How Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Could Introduce The Marvel Zombies Universe

Marvel Zombies could be coming to the MCU! Subscribe to our channel:

A Doctor Strange sequel has been officially announced, and it’s set to be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in the MCU. For starters, it’s going to dive deep into the concept of the multiverse; something they’ve dabbled in a bit so far, but haven’t really jumped into completely. It’s also rumored that this next instalment will be Marvel’s first attempt at a horror film, or at least something along those lines.

In this video, we’ll be discussing the possibility of Doctor Strange in The Multiverse Of Madness introducing audiences to the concept of Marvel Zombies. Marvel Zombies were a popular thing in the comic book source material, and it saw many of our most beloved heroes turn into flesh-eating zombies, a la Walking Dead. Perhaps the good doctor, along with The Scarlet Witch, who is rumored to be heavily involved in the movie’s plot, will find an alternate reality where these things are real. Let’s examine all the ways in which this theory could become a reality.

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