
First Pitch: Steve Gleason with the Chicago Cubs and Look to Speak | Google

On June 2, Lou Gehrig Day, former NFL player Steve Gleason marked the start of the game using Look to Speak. With Look to Speak, people can use their eyes to select prewritten phrases and have them spoken aloud. Look to Speak was developed with and for people with motor impairments. From the Wrigley Field pitcher’s mound, Steve and Major League Baseball are using the moment to raise awareness about ALS and helpful resources for people to continue living productive, purposeful, and meaningful lives. Learn more about what Android is doing in accessibility at Read More

الكترومين- اكبر استثمار في 100 محطة شحن كهربائية للسيارات تغطي جميع أنحاء المملكة – حسن كتبى

سادتي الأفاضل يسعدني ويشرفني مقابلة الكترومين- اكبر استثمار في 100 محطة شحن كهربائية للسيارات تغطي جميع أنحاء المملكة – حسن كتبى
Electromin Biggest investment in network of 100 chargers for EV cars by Hasan Kutbi ... Read More