PLAYSTATION VS XBOX – Who will be the best in 2018? Which side are you on?
SONY VS. MICROSOFT: E3 2018. With E3 promising the best of the best, the question on everyone’s mind, as is every year, is which company will come out on top?
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Sony or Microsoft: Who’s going to come out on top 2018.
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The times, they are a changin’. Games are coming out from indie devs and AAA studios now more than ever thanks to the advent of digital media, however, one thing still hasn’t changed in the video game industry: E3. Yes, it’s that time of year again where we don our favorite gaming company’s hat and root for them to come out on top.
The rumors that pop up before E3 has become kind of a passtime for fans from all walks of life and fandoms. What do people look forward to most in an E3 showcase? The exclusives and the possibility of a new system, and boy do we have plenty of those from Sony and Microsoft.
There have been plenty of rumors and speculations about the new Xbox console. In addition, the PlayStation 5 has also been rumored to be teased during the Sony presentation. Whether the new systems are teased or not is irrelevant for the most part because what’s more pressing to gamers now are the exclusives. Who’s going to come out on top? Well, in this video, we’re going to try and answer that exact question. The question of which one to root for though, is up for you to decide. In this video, we’ll be taking a look at what exactly each company is bringing to the table. We might give our opinion on some topics, but at the end of the day, we want you to decide based on the evidence we provide.
Script by: Zack Latino
Voice Over by: Grant Kellett
Edited by: Lev Seidl
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