
Google+: Sparks

James introduces Sparks with a few thoughts on why we share the things we’re interested in. Check out some ways we’ve been rethinking real-life sharing for the web at plus.google.com.

Google+: Instant Upload

Jon introduces Instant Upload with a few thoughts on how we remember the things that matter. Check out some ways we’ve been rethinking real-life sharing for the web at plus.google.com

Google+: Circles

Jed introduces Circles with a few thoughts on the nature of friendship. Check out some ways we’ve been rethinking real-life sharing for the web at plus.google.com.

Search Out Loud with Voice Search

Now you can talk instead of type to search on google.com. All you need is Google Chrome 11 or higher and a built-in or attached mic. Learn more about Voice Search at: http://www.google.com/insidesearch/voicesearch.html