
10 Games NO KID Would Want To Receive On Their Birthday

Parents just don’t understand. The Gamer knows they certainly try, but sometimes they end up gifting the wrong video games! We’re here to help with a list of games you definitely shouldn’t buy!

This is The Gamers list of 10 Games No Kid Would Want to Receive On Their Birthday.

Whats the worst game you’ve ever played?
Have you ever been gifted a bad video game?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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We’ve all been there. It’s your birthday and you’ve been dropping hints to everyone who will listen. You think you’re going to end up with the hottest game of the year, but somehow your parents fudged it up and bought some random Call of Duty knock off or, worse yet, some game you’ve never even heard of. Checking the Steam reviews usually leaves you in tears; that’s how bad that unknown game is. The Gamer promises that they meant well. They usually just don’t know any better.

Can you blame them though? Nowadays, there are so many ways to play games from all the various consoles to anything and everything on Steam. Back when your parents were gaming, they had to play the original Grand Theft Auto with bird’s eye view. That’s like walking 10 miles in the snow to school, both ways, and uphill. So don’t be so hard on them that they stop trying. At least they attempted to understand what’s trending even though they still think PewDiePie is a new dessert.

The Gamer made a list of games that they definitely shouldn’t buy you for your birthday. We know that they hear things like “simulator” and “streaming” and tend to get caught up on those words. We made sure to point out that these types of games are not what you’re looking for. Hopefully, this helps and you find the game of your dreams, wrapped up, and waiting for you next to your birthday cake. Please remember, The Gamer is not responsible for your parents’ bad choices. We tried. We really did.


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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We talked about Nintendo MISTAKES AND FAILS, so we thought we gotta talk about XBOX and PLAYSTATION as well!

This is TheGamer’s compilation of the 20 XBOX and PLAYSTATION Biggest MISTAKES And FAILS.

What do you think was the biggest fail? Let us know in the comments section below!


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10 MOST INAPPROPRIATE Game Moments That Will Ruin Your Childhood

INAPPROPRIATE GAMES! OH MY. There are some games you can show your parents and then there are those moments that make you think “Holy sh** what is wrong with these people?”

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 inappropriate moments in video games. Do you know of any inappropriate moments in gaming? Let us know in the comments section below!


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There are some games geared for kids and gamers of all ages. There are games made for hardcore, competitive gamers and then there is everything in between. For a majority of games, the rating system it is given and the content it puts forth is enough to inform you about what you are getting. Are you going to play a fun and casual visual novel or are you blasting the faces off your enemies and feasting on their entrails? Either way, gamers for the most part know what they are getting into when they play games.

However, there are some moments in video games that make you just stop and think “What in the hell were they thinking?” Perhaps the developer thought they were being cheeky and added in some secret glitch or code that showed some pixelated nudity. There are innocent little slip ups like that, but sometimes the envelope is pushed a little too far. Remember that time GTA San Andreas let players access actual porn? News outlets and parent groups had a field day with what is now known as the Hot Coffee mod.
Of course, moments like that are extreme, but we have a whole slew of cases just like that in today’s list where we take a look at some of the most outrageous moments in video games. If you liked this video, be sure to give us a like and follow us on Facebook. Be sure to check back in with TheGamer for more exciting video game lists.


Script by: Zack Latino

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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10 Nintendo DARK SECRETS That Made Kids Games Creepy

When a person thinks of Nintendo, there are a lot of positive elements that come to mind. The colorful world of Mario, the inventiveness of Zelda, and the creative minds behind Pokemon just to name a few. There are some things that probably dont come to mind: murder, animal abuse, and affairs. All of those elements are actually a huge part Nintendos gaming history. Even as Nintendo tries to portray themselves as family-friendly, its become harder to hide some of these creepy factors.


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All of those innocent NES games that you played as a child actually had a lot of creepy and shocking elements to them that people never fully realized until years later. Through research, game manuals, and a few Easter eggs, these creepy facts have been uncovered and shared with the world. Mario isnt the innocent hero we all remember. Some of your favorite Pokemon actually have incredibly disturbing backstories that involve death, children, and chilling events. The origins of Zelda and Link have a rumored revelation that turns out to be true. This includes Nintendo games for the NES, Super Nintendo, Game Boy, and later systems like the Wii and Wii U.

Watch to see whats been hidden, how some elements were created, and things that will change your view of Nintendo games forever. The next time you play your favorite Nintendo game, you can look back on this list and see how these facts are actually true. Share them with your friends and take this creepy Nintendo knowledge with you wherever you go.


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Kyle Mirzaian

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#منبولي | الحلقة السادسة

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10 Nintendo Biggest MISTAKES And FAILS

NINTENDO has done more for the video game industry than most other companies could possibly dream of ever doing. But along the way, Nintendo has also made its fair share of mistakes.

This is TheGamers list of Unforgettable Nintendo Video Game Mistakes. What mistakes stand out to you? Let us know in the comments section below!


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Take the Wii U for example. Seriously, just take it away. It’s a better system than lots of people give it credit for, but it was a failure out of the gate and it never found its footing. Another console that stumbled early thanks to Nintendo’s poor planning was the Nintendo 3DS. The system eventually found a dedicated player base, but it took more time than it should have. Going back further, another huge misstep was Nintendo’s failure to embrace CD technology in the Nintendo 64. That started Nintendo’s unfortunate trend of turning away from third-party developers who then flocked to the competition.

Speaking of competition, at one point in the ‘90s, after the release of the SNES, Nintendo had the chance to partner with Sony on a new piece of hardware. The plan failed, resulting in Sony’s release of the PlayStation and its successors, a set of consoles that would give Nintendo a trouncing most console generations. Then there was the Virtual Boy, which, the less said about it the better. And Nintendo’s utter failure to embrace the internet until way after its competitors had. In terms of peripherals, you can’t do much worse than the Power Glove even though it looked so cool! Even Nintendo’s latest big releases, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey, have their share of mistakes. Without further ado, here are 10 unforgettable Nintendo video game mistakes.


Script by: Chris Reed

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Kyle Anderson

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