

An epic and funny Game of Thrones recap rap of Seasons 1-6!
Recap Raps – Harry Potter!

RECAP RAPS – Game of Thrones Seasons 1-6 in 4 Minutes

Before you start watching Game of Thrones season 7 on HBO, get quickly and humorously caught up with all of your favorite GoT characters, like: Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Arya Stark, Jaime Lannister, and more folks from Westeros! Who will it be that ultimately sits on the Iron Throne? Will it even matter because of, well, the WHITE WALKERS? Will Jon and Daenerys finally meet?! Will they BONE? AH! Gosh, we’re just so excited! 😀

Recap Raps is a music comedy series where we summarize your favorite pop culture movies and tv shows in a short delectable rap song!

Written by Ryan Tellez

Performed by Ryan Tellez

Chorus sung by Meghan Murphy

Music Produced by Danny Eldridge

Edited by Luke Baker

VFX Titles by Robert Holtby

Produced by Brian Fisher

– The Warp Zone –
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10 Movie Trailers That Were CHANGED For Other Countries (And Why)

What changed in the Spiderman Homecoming trailer? 10 Movie Trailers That Were CHANGED For Other Countries (And Why)! Subscribe to our channel :

Studios determine a movies success is by two things: name recognition and marketing. We all know that a Spider-Man film is going to be a box office hit regardless of its advertisement. Its brand recognition is just that strong – so films like Spider-Man: Homecoming, only needs to show us more in the international trailer.

But other movies need a great marketing campaign to get the film out there. Sometimes this involves making a trailer that actively deceives the audience into thinking the movie is something else. This has caused controversy with movies like Crimson Peak, where the audience were sold something different to what they saw. When it comes to cutting a trailer, deception is ironically key, a trailer company will try to sell you the idea of what a film could be, rather than what it actually is.

As a result, trailers can be both slightly, or wildly different depending on the country it’s released in. While some movies like Dunkirk, are selling an action movie in the place of a historical drama, and only tweak the trailers slightly – other movies like Iron Man 3 drastically changed everything, added in new characters that are barely present in the edited cut of the movie, and greatly mislead foreign audiences.

It’s not all bad though. Sometimes international and foreign movie trailers simply just show more of the action. While spoiler sensitive fans may not appreciate it, it’s certainly important in the eyes of the fans that want to see as much of the movie as possible, before the movie has come out.

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10 Movie Scenes That REFUSED To Use Digital Effects

How much of Spiderman Homecoming was actually real? 10 Movie Scenes That REFUSED To Use Digital Effects! Subscribe to our channel:

Every now and again, films come out and surprise audiences by having some amazing practical effects that challenge the need for digital effects. All of the shots in this video could have been done with CGI, but the filmmakers decided the only way to get the scene just right was to do it for real, without any help from the digital domain. So they went out and did it for real! Christopher Nolan truly is the champion of practical effects, delivering three films on this list that have inspired and awed audiences. Whether it’s the Dark Knight flipping a truck, Cooper being trapped in the fifth dimension in Interstellar or Nolan buying a $5 million vintage plane and crashing it, he’s ensuring all his shots are the real deal. Other filmmakers are doing similar stuff with their work. From Mad Max: Fury Road’s start to finish chase scene, Fate of the Furious’ falling cars to Tom Cruise doing some insane stunts all on his own. Either he’s hanging off the side of a plane in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, or he’s being tossed around in one with zero gravity in the 2017 remake of the Mummy. Even Spider Man looks like he’s getting in on the action, hanging off the side of a helicopter for the anticipated Homecoming film from Marvel. It looks like that despite the amazing wonders digital effects can do, many filmmakers want to do their work for real and limiting their dependance on digital effects. For this, we commend them and honor those films with our awesome list!

10 Actors Who Are Superheroes In Real Life

What heroic acts did Tom Holland do as Spiderman in real life? 10 Actors Who Are Superheroes In Real Life! Subscribe to our channel :

There are many actors and actresses who play superheroes on set who do heroic deeds off-set as well. You don’t need to be big, strong, or necessarily tough. Sometimes all it takes is being in the right place at the right time to do the right thing. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Jennifer Lawrence helps a woman who passed out in front of her apartment complex in Santa Monica in 2012.
Jamie Foxx helped free a man from his car after he ran into a drainage ditch. The car eventually rolled and caught fire. Jamie luckily helped rescue him before this happened. Zoe Saldana helped a woman who got in a car accident after she witnessed it first-hand.

Kate Winslet was able to rescue Richard Branson’s 90-year-old mother at his house in the Caribbean. The house caught fire from a possible lightning storm and Winslet was right there to help. Gwyneth Paltrow unknowingly saved a woman’s life on 9/11 after she almost crashed into her. The woman missed her train that was going to the World Trade Center right after the first plane hit. Blake Shelton helped four young men escape a mud hole near the Oklahoma river pulling them out with his tractor. Ryan Gosling saved a writer from getting hit by a taxi as she was about to cross 6th Avenue in New York City.

Harrison Ford rescued two different hikers in the same year in his helicopter as he was living on his ranch near Jackson, Wyoming.
Tom Holland, the new face of Spider-Man, stopped fighting crime for a little bit to bring some joy into the lives of children in hospitals.

Gal Gadot was a member of the Israel Defense Forces and was five months pregnant during part of the filming for Wonder Woman making her a real life superhero.

Will It Snow Cone? Taste Test

Today we ask the age old question: Will It Snow Cone? GMM #1160!
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We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show “Good Mythical Morning.” Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best! – Rhett & Link

Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett
Writer/Producer: Kevin Kostelnik
Writer/Producer: Micah Gordon
Writer/Producer: Ellie McElvain
Associate Producer: Chase Hilt
Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Additional Graphics/Editing: Matthew Dwyer
Art Director: Colin J. Morris
Production Assistant: Saagar Shaikh
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs
Intro Music: Pomplamoose
Outro Music: Pomplamoose
Wheel of Mythicality Music:
All Supplemental Music: Opus 1 Music |
Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones


A day in the less than amazing life of John Spiderman
Watch our Spider-Man Trilogy Recap Rap! ►

JOHN SPIDERMAN (Parody) – The Warp Zone

Before you see the new Spider-Man Homecoming movie, meet John Spiderman, your friendly neighborhood CPA. Forget high school, he’s got audits and taxes to worry about! Watch a normal day in his life as co-workers harass and ridicule him for his uncanny resemblance to the famous superhero Spider-Man. But, he doesn’t see it. To him, he’s just an average guy trying to get by like everybody else… though if the real Spider-Man wore a mustache, a coat, and glasses, he’d pretty much look identical to John Spiderman…


Ryan Tellez – John Spiderman
Josh Mattingly – Captain America
Joshua Ovenshire – Thug #1
Flora Gignac – Mugged Woman #1
Rebecca Doyle – Mugged Woman #2
David Odom – Derek (Office Bully) / Thug #2
Michael Adams Davis – Bill (Coffee Question Guy)
Ryan Turner – Phil (Interrupted Urine Guy)
Nassim Nadery – Office Co-Worker
Susanne Morris – Office Co-Worker
Chris Reese – Office Co-worker
Brian Fisher – Office Co-worker

Directed by Ryan Turner

Cinematography by Michael Schmidt

Production Designer – Taylor Frost

Sound Mixer – Robben Fenderson

Edited by Jarrett Conaway, Michael Schroeder, & Michael Davis

Sound Editing – Ryan Tellez

Color and VFX – Brian Fisher

Produced by Brian Fisher and David Odom

– The Warp Zone –
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10 Actors Caught In Awkward Moments With Their Co-Stars

What happened between Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio? 10 Actors Caught In Awkward Moments With Their Co-Stars! Subscribe to our channel :

Acting is a very strange profession. You’re out in the spotlight, but very few people know who you actually are. As a result it’s easy to get put into some awkward situations by both reporters, directors and other actors. After all you become famous as an actor by being someone other than you. It’s easy for people to get an idea in their head of how they should approach you, or what situations they should put you in without ever knowing if it’s appropriate.

Today we’re going to be looking at the times that actors and celebrities got caught up in awkward moments with their co-stars. While the most obvious example of this is the recent 2017 Oscars flub, which Mahershala Ali described as being very uncomfortable, because he didn’t want to take away from that moment. We’re instead going to talk about some less obvious examples.

We’ll be looking at reporters asking annoying questions, and getting suitable responses, like from Tom Hardy and Scarlett Johansson. We’re also going to get to see Robert Downey Jr. laugh at other people’s misfortunes. We’ll even think about every conceivable thing that could run through James McAvoy’s mind while he musters the courage to kiss Angelina Jolie on their first ever meeting.

Whether it’s Tom Cruise getting his face licked, or Chris Pratt sitting uncomfortably in a Jennifer Lawrence interview, we’re going to cover it and laugh for a bit. Come to think of it, why DID Spider-Man run onto the X-Men set?

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Five Stages of Watching A Spider-Man Reboot

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How It Should Have Ended
————–Previous Episodes——————–
How Moana Should Have Ended

How The LEGO Batman Movie Should Have Ended

How Rogue One Should Have Ended

How Beauty and the Beast Should Have Ended

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BAT BLOOD – A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:

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