GTA 5 PC Cheats Guide: Items, Vehicles, Player & World Effects

You can use these GTA 5 pc cheat codes to get items, vehicles, and create effects on your character, or the open world you play in.


o Drunk Mode: 1-999-547-861

o Explosive Melee Attacks: 1-999-4684-2637

o Fast Run: 1-999-228-8463

o Flaming Bullets: 1-999-462-363-4279

o Invincibility: 1-999-724-654-5537

o Max Health & Armor: 1-999-887-853

o Raise Wanted Level: 1-999-3844-8483

o Recharge Ability: 1-999-769-3787

o Skyfall: 1-999-759-3255

o Slow Motion Aim: 1-999-332-3393


o Parachute: 1-999-759-3483
o Weapons: To be announced


o Change Weather: 1-999-625-348-7246

o Moon Gravity: 1-999-356-2837

o Slippery Cars: 1-999-766-9329

o Slow Motion: 1-999-756-966


o BMX: 1-999-226-348

o Buzzard Helicopter: 1-999-289-9633

o Buzzard Helicopter 2: 1-999-846-39663

o Comet Sports Car: 1-999-266-38

o Limousine: 1-999-846-39663

o Motorbike: 1-999-762-538

o Rapid GT sports car: 1-999-727-4348

o Dual-sport dirtbike: 1-999-633-7623

o Stunt Plane: 1-999-2276-78676

o Garbage truck: 1-999-872-433