ياسادة ياكرام اهديكم تمقابلة فضل بخش دودج تشارجر ٢٠١ الرجاء ملاحظة انه هاذا اول فيديو اقوم باخراجه ومنتاجه فلرحمة حلوة شوية فو الانتقادات 🙂
2015 Ford Mustang GT – Redline: Review
A muscular V8 engine, slick-shifting 6-speed trans, an independent rear-suspension [finally], and one of the nicest cabins on the market make the 2015 Ford Mustang GT one incredibly desirable machine. Just be sure you’re ready to shell out the money to get the newest offering on the market.
The Google app: Questions
A question is the most powerful force in the world. It can start you on an adventure or spark a connection. See where a question can take you. The Google app is available on iOS and Android. Download the app here: http://www.google.com/search/about/download
Top 5 Best Ways To Destroy Your iPhone 6!
The ultimate life hacks all compiled to successfully ruin/destroy your iPhone 6. Works on any smartphone too!
Back to Black by Kilian
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Top 10: Mortal Kombat X Fatalities | TG10
In this Top 10 Mortal Kombat X Fatalities, TGN Partner Average Adam gives us his favorite Mortal Kombat fatalities from the latest Mortal Kombat game! Do you think he chose correct? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Could singer Maia Gough be the one to watch? | Britain’s Got Talent 2015
See more from Britain’s Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent
It’s fair to say the Judges seem a little sceptical when 12-year-old schoolgirl Maia Gough reveals her musical idol is Whitney Houston.
But the young singer from South Wales has the entire audience on their feet following her powerful performance of I Have Nothing.
“It was mind-blowingly fantastic,” says Amanda. Nuff said.
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Armageddon – Speed art (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation
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Will Jurassic World Suck? – MOVIE FIGHTS!
Shave Time. Shave Money. Visit http://dollarshaveclub.com/moviefights to get high quality bathroom supplies delivered directly to your door at a fraction of the price.
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Watch Nick Mundy’s comedy series Nothing to Report starring Chris Jericho! http://on.cc.com/1IkF0bs
Pick your FIGHT below! ▼▼
Dan Murrell (Editor of Screen Junkies) Roger Barr (founder of i-mockery) and Andy Signore (Creator of Honest Trailers) debate with guest host Nick Mundy (Conan & Screen Junkies) over the following Movie Fights for the week of 4/24:
0:06:58 FIGHT 1 – Fantastic Four trailer: Should we see the movie?
0:18:58 FIGHT 2 – Are we excited for Jurassic World?
0:31:24 FIGHT 3 – Pitch the ultimate Batman/Superman movie
0:49:39 FIGHT 4 – Team up 2 actors for the best buddy cop movie
0:59:29 FIGHT 5 – What real life person needs a biopic made of them?
1:11:10 FIGHT 6 – Can a solo Hulk movie work?
1:20:08 FIGHT 7 – Speed Round
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Nick Mundy – http://twitter.com/dickfundy
Dan Murrell – http://twitter.com/MurrellDan
Roger Barr – http://twitter.com/imockery
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Jason Inman – http://twitter.com/jawiin
Andy Signore, Dan Murrell & Jason Inman
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