Finding the Music of the Spheres: Hearing Stars

The Consonance Collective and the Bergamot Quartet, Peabody Institute

Presenting “Hearing Stars,” a visual album of string quartets depicting the life cycles of stars produced by the Consonance Collective with support from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The album follows the stars through five stages: 1) protostar (Celeste Forma), 2) star system (Iridescence), 3) supernova (SN 1054), 4) black hole (Beyond the Horizon), and 5) dark matter (Dark Mysteries).

Created over the last year, the composers of the collective wrote original pieces for the Bergamot Quartet based on these stellar life stages, with STScI providing images, visualizations, and access to scientists. We hope you enjoy the results of this special collaboration!

Videos may be viewed on the STScI YouTube channel in the “Hearing Stars – Consonance Collective” playlist:

Celeste Forma (Protostar) – Bobby Ge:
Iridescence (Star System) – Zach Gulaboff Davis:
SN 1054 (Supernova) – Seo Yoon Kim:
Beyond the Horizon (Black Hole) – Gu Wei:
Dark Mysteries (Dark Matter) – Daniel Despins:

This project was made possible by funding from the Maryland State Arts Council, the Jersey City Arts Council, and the Awesome Foundation.

Host: Frank Summers, Space Telescope Science Institute
Recorded live on Tuesday, May 4, 2021
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