Fortnitemares Things You Didn’t Know
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Fortnitemares is upon us! Epic Games and Fortnite Battle Royale have brought the big guns this time, and all the scary and horror inducing skins, events, and enemies are on display! Everytime a new event happens, however, there are always some Fortnite secrets in store. These Fortnite tips for halloween can help you have the upper hand during Fortnitemares, and also give you a laugh… Fortnite halloween event has happened before, but this time we have Fortnitemare challenges too, which are JUST a bit spookier than regular Fortnite challenges. Have you ever watched a zombie dance in game with the boogie bomb? Well, you’re about to! Stick with us at TheGamer to see the latest tips, every time!
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Script, Voice Over, & Edit:
Wes Beach (@MrWesBeach)
Featuring footage from:
Its4G – Daily Fortnite Content