Coraline, Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland Are Connected

These Movies Have To Be Connected
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It’s always interesting when movies that seemingly have no correlation whatsoever actually kind of sync up when you really stop to think about it, isn’t it? Like, who would have thought that Coraline, the Wizard of Oz, and Alice In Wonderland could possibly be linked to one another? For all intents and purposes, they appear to be three completely separate movies with nothing at all in common, right? Well, that’s not entirely true.

In this video, we’ll examine how these three movies are actually all connected, and it all has to do with the Good With Theory. This one character is prevalent throughout each of these titles, making it evident that they all exist within the same universe, and approximately around the same era. We’ll uncover just how deep these connections are and discuss any and all instances where these realities may have overlapped.

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