
ラジオ体操 放送 86 周年記念 Doodle (86th Anniversary of Japanese Radio Calisthenics Doodle)

For 86 years, people in Japan have started out their days with this short calisthenics routine that’s broadcasted on Japanese national television.
Our Google letters are doing the same here.

様々な日常に溶け込んで日本の健康を支えてきたラジオ体操は、2014 年で 86 歳になります。
このラジオ体操の放送開始を記念して、Google ロゴたちも一緒に体操をして祝っています。

مشاهدة معرض اكسس الدولى ٨ جدة – حسن كتبي

ياسادة ياكرام أهديكم مشاهدة سريعة للمعرض اكسس اتمنى ان تحوز على إعجابكم المشاهدة طبعا شكرًا جداً لشركة بي أر ارابيا و للأخ عبدالله الصيدلي ولاتنسونا من من دعاؤكم

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HolaGoogle: Soy Xoco on Google Play

Xoco Moraza is blending a musical tradition with the modern beats he loves – and bringing that new sound to the mainstream. Learn how he uses Google Play

Xoco’s story is featured on Holagoogle.soy, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit holagoogle.soy to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.

HolaGoogle: Soy Ceci on Google Docs

After Hurricane Sandy, Ceci de Corral set out to help the community. She created a nonprofit for children, Arts in Parts, that has become una familia. Learn how she uses Google Docs.

Ceci’s story is featured on Holagoogle.soy, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit holagoogle.soy to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.