Habitable Worlds: What Conditions for Life Are Really Important?

There is a fascinating workshop being held this week in Baltimore at the Space Telescope Science Institute: Habitable Worlds: Across Time and Space.

The symposium is designed to provide discussion of topics related to the challenges life faces both beginning and developing on a planetary body — either within our solar system or on distant #Exoplanets  

+Tony Darnell, +Carol Christian , physicist Eva Villaver, and +Mario Livio will hold a hangout this week to discuss, among a great many other interesting topics:

•How well does the specific challenges facing habitability on Earth extend to other planets in our solar system and exoplanets?
•What role does the galactic habitable zone play? How important is it?
•What are the limits to Earth-like life?
•Habitability of planets and moons during all phases of stellar evolution
•Habitability in low-luminosity environments

We hope you can make it live. But if you can’t, remember that it will be archived on our YouTube Channel.  Please bring any questions and comments and we’ll try to answer them. 

See you there!

Find out more about the Habitable Worlds Symposium here:

Watch webcasts of the talks here: