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Friday The 13th: The Game – Before You Buy
Friday The 13th: The Game (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is a Jason Voorhees fan’s dream come true. But how exactly does this early access-style game work? Let’s talk.
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Castlevania | Teaser: Vengeance [HD] | Netflix
In darkness, a hero returns. Castlevania, a Netflix original series, arrives July 7.
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Castlevania | Teaser: Vengeance [HD] | Netflix
10 Superhero Actors Who Are Best Friends Outside The Avengers
Check out our video to see who are really best friends behind the masks and capes! Subscribe to our channel: https://goo.gl/wMuSDD
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Do the superheroes that populate the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the world of The Avenger have time for social lives? Well, judging by the scene in Avenger: Age of Ultron where they all have a few beers and try to lift Thor’s hammer, sure they do. They even seem to be friends with one another. What can’t be denied, however, is that they all seem to be friends off screen as well. Chris Pratt and Chris Evans, better known and Captain America and Star-Lord, had a friendly squabble over a Superbowl game. Robert Downey Jr, better known as Iron Man, once tended to Evans’ on-set injury. Hell, Downey was even gracious when an old flame, Marisa Tomei, was cast as Aunt May in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Though he’s married to someone else now, the two seem to get along famously. Downey also got along with his old friend James Spader, who he starred with in the 1987 film Less Than Zero. Other friendships that have sprouted up in wake of the MCU include the indie-cute pairing of Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson on the press tours for Avengers: Age of Ultron, the funny-named British bro-down between Benedict Cumberbatch, who recently made a splash as Doctor Strange, and his neighbour and bestie Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in the Thor series. Speaking of which, Hiddleston is also like a brother to his on-screen brother Chris Hemsworth. There are also a few more awkward friendships in here, such as the friendship between the two Hulks, Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo, or the troubled friendship between former War Machine actor Terrence Howard and Robert Downey Jr, although things seem to be patched up now.
Script by: Alan Randolph Jones
Voice Over by: Donovan Oliveira
Edited by: Simon Gilberg
Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson | 0:51
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans | 2:06
Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston | 3:17
Robert Downey Jr. and James Spader | 4:27
James Gunn and Oreo the Raccoon | 5:40
Ed Norton and Mark Buffalo | 6:47
Terrence Howard and Robert Downey Jr. | 7:51
Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbash | 9:09
Robert Downey Jr. and Marisa Tomei | 10:32
Chris Evans and Chris Pratt | 11:40
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