A first look at the Facebook feeds of your favorite Horror movie characters… Happy Halloween!
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If Horror Movies Had Facebook
Your favorite Horror movie characters from movies like IT, Psycho, Carrie, Silence of the Lambs, Saw, Babadook, Dracula, the Ring, and Chucky interact in one happy social medium, Facebook

Alex Walker Smith:
Dracula, Hannibal Lecter, Jigsaw, Norman Bates, Norma Bates

Jeremy Olenski:
Pennywise, Chucky

Kelly Sparrman – http://instagr.am/ksparr
Rachel Keller, Marion Crane, Annabelle

Amanda Philipson – http://www.twitter.com/philipsonamanda
Samara, Tiffany, Clarice Starling, Amelia Vanek

Kira Halling – http://instagr.am/KiraHalling / http://facebook.com/kirahalling
Facebook, Beverly Marsh, Amanda, Carrie White

Ryan Tellez
Bill Denebrough, Sheriff Romero, Warner Bros

Michael Schroeder
Richie Tozier

Brian Fisher
Stanley Uris

Mike Hanlon

Michael Adams Davis
Ben Hanscom, Universal Studios,

David Odom
Eric Matthews, Babadook

Written by Michael Barryte

Edited by Chance Cole

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