
How Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Could Introduce The Marvel Zombies Universe

Marvel Zombies could be coming to the MCU! Subscribe to our channel:

A Doctor Strange sequel has been officially announced, and it’s set to be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in the MCU. For starters, it’s going to dive deep into the concept of the multiverse; something they’ve dabbled in a bit so far, but haven’t really jumped into completely. It’s also rumored that this next instalment will be Marvel’s first attempt at a horror film, or at least something along those lines.

In this video, we’ll be discussing the possibility of Doctor Strange in The Multiverse Of Madness introducing audiences to the concept of Marvel Zombies. Marvel Zombies were a popular thing in the comic book source material, and it saw many of our most beloved heroes turn into flesh-eating zombies, a la Walking Dead. Perhaps the good doctor, along with The Scarlet Witch, who is rumored to be heavily involved in the movie’s plot, will find an alternate reality where these things are real. Let’s examine all the ways in which this theory could become a reality.

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15 Strict Rules The Cast Of Fast And Furious Have To Follow

With so many famous actors in the Fast and Furious franchise, there are bound to be some strange rules in place! Subscribe to our channel:

The Fast and the Furious franchise is one of the most lucrative and popular on the planet right now. The series has undergone multiple transformations over the years, from street racing to heisting being a live-action spy/action hybrid. But no matter what genre the movie has in the tank, one thing is for sure: the actors have to follow some specific rules and guidelines to do these movies.

Some are them are pretty straight forward and apply to almost all franchises in this day and age. There can be no talk of spoilers before the release of the movie and the actors have to act with a certain level of professionalism on and off-camera. That last point, however, has been tested in recent years thanks to the beef between Dwayne Johnson and some of the principal actors in franchise. Thankfully for Johnson, he’s a money-making machine; the same can’t be said for Ja Rule.

Then there are more unique rules they have to follow, such as the highly talked about contracts dictating how the leading men, including Johnson, Vin Diesel and Jason Statham, can’t appear to look weak on screen. The cast also had to go to driving school in order to do these movies and some of the actors, including Michelle Rodrigues and Jordana Brewster, had to actually get their driver’s licenses to do the movies. They are also expected to do intensive fight choreography and in some cases, even ask and prove that they can do said action sequences, with one actor even offering a demo reel in order to get his own fight scene.

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Asgardian Magic Is Not What It Seems

Asgard is a society built on a foundation of the most advanced technology in the MCU! Subscribe to our channel:

Thor’s home of Asgard is a wondrous place. The movies depict is as a utopia, with clear blue skies, rolling mountain ranges, and jaw-dropping architecture that would make any normal city on Earth blush. It’s a magical place, but not just in the wondrous appearances; it’s actually full of magic. Or, maybe I should say it’s actually full of technology.

While it’s widely agreed that Asgardians are able to use magic, the reality of the situation is a bit different. They aren’t using magic, per se, but more so advanced technology that our brains just can’t comprehend yet. In this video, we’ll take a look at how Asgard works, and how their technological advances have afforded these people the ability to live such illustrious lives. Strap in, because this is Asgardians Get Their Power From Super Advanced Technology.

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15 Actors Who Were Tricked Into Taking A Role

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These actors didn’t realize what they’d signed up for! Subscribe to our channel:

You ever get tricked into taking the lead on a group project? Or step back from something you worked on to discover that it was nothing like you originally planned? Odds are you probably have, which puts you in the same boat as a surprising amount of famous actors. After all, they are only human, and are capable of making mistakes, both big and small.

Whether it’s misunderstanding a script, doing a favour for a friend, or literally being tricked into signing a contract, these fifteen actors got more than they bargained for when they signed up for these films.

From massive blockbuster movies to the most niche and outlandish conspiracy films, our favourite actors did not expect the experiences they got. Some were pleasantly surprised, but most… were not.

The comic book villain who was not pleased with the quality of his film. The hero who got a second chance at getting his character exactly right. The young adult superstar who appeared in one of the grossest movies ever made. The actors who had no idea what movie he was shooting until halfway through production. A superstar who fell for a cheap trick and ended up in the worst movie of his career. An actor who tried to fake an illness to escape a movie musical. The Star Trek star who narrated a bizarre documentary. A comedian who had no idea of the significance of the role he was taking. A superstar musician who accidentally landed the defining movie role of her career.

These and many more in the full video!

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People Are Freaking Out Over Joker

Joker reviews are already coming in, and here’s how people are reacting to it! Subscribe to our channel:

The early reviews for Joker are in, and since we know that you all are so excited about the film, we figured we would pull some of these reviews together so you can get a feel for how good or bad the movie is.

And man, the film seems to be pretty divisive.

Before we jump into the more controversial side of the film, let’s take a sec to look at what is almost unanimously seen as a major positive for the movie: Joaquin Phoenix’s performance.

Ever since Phoenix was announced as taking on the role as the fledgling Clown Prince of Crime, the general consensus among movie fans seemed to be that the Academy Award nominated actor, was probably going to absolutely crush it.

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Honest Trailers Commentary | IT (1990)

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Honest Trailers Commentary | IT (1990)
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Dan Murrell, Lon Harris, & Joe Starr
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Tech Director: Josh “JTE” Tapia
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

This Is How Scarlet Witch Could Go Crazy In MCU Phase 4

Here’s what we think will happen to drive Scarlet Witch mad in WandaVision! Subscribe to our channel:

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is going through a transitional phase right now. There are plenty of characters who’s fate appears to be in limbo and we’re unsure of where things are heading for them. We saw the climactic conclusion to several legendary characters, as well as the awesome introduction of a few more. One character that has the debatably the most question marks surrounding them is none other than the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff.

In this video, we’ll dive into what Phase Four of the MCU has instore for this awesomely powerful being. We know that she lost the love of her life, and we also know that she’s getting her own show on Disney Plus. Outside of that, we’ll dive into some of the comic book source material to speculate what direction they’ll be taking her story arc. It’s about to get real weird, we can tell you that much. This is How Wanda Goes Crazy In Marvel Phase 4.

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Top 10 Most Messed Up Anime Families (Ft. Todd Haberkorn)

Being born into these families is a curse. Join Todd Haberkorn as he looks at anime series like My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, Attack on Titan, Umineko, Code Geass, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Naruto Shippuden, Kill la Kill, Dororo, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and more. So you can expect to see The Ushiromiya Family, The Reiss Family, and The Zoldyck Family on this countdown!

#Anime #Naruto #MyHeroAcademia

#10. Hyakkimaru’s Family
#9. The Todoroki Family
#8. The Kiryuin Family
#7. The Ikari Family
#6. The Uchiha Clan
#5. The Britannian Imperial Family
#4. The Matou Family
#3. ???
#2. ???
#1. ???

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Honest Trailers | IT (1990)

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Honest Trailers | It (1990)
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen