شيري اريزو ٨ و هيونداي سوناتا مقارنة مفتريه 😈في كل المستويات التنافسية بالارقام -‏ حسن كتبى

رجعنا للمقارنات 😈
شيري اريزو ٨ و هيونداي سوناتا مقارنة مفتريه 😈في كل المستويات التنافسية بالارقام -‏ حسن كتبى

Chery Arezo 8 VS Hyundai Sonata 2024 comparison review by Hasan Kutbi

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شاهد المزيد من الفيديوهات من هنا :https://bit.ly/2QfgXao
و اضغط علي زر الجرس 🔔 حتي يصلكم كل جديد

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Your Internet is Too Fast

Sign up for an account at https://grammarly.com/LTT03. If you want to get access to extra features, get 20% off Grammarly Premium.

Check out Ridge’s Anniversary Sale and get Free Shipping using the link below:

STOP! Before you rush out and throw even more of your hard-earned money at a faster internet connection, there’s a BUNCH of other pieces to the puzzle that you might need to think about first.

Gibson Research DNS tool: https://www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm
Pi.Hole video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBXTnrD_Zs4

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1562583-your-internet-is-too-fast/

Buy a TP-Link AV1000 Gigabit Powerline Adapter: https://geni.us/8jzs
Buy an ASUS RT-AXE7800 Tri-Band WiFi 6E Router: https://geni.us/3hgYAoQ

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
2:17 What’s in YOUR device?
4:20 What are you doing?
6:20 It takes two to tango
10:13 Got ‘im!
12:38 Outro

Are Fossil Fuels the Problem? | Dr. Emily Fischer of Science Moms | The InEVitable

MotorTrend’s Ed Loh & Jonny Lieberman chat with Dr. Emily Fischer of Science Moms to talk
all about climate change, atmospheric science, wildfires, outdoor & indoor air quality, childhood asthma, and what we can do to combat all of this! Dr. Emily Fischer is a Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University, and a member of Science Moms! Learn more at http://ScienceMoms.com. Learn more HERE :➡️ https://bit.ly/43pIA5d
#TheInEVitable #EV #MotorTrend

1:13 – “Corvette Z06 Road Trip Blues, Climate Change & Cars We Love.”

3:48 – About today’s guest – Dr. Emily Fischer!

6:33 – Are we DOOMED by Climate Change!?

9:17 – Current and future effects of Climate Change.

11:31 – Hole in the Ozone issue was solved by Science!

14:58 – The proof. “Do you believe in Thermometers?”

19:17 – Consensus about Climate Change.

21:25 – Scientific uncertainty principle.

23:54 – Science Moms! http://ScienceMoms.com

28:50 – Pandemic example. 40% drop in pollutants in Los Angeles. Detectable from SPACE!

30:40 – Air quality & respiratory impacts. Cancer rates near freeways.

34:45 – Hybrid stepping stone.

36:35 – How is California doing?

38:37 – Power Grid is getting greener.

42:24 – What do you drive? Charging

46:10 – Charging infrastructure.

49:04 – Emily’s day to day working in Atmospheric Chemistry.

51:12 – Agriculture, large animal feeding.

55:39 – Magic wand.

59:22 – Atomic energy?

01:01:27 – Diesel Gate.

01:05:25 – Particulate matter from fires.

01:07:04 – Cameron Peak fire story.

01:12:17 – Tsunami warning in Alaska.

01:15:10 – California Wildfires.

01:18:20 – Homemade Hepa Cube.

01:19:30 – Induction vs gas cooking.

01:21:15 – Synthetic fuels.

01:23:53 – Impact on future generations.

01:30:35 – Climate intervention – Reflecting the sun’s light.

01:35:50 – http://ScienceMoms.com to learn more!
MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

2024 Nissan Z Nismo DRIVEN: More Fun Than an M2? | MotorTrend

The new Nissan Z came out last year in Sport and Performance levels, but now we have the Nismo (Nissan Motorsport) edition. More power, updates to the wheels and tires, and even some aero!

However, these Nismo additions come at a premium, and with some saying the lower trim cars are already too expensive, we wanted to find out if the Nismo is worth the extra spend.

#MotorTrend #NissanZ #NissanZNismo

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ https://quotes.motortrend.com

Start your MotorTrend Streaming Free Trial today!

Follow MotorTrend for the latest!
MotorTrend News: https://www.motortrend.com
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/MotorTrend
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@motortrend

MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

Our LAN Parties will be INSANE

Thanks to Narwal for sponsoring this video! The Freo X Ultra has a zero-tangling brush and can automatically wash and dry its mop pads. Use the link below to get $200 off your Narwal x Freo Ultra today. Use code ‘prlinussno1’ to get an extra $100 off for U.S. buyers ($300 total discount), and $200 off for Canadian buyers ($400 total discount)
Amazon Canada: https://bit.ly/yt-LTT-Mar-AMZ-CA
Amazon USA: https://bit.ly/YT-LTT-Mar-AMZ
(Available from March 12 to March 31st)

The LAN/Badminton Centre is coming along nicely! Check out the progress we’ve made and take a sneak peek at the size of the screen we are going to be using for our Console Gaming Corner! It’s gonna be sick!

