2024 Ford Ranger: 5 Cool Things | MotorTrend

Check out these neat features on the new Ranger.

#MotorTrend #Ford #FordRanger

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

Everyone Needs This and it’s Under $10 – Handy Tech Under $100

Try Rocket Money for free: https://RocketMoney.com/ltt #rocketmoney #personalfinance

Check out the compact, yet powerful Nexode X 65W wall charger:

Ugreen Nexode X 65W: https://bit.ly/3x5a0RS
Ugreen Nexode Series: https://bit.ly/4cmbh77

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

Handy tech is back to protect your batteries, tame Windows volume control, avoid dangerous USB ports, and cut down on the environmental impact of PC repair.

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1563243-everyone-needs-this-and-it%E2%80%99s-under-10-handy-tech-under-100/

Buy a Charge-O-Matic: https://geni.us/DjqV
Check out Deej on GitHub: https://lmg.gg/v8TYM
Buy Altoids Mints: https://geni.us/oOZDXC
Buy Prusament PLA Prusa Galaxy Black 1KG: https://lmg.gg/NlhQu
Check out the USBvalve on GitHub: https://lmg.gg/8ilyf
Buy a CAGIWIRU Electronic Air Duster: https://geni.us/m8LzrF

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

STL files for our Deej Enclosure are attached to the Forum Post here:

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
0:34 Charge-O-Matic
2:48 Deej Volume Mixer
8:12 USBvalve
11:31 USB Air Duster
12:23 Disclosure Time
14:17 Outro

The Stealthiest Tech Upgrade – AMD $5000 Ultimate Tech Upgrade

Thanks again AMD for sponsoring this series! Check out the link below to learn more about their Radeon GPU offerings!


AMD IS BACK BABY!!!! This time there was a computer upgrade, NAS, WIFI Upgrade, and even fire! Join us as Jake Bells shows off his record collection, his new Frame TV and all of his retro tech!

GIVEAWAY: https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1769779096303587735?s=20

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1563164-the-stealthiest-tech-upgrade-amd-5000-ultimate-tech-upgrade/

Check Out the Tech from Jake’s Ultimate Upgrade! Thanks AMD!


Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com
► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane
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► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
1:36 Snooping around
3:10 WiFi upgrade
4:39 Pinball Machine
5:23 RIP Pinball Machine
6:41 New WiFi who dis
6:47 TV
7:52 What’s going in where??
8:46 PC upgrade
10:46: ShortCircuit.com
11:21 Does it post?
11:45 Mirror Upgrade
13:04 NAS Upgraded!
13:43 Art Membership
14:09 Camera Upgrade
15:18 Stuffing the pinball machine
17:35 VR/AR Upgrade
20:49 This man spent way too much on records
21:34 Living room setup
22:05 Wrist Upgrade
22:23 Coffee Upgrade??
22:42 Finishing the setup
23:38 We gaming
24:19 Elijah Redemption

I BUILT the Worlds Biggest Gaming TV

Thanks CoPilot Fitness for sponsoring today’s video! Head to https://go.mycopilot.com/LinusTechTips to get 14 days FREE with your own personal trainer.

It’s here—the biggest gaming display! It’s not by Hisense, it’s not Samsung’s The Wall, and it utterly embarrasses my 115″ TCL TV. By area, this is bigger than most IMAX screens and WAY better to game on. It’s a 2000″ inch tv!

Thanks Clark’s AV! – check them out at https://clarksav.com/

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1563014-i-built-the-worlds-biggest-gaming-tv/

Check out the Epson Pro L1505UH 3LCF Laser Projector: https://lmg.gg/0kGJS

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com
► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane
► SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: https://lmg.gg/partners
► EQUIPMENT WE USE TO FILM LTT: https://lmg.gg/LTTEquipment
► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linustech
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@linustech
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linustech

Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 If you thought part 1 was cool…
1:10 The hardware involved
5:09 Old vs. new
6:30 CoPilot
8:07 How to set up a massive video wall
12:25 Peak immersion

Finnegan’s Blasphemi vs. Freiburger’s F-Rod! | Roadkill

Finnegan and Freiburger go heads-up on the dragstrip in their eight-second project cars. After a road trip in the Blasphemi, the guys add a new supercharger and dyno tune the ’55 Hemi-powered Chevy to over 1,000 hp, before seeing how its new tech holds up against Freiburger’s old school, all-mechanical, big-block ’31 Ford Model A.

#motortrend #roadkill #blasphemi

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ https://quotes.motortrend.com

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@motortrend

MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

How Bad is This $10,000 PC from 10 Years Ago??

Check out the FlexiSpot E7 Plus, and their new comfy recliners, using the link below and use the code LINUSE7P50 for $50 off on your order of $500 or more:

E7 Plus standing desk: https://bit.ly/3ULALEA
FlexiSpot Recliners: https://bit.ly/4cn1T3k

Can you really future proof? The Classified SR-2 seems to think so, and we’re maxing out its upgrade path to see what it can REALLY do with 24 threads from 2011.

