TB#4 – Electrical Sparks in Slow Motion

Here’s where you can try the new Watchdogs Digital Shadow experience! http://www.watchdogs.com/digitalshadow

Electricity sparks off an array of molten metal spheres that resemble the fabric of the cosmos. 800 times slower than real life. (Filmed @ 10,000fps and 25,000fps)

Time Benders are super slow motion clips of random events and experiments.

For more experiments and other projects, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com


Thanks to Ubisoft’s “Watchdogs” for sponsoring this video: The new game launched May 27th, 2014 and is set in Chicago, where a central network of computers called ctOS connects everyone and everything, Watch_Dogs explores the impact of technology within our society. Playing as Aiden and using the city as your weapon, you will embark on a personal mission to inflict your own brand of justice.

Special thanks to Darren Dyk from “Beyond Slow Motion” for filming my experiments and making this series possible.
See his videos: http://www.youtube.com/beyondslowmotion
Subscribe to his channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/beyondslowmotion?sub_confirmation=1

Extra special thanks to my friends Scott & Brendo for letting me use their songs “Tin Man” and “Calling Out” Instrumentals). If you like their music, you can download it here: http://bit.ly/ScottBrendoiTunes

Equipment info:

“High-Speed footage shot on an NAC HX-1 camera

Lit with F&V R100 & Z180 lights provided by F&V Lighting

WARNING: There are most likely risks and dangers associated with these experiments that could cause harm or injury. This video is for demonstrational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be duplicated. Use of video content is at your own risk.

Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about