearning
How To Make A Computer Voice → https://g.co/go/NLvoice

Or if you feel like binge watching, here’s a playlist of all episodes → https://goo.gl/PqxQOB

Nat & Lo’s YouTube channel → https://www.youtube.com/natandlo

Follow Nat & Lo on Twitter → https://twitter.com/natandlo