Do You OC?: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxNdJXdAaCmOIKUV9fHesS7-pDWcw4A1wM

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1562866-how-bad-is-this-10000-pc-from-10-years-ago/

Buy a Samsung SSD 850 EVO 2TB SSD: https://geni.us/dbZt8As
Buy an EVGA Supernova 1600 T2 PSU: https://geni.us/IaGmV
Buy Corsair 1600MT/S CL9 1x4GB DDR3 RAM: https://geni.us/5ctrysL

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com
► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane
► SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: https://lmg.gg/partners
► EQUIPMENT WE USE TO FILM LTT: https://lmg.gg/LTTEquipment
► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

Twitter: https://twitter.com/linustech
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LinusTech
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linustech
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@linustech
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linustech

Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
1:36 The SR-2
2:25 The Rest of the Build
5:30 The GPU
7:00 Overclock
8:30 Quad SLI
15:40 Time for a Modern Card
19:30 Conclusion
21:47 Outro

This Is A Royal Disaster – WAN Show March 15, 2024

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Podcast Download: https://pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/C76EG6/traffic.megaphone.fm/LMG4626229957.mp3?updated=1710782568

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:40 Intro
2:05 Topic #1 – Kate Middleton’s Mother’s Day photo scandal
6:08 Linus on royal followers, Luke on the ring & Mother’s Day
8:41 Signs of image & face edits, Linus’s face, GoT, “royal” names
12:06 Linus on how this scandal is a huge moment, WAN Show live on Twitter
13:38 Linus on trained AI, Luke asks why they’d use AI over photoshopping
19:56 Linus’s favorite comment, Luke on “King cash,” Terry Fox Foundation collab
24:50 New passport design
25:48 Topic #2 – Cars now sell driving data to data brokers
28:44 Linus on lack of laws against data collectors, insurance struggles
32:35 Linus asks Luke how many people should hear about this
40:01 LTTStore’s new tax write-off shirt, Luke is confused
44:51 Tax write-off, 30×30 CPU pillows & color block hoodies sale
47:28 Linus explains why, Luke asks why prove a point, Linus on education
52:22 Number of shirts sold, Linus on MCM’s magnets & pricing
1:00:53 Power bar key & power brick holders
1:03:45 Luke asks for a demo, MCM cable ties & arches, key hack-ability
1:10:04 MCM sizes, VHB plates, magnetic axis, MCM work newsletter
1:17:54 Dan is doing his best, Super Chexx FP exclusive, Ludwig collab
1:20:57 Topic #3 – Luke wants to fight Ludwig, punishment PC
1:22:22 City of Surrey disallows hosting LAN at Badminton center
1:23:37 Luke thinks Linus cheated on him, “BDSM exclusive”
1:25:09 Linus on Ludwig’s talent, Luke’s favorite YouTube video
1:26:48 Merch Messages #1 ft. Limited dashboard
1:27:36 Future LMG running on only LTTStore? Good changes to the company?
1:31:16 Linus shows message from Nick, calls Nick, “grey shirt”
1:34:38 Did you do well on school writing? When did you hire the first writer?
1:36:40 How would the removal of hyperthreading impact performance?
1:39:45 Luke points out Nick’s funny LTTStore edits, hoodies sold out
1:41:32 Sponsor – Ridge
1:42:42 Sponsor – Squarespace
1:43:47 Sponsor – Vessi
1:44:46 Merch Messages #2 ft. Too many MMs
1:45:12 Origin of Luke’s “BYE” ft. KB-460 video, Jake’s search AI tool
1:51:48 Nick finds more pink & periwinkle shirts
1:53:09 Topic #4 – Airbnb bans indoor security cameras
2:01:48 Nick finds more things to write off, “HOLD ON”
2:03:09 Topic #5 – European Parliament votes to adopt EU’s AI Act
2:05:45 Problem bros, Luke on a walking clinic, NON medical advices
2:08:05 Topic #6 – Notebookchecks’s article criticizes LTT’s PS5 video
2:20:48 Linus on media coverage, Luke’s experience with collabs
2:22:51 LTT’s fast network video, FCC renews definition of Broadband
2:28:22 Jake’s AI tool, Nick lists more clothes for sale, Linus’s hair
2:34:17 Unit count increased, revenue & profit dropping down
2:35:23 Topic #7 – AMD requires 144 Hz spec to be eligible for FreeSync naming
2:35:36 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark, comfort food
2:36:36 Anything LTTStore customers focused on you didn’t expect them to?
2:38:26 Why don’t we see sturdy shuttles that behave like feathers?
2:40:48 Dan appreciation merch message
2:41:10 What criteria do you use to give juniors admin passwords to infra?
2:45:07 Is Linus open to criticism?
2:49:17 Hardest part of selecting the components for each MCM pack?
2:50:19 What body part would you replace with titanium?
2:51:14 Dan cried in the server room (real), Super Chexx, airport
2:54:01 Between Yvonne & Luke, who had the most development?
3:05:54 How did Linus like the hydrafacial? Would he get another?
3:15:07 Cool milestones Luke hit with his birds ft. Butterfly needles
3:17:46 Why do some YouTube companies blur a logo?
3:20:01 “LTT screwdriver is made in the largest man-made mineshaft”
3:20:33 Did you see the Star Wars: Battlefront re-release?
3:21:23 Have the improvements in wafer yields caused the end of entry CPUs/GPUs?
3:22:40 LTT screwdriver compromises? ft. MMs, Linus’s alarm
3:26:45 Dan’s favorite retro game?
3:28:21 What screws must you use with the MCM?
3:30:01 Does Luke’s team hire US citizens? ft. Struggling with MMs
3:30:53 What LTTStore product would you want to have a V2 update?
3:32:44 What side project idea should I do? ft. V2 ABC’s book
3:34:25 How do you measure success in your lives outside of views?
3:39:14 Twitch very thin undershirt “idea”
3:40:13 Most important equipment not to skimp on to get onto YouTube?
3:40:45 Outro ft. Super Chexx after party, merch messages fly-by

How bad is Thermal Throttling?

Thank you Nexigo for sponsoring this video! Check out the HelloCam Pro which we filmed this short on: https://viralnation.link/LTTxHelloCamYTS7

#sponsored #techtips

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► EQUIPMENT WE USE TO FILM LTT: https://lmg.gg/LTTEquipment
► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

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