
New Technique Increases Hubble’s Precision by a Factor of 10

Astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute have devised a new technique that allows the +Hubble Space Telescope to more accurately measure distances to stars within our galaxy – up to 10 times farther than previously possible using a method known as parallax.

Parallax is the most reliable method for directly measuring distances to stars within our galaxy. It uses the geometry of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun to see tiny, almost imperceptible shifts of background stars behind the object being measured.

Previously this technique was only effective for distances up to 750 light years. Anything further away and we couldn’t see the background stars shift; the change was too small.

This new capability allows astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope to measure parallax distances up to 7,500 light years away – an astonishing increase in precision of a factor of 10!

Please join us as +Tony Darnell and +Scott Lewis discuss this new technique with Dr. Adam Riess, winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics and Dr. Stefano Casertano, the developers of this new ability for #Hubble .

Women Techmakers: Make your passion.

We’re all driven by passion. Hear from innovative women leaders as they share their personal stories, solutions, and impact on the technology industry. Featuring:

Suzanne Xie (Founder and CEO of Hullabalu)
Jeannie Yang (Chief Product and Design Officer at Smule)
Kelly Ellis (Software Engineer at Google)
Brynn Evans (Design Lead at Google)
Limor Fried (Lead Engineer and Founder at Adafruit Industries)
Ashley Gavin (Director of Curriculum at Girls Who Code)
Shannon Spanhake (Deputy Innovation Officer for the City of San Francisco)
Joanna Smith (Developer Programs Engineer at Google)
Mary Lou Jepsen (Head of Display Division at Google[x])
Megan Smith (Entrepreneur at Google[x])
Jay Wong (UI Designer and Prototyper at Google)
Bandana Malik (Student at The Flatiron School)
Jenny Young (Owner of Brooklyn Robot Foundry)
Heidi Zak Spector (Co-Founder at ThirdLove)
Aminatou Sow (Founder of Tech LadyMafia)
Cassandra Dixon (Support Engineer at Fastly)
Natalie Gordon (CEO and Founder at BabyList)

Visit g.co/WomenTechmakers for more information about the Women Techmakers program.

Highlights from the Vint Cerf Hangout

Watch the whole Hangout: http://goo.gl/7DrByi
Join Take Action: http://google.com/takeaction

Vint Cerf, a father of the Internet, participated in a Hangout that was hosted by Leo Laporte and watched by thousands of people around the world. Vint answered questions submitted by viewers about the Internet’s past, present, and future. Here are some of our favorite moments.

2013 Dodge Police Charger: Police Chase Los Angeles! – World’s Fastest Car Show Ep 4.3

The Dodge Pursuit Police Charger is proof that the bad guys aren’t the ones having all the fun. Justin tests the vehicle’s celebrated handling abilities in a chase through Downtown Los Angeles in this week’s episode of World’s Fastest Car Show.

World’s Fastest Car Show appears every other Friday on the Motor Trend channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend

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Silver/Copper/Nickel Alloy

Melting down 1 gram bars of Silver, Copper, Nickel and Brass with hydrogen and oxygen. Brass is already an alloy of copper and zinc, and did not melt down easy as a I learned from my Brass, Lead and Gunpowder video. I then combine the three workable metals Silver, copper and nickel to create…….Silvcopickel

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Way of a Warrant

How Google responds to U.S. search warrants, while working hard to protect our users’ privacy and security. Learn more about how we handle requests: http://google.com/transparencyreport/userdatarequests

Junkyard Turbo Swap! Chevy-Powered 1971 Datsun 240Z Autocross Thrash – Roadkill Ep. 26

What do you get when you cross a rusted 1971 Datsun 240Z with a Chevy 4.3L V6 and a turbo from a Ford Power Stroke Diesel? The Rotsun! During Roadkill Episode 25, Freiburger and Finnegan revived the Rotsun expecting it to dominate in the 9-car autocross showdown of previous Roadkill project cars. It also needed to beat a 2014 Kia Rio 5, but failed to do so with the Rotsun shamefully breaking down before completing a decent lap. So in this episode: revenge. After swapping in the mismatched turbo and making nearly 400 rear-wheel horsepower, the guys head to the autocross at the Goodguys 5th Spring Nationals in Scottsdale, Arizona and mingle with fans on their way to a rematch with that dastardly Kia.

Roadkill appears on the Motor Trend channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend

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The Making of Unnumbered Sparks


Learn about the making of Unnumbered Sparks, a monumental interactive sculpture in Vancouver, Canada created by artists Janet Echelman and Aaron Koblin for TED’s 30th anniversary. Choreographed by visitors in real time through their mobile devices, at night, the sculpture becomes a crowd-controlled visual artwork on a giant, floating canvas powered by Google.