After observing the effects of illegal logging on the Surui indigenous people’s territory in Google Earth, Chief Almir Surui began using Google Earth to protect the rainforest and preserve his people’s way of living in harmony with the rain forest.
Google Earth Hero: Project Kaisei
The North Pacific Gyre, where garbage in the Pacific Ocean swirls in an eddy of indeterminable size, was the destination for the Kaisei Project . Tracking their path in Google Earth and Maps along the way, they experimented with turning plastic particles from the “Plastic Vortex” into diesel fuel.
Google Earth Hero: Appalachian Voices
Appalachian Voices, a grassroots environmental group in North Carolina, has educated millions of people, inluding policy-makers and legislators, about the destructive mining process called ‘mountaintop removal’ by flying people over the 470 mine sites in Appalachia in Google Earth.
Social Search demonstration
Maureen Heymans, Technical Lead, demonstrates the features of Google Social Search.
Introducing the Street View Trike
The Street View trike lets us take pictures of places that are not accessible by car. Learn more about the trike at
Local Business Centre Introduction to India
Go to Local Business Centre: | Create a Local Business Centre listing to help customers find your business on Google and Google Maps. Now you can use the power of Google’s data to learn where your customers come from and what they search for to find you.
Google Maps for mobile Layers
A video demonstration of the new Layers feature of Google Maps for mobile. View layers of information such as Wikipedia, My Maps, and traffic.
What is a browser?
Basic explanation of the web browser. Learn more at
Google SketchUp Pro: Case Study
Google SketchUp Pro Case Study with Mortenson Construction. SketchUp Pro is software for creating and presenting professional 3D models. Learn more at