The Characters – Lauren Lapkus as The Single Celeb – Netflix [HD]

Lauren Lapkus tries out one of her most outrageous characters yet – Whitney Peeps! Star of The Single Celeb.

We gave 8 comedians each their own episode of a series. No rules. No limits. No one else would do this. Seriously. Netflix is proud to present a wildly inventive and wholly original comedy experience with The Characters! Each episode of this groundbreaking series features one of the best and brightest comedians today performing a wide array of hilarious characters. What was once reserved for sketch festivals and comedy clubs can now be enjoyed in your living room.

The Characters features Kate Berlant, Dr. Brown, Paul Downs, John Early, Lauren Lapkus, Tim Robinson, Natasha Rothwell, and Henry Zebrowski as you’ve never seen them before and never will again. All episodes March 11, only on Netflix.

A Netflix Comedy Series.