The Uncertain Future Of Jared Leto’s Joker

Should Jared Leto have the chance to suit up as the Joker again? Subscribe to our channel:

The rumours have been swirling around Jared Leto and his depiction of the Joker. Screen Rant is here to catch them and pin them down.

When Leto was first cast in the role, people were excited. He was coming off a riveting, controversial turn as Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club, a role that won him an Oscar, and he seemed super dedicated to his new character.

Unfortunately, though, he took it too far. His castmates did not take kindly to his “presents” which included live rats, dead pigs and used condoms. Margot Robie’s new Birds of Prey proceeded sans-Leto and, apparently, so will the rest of the DCEU.

Part of the reason is Joaquin Phoenix, who knocked it out of the park with his interpretation of the Clown Prince. JOKER, controversy aside, is a more thoughtful, interesting movie than Suicide Squad and also looks like it will make more money. So, this looks like it will be the way forward for Warner Bros and DC.

What about Leto? Having been left out of a high-paying gig that could also have landed him an Oscar, the 47-year-old is not happy. Could he be angry, even? We’ve got an out-there theory about how the ageing Gucci-lover/emo-rocker will take the snub. We hope you enjoy!

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