We’ve featured a diverse group of guests here on The InEVitable—from actors to comedians to students to chefs—but we’ve never had on an expert on “bone-breaking forces.” Until now! Meet Dr. Lotta Jakobsson, Volvo’s senior technical specialist on injury prevention. Lotta—a biomechanical engineer— has worked for Volvo since 1989. That means she’s devoted her career to making some of the world’s safest vehicles even safer. With a particular focus on whiplash, Dr. Jakobsson won the Safety Engineering Excellence award from NHTSA for, “her outstanding contributions in extending the biomechanics knowledge and improving vehicle safety design.” Lotta is also an engineering professor at Chalmers University Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. Join us for a wide-ranging, eye-opening conversation with the good doctor safety, human beings, and the future of the automobile. https://bit.ly/3FoXZsi
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