Hasan Kutbi Covering Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 before & after Borla Exhaust installed – jeddah Saudi Arabia
لاحظو الفرق قبل و بعد – اوركسترا تعزف سيمفونية ميكانيكية
Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review
See how the world searched with Google’s 2012 Zeitgeist:
Music: “All I Want” by Kodaline
Video production by Whirled Creative
تجربة جيب SRT8 و تشالنجر SRT8 بقيادة حسن كتبي – جدة
Hasan Kutbi Testing Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 & Challenger SRT8 Jeddah Saudi Arabia
2 X 470hp V8 SRT8 engines 6.4L Jeep Grand Cherokee + Challenger
تجربة قيادة اودي S6 حسن كتبي جدة
Hasan Kutbi Testing new Audi S6 2013 Jeddah Saudi Arabia
420Hp V8 TT 4.6 Sec. acceleration 0-100Km
Google.org Global Impact Awards
We’re proud to announce the first recipients of our new Global Impact Awards, which support organisations using technology and innovative approaches to tackle some of the world’s toughest human challenges. From real-time sensors that monitor clean water to DNA barcoding that stops illegal wildlife trade, our first round of awards provide $23 million to seven organisations that are changing the world.
Messages BETA for Mac OS X Lion OVER!
Bad news 🙁 MessagesBETA for MAC OS X Lion ends December 14th 2012
The only way of keeping the app is upgrading to OS X Mountain Lion
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Google app: Replacement Umpire
A replacement umpire finds himself a little out of his league and asks Google for help making the right call.
More info: http://www.google.com/insidesearch/features/
Availability: Spoken response is currently available to those with the Google app set to US-English.
Take Action: Add Your Voice to Keep the Internet #freeandopen
Tell the world’s governments you support a free and open web at http://www.google.com/takeaction.
Starting December 3rd, the world’s governments are meeting behind closed doors at the ITU to discuss the future of the Internet. Some governments want to use this meeting in Dubai to increase censorship and regulate the Internet.
Tell the world’s governments you support a free and open web at http://www.google.com/takeaction. Then spread the word with #freeandopen.
It is ours and it is free.
A free and open world
depends on a free and open web.
And a free and open web
depends on me.
Shortlists on Google Shopping
Save products you like to a Shortlist. Invite friends to share ideas and feedback.