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Top 10 Celebrities Who Never Graduated High School – Best of WatchMojo

Top 10 Celebrities Who Never Graduated High School – Best of WatchMojo
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First things first: we’re not trying to encourage you all to drop out of high school. Getting an education is important – but, it’s also not for everyone. These lucky and passionate celebs managed to make it work for them, so if you decide to follow the same path, make sure to carefully consider all the possibilities. On that note, there are so many successful celebs who’ve done this that we clearly couldn’t have included them all here. But yes, we could have mentioned Eminem, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Johnny Depp, and more! Who else would you have liked to have seen? Vote on the current list and/or add your own picks on the Suggest page:

The “Best of WatchMojo” is a new series that highlights some of our biggest and best videos. Since these videos originally published we’ve added millions of subscribers and viewers who may not have seen these videos. Watch it again for the first time!

School’s not for everyone, and these successful celebs proved that a high school diploma isn’t always necessary. Join WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Celebrities Who Never Graduated from High School.

Check out more great celebrity content from WatchMojo:
Top 10 Notorious Celebrity Gold Diggers: https://youtu.be/lXk5LSOGC_8
Top 10 Celebrity Pranks – Best of WatchMojo: https://youtu.be/FxCJlUi0sJE
Top 10 Celebrities Who Were Cheated on While Pregnant: https://youtu.be/WaMgde0l0Lw

#10. Quentin Tarantino
#9. Robert Downey, Jr.
#8. Robert De Niro
#7. Nicolas Cage
#6. Tom Cruise
#5. Hilary Swank
#4. Jim Carrey
#3, #2 & #1: ?

Watch on WatchMojo: http://www.watchmojo.com/video/id/16364

Special thanks to our users thrilla04, Danzel Sunny D Curti and suizocomal for submitting the idea. Check out the suggest page here: https://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/Top%2010%20Celebrities%20Who%20Never%20Graduated%20High%20School

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Top 10 Epic Superhero Resurrections

Top 10 Epic Superhero Resurrections
Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD //
Have a Top 10 idea? Submit it to us here! http://watchmojo.com/suggest
Superheroes don’t stay dead, but that doesn’t mean that their resurrections can’t at least be memorable, even awesome in some cases. These are the superhero resurrections that stand out in terms of their originality, unexpectedness, and of course, epicness.

Here’s a list of the character who die over, and over, and over again –
Top 10 Comic Characters Who Keep Dying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQXzGsOlV7s

Have an idea you want to see made into a WatchMojo video? Check out our suggest page at http://watchmojo.com/suggest and submit your idea.

List Rank and Entries
#10: Jean Grey
#9: Elektra
#8: Hal Jordan / Green Lantern
#7: Batman
#6: Patsy Walker / Hellcat
#5: Spider-Man
#4: Jason Todd / Robin
#3, #2, #1: ?

For more great content: http://watchmojo.com/

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Honor 9 Lite Full Review | المظلوم ؟!

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Oppo F7 Full Review | أكثر مما تتوقع !!

المراجعة الكاملة لاوبو F7

يمكنك شراء الهاتف من الروابط التالية
Oppo F7 4GB
Oppo F7 6GB

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اودي ايه ٨ A8 ٢٠١٨ دبي حسن كتبي

سيداتي انساتي سادتي اسمحوا لي ان اهديكم مشاهدة تجربة اودي ايه ٨ A8 ٢٠١٨ دبي حسن كتبي – الف مليون شكرا لمتابعتكم الكريمة اخوكم حسن ناجي كتبي وكل رمضان وانتم بخير وسلامة انتم ومن تحبون