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1562418-our-lan-parties-will-be-insane/

Buy a Ubiquiti Dream Machine Special Edition: https://lmg.gg/1gWxb
Buy a Ubiquiti Switch 48 PoE: https://lmg.gg/a1I4Y
Buy an Epson LS12000 4K PRO-UHD Laser Projector: https://geni.us/zBNQod8
Check out Phantom Cables: https://lmg.gg/Ep7S6

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
0:35 New Server Room Goodies
1:45 The Trenches have Conduit now
3:00 Big Ol’ Role of Fiber
5:00 Acoustic Treatment and Ethernet
6:45 Cleaning the Warehouse with Narwal
8:45 Why all the Paint Swatches
9:48 Projector Gaming
12:30 How big can we go?
14:34 But what if we use two?
16:03 The Largest Doom Eternal
16:40 Hehe
17:09 Outro

I Will Never Watercool Again – Water Cooling Maintenance Guide

Get your Laifen Wave electric toothbrush, starting at $69.99, below and save 10%! Thanks to Laifen for sponsoring this video!

Laifen Website: https://bit.ly/48GQxUC
Amazon ABS $69.99: https://amzn.to/3wKq4bl
Amazon Aluminum Alloy $79.99: https://amzn.to/3Ihpogn
Amazon Stainless Steel $99.99: https://amzn.to/3TffVfE

TRUST ME – you don’t need to water cool your next PC for a great gaming experience. But it might be too late for you, and we’re here to help you clean and maintain your loop to increase the longevity and performance of your pump, blocks and radiators. Whether it’s an AIO, a pre-blocked GPU or something totally custom – we have you covered in this video.

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1562279-i-will-never-watercool-again-%E2%80%93-water-cooling-maintenance-guide/

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@linustech
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linustech

Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
0:54 Draining the system
3:25 Nasty CPU Block
5:14 Cleaning the CPU Blocks
6:22 Acrylic Top
7:03 Toothbrush go BRRRR
7:56 GPU
8:49 Putting the block back together
9:42 Bad news
11:35 Laifen Wave
12:05 Pump
13:01 Replacing thermal goop
14:01 Water Cooling talk
14:47 New Challenge Appears
16:30 Radiators
17:43 Tubes
19:09 Results!
20:22 Outro

Record-Breaking Porsche Taycan Turbo GT with the Weissach Package! | MotorTrend

Lars Kern sets the electric vehicle, production car, lap record at Laguna Seca in the Porsche Taycan Turbo GT with the Weissach package! Watch along as Jonny Lieberman discusses with Lars what went into breaking this record!

#MotorTrend #PorscheTaycan #lagunaseca

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ https://quotes.motortrend.com

Start your MotorTrend Streaming Free Trial today!

Follow MotorTrend for the latest!
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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

We Downgraded our PCs to Prove You Don’t Need a New One

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We know you probably WANT a new computer, but do you really NEED one? Odds are good that, for most people, a brand new rig is simply not necessary. To prove it, we swapped our writers’ sick gaming rigs full of modern hardware like the latest CPUs and raytracing graphics cards, for something a tad more…quaint. Specifically, 6th gen machines from Dell and HP. Will they be able to protect their jobs and meet their deadlines, or will the lag of old hardware stop them in their tracks?

Buy a Dell OptiPlex 7040 Computer (Refurbished): https://geni.us/tBZelw
Buy a HP ProDesk 600G3 Computer (Refurbished): https://geni.us/fMtZK
Buy a UGREEN M.2 NVMe to PCI Express 3.0 x4 Adapter Card: https://geni.us/q4AUCp
Buy an ASUS XG-C100C m10G Network Adapter PCI-E x4 Card: https://geni.us/pLPAyJ

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

Discuss this on the forums: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1562123-we-downgraded-all-our-pcs-to-prove-you-don%E2%80%99t-need-a-new-one/

► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com
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► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@linustech
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linustech

Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
1:13 Requirements and Concerns
3:08 Welcome our new machines
3:40 What went well?
4:32 Power and GPUs
5:15 Networking
6:06 Compatibility Issues
8:46 Overall Experience
9:27 Conclusions

الممثل فان ديزل ماكسوس جي ٩٠ ٢٠٢٤ -‏ حسن كتبى

الممثل فان ديزل 😂 ماكسوس جي ٩٠ ٢٠٢٤ -‏ حسن كتبى

Maxus V90 Diesel Van review by Hasan Kutbi

و لا تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة👇
شاهد المزيد من الفيديوهات من هنا :https://bit.ly/2QfgXao
و اضغط علي زر الجرس 🔔 حتي يصلكم كل جديد

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