
10 UNBELIEVABLE Mistakes Game Developers Made Without Getting Caught


Video games are a large operation with a massive budget, but even the best intentions won’t save developers from making a few mistakes along the way.

This is The Gamer’s list of 10 video game mistakes developers made without getting caught. What’s the funniest mistakes you’ve ever seen in a video game? Let us know in the comments section below!


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The creation of a video game from concept to completion is a huge task to accomplish. There are teams of people working on a single title at any given time and each one of them has their own job to undertake. Each of these parts, eventually, take shape together to create an entire, cohesive game. With so much work going into each and every video game title, one would think that mistakes are few and far between. Unfortunately, mistakes happen no matter what precautions are taken.

There is no amount of foresight which will rid a video game of mistakes entirely. The bigger the title, the bigger the mistakes seem to be and, although, there are teams upon teams of employees working toward the same goal, everyone is human. There is no way that every mistake will be caught and rectified prior to release. Most developers are aware of this no matter how much they attempt to combat mistakes in their own games. Thankfully, some developers are at least capable of laughing off their mistakes in hopes that they turn into a pop culture meme.

However, some mistakes in video games are just inherently funny. From bad translation to forgotten doors, most players can see the humor in these mistakes since they understand the amount of work that goes into creating a video game. Even though mistakes can be irritating to developers, they’re still funny nonetheless and some of them have even achieved legendary meme status over the years. Here are 10 video game mistakes developers made without getting caught. Enjoy!


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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10 Popular Video Games That LUIGI Broke Into

Luigi has always lived in Mario’s shadow, which is odd because he is the taller brother. Yet we haven’t seen him in very many Nintendo games.

This is The Gamer’s list of 10 Popular Video Games That LUIGI Broke Into.


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Luigi can jump higher and run faster than his shorter, more famous brother, yet we see Mario plastered all over Nintendo’s merchandise. In the 30+ years since the two brothers jumped onto the scene, we have seen Mario more times than any other Nintendo character to date, but what of Luigi? It has become a running joke for Luigi to be cast aside in favor for Mario, but, recently, we have seen Luigi take on an identity of his own. He has his own personality, his own games and even his own princess to chase after and rescue. In recent years, Luigi has gotten a share of the spotlight. One of the traditions that Mario and Luigi have had is being cameos in other Nintendo games and being featured in games that are not entirely Mario games. This can include being playable characters or being hidden away in the background for the critical eye to catch them.

Today, we are going to look at 10 games Luigi broke into. These entries will focus on games that feature the green Mario brother as a playable character and as a cameo. Do you have a favorite Luigi moment? Let us know down in the comments. If you like this video, follow TheGamer on Facebook. Also, subscribe to us on Youtube and check out our other videos, you might just find your next favorite video.


Script by: Zack Latino

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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10 Times Peach And Daisy Were ENEMIES

BEST FRIENDS DON’T LAST FOREVER. Princess Peach and Princess Daisy have been friends for over a decade, but the two Nintendo Princesses haven’t always gotten along.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 times Peach and Daisy were NOT friends. Who is your favorite princess? Let us know in the comments section below!


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Peach and Daisy have often been displayed as close friend, comrades and partners when it comes to a variety of Mario games. Despite their BFF status, there have been numerous times where Daisy and Peach squared off against each other in battle. It was more than just not being friends as these two brought out of the worst of each other in numerous Nintendo games.

Not only do Princess Peach and Daisy fight in official games, but many fans have been pitting the characters against each other for years. In Street Fighter X Tekken, custom mods showcase a violent battle between Peach and Daisy. Daisy’s early days in the Mario universe includes a love story with Mario as they both went behind Daisy’s back. Super Smash Bros. has yet to feature a playable Daisy character, but mod downloads have made it possible. There have been numerous Olympic challenges between Daisy and Peach, but nothing felt more personal than when the two strapped on boxing gloves. Soul Calibur 5 mods placed swords into the hands of the princesses as they clashed against each other. Mario Party 9 allows the two princesses to get into head to head battles in some of the craziest party games. Increasing their fight for love even further, Mario and Luigi joined in with them to do battle in a WWE 2K mod. A lot of digital fan fiction has been mad involving Daisy, Luigi, Peach and their extended love stories together. Watch to see 10 Times Peach and Daisy were NOT friends!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Kyle West

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#المعمل | المياه والزراعة – الحلقة السادسة عشر

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PEACH and LUIGI – Did Mario Miss His Chance?

Are Mario and Peach ACTUALLY dating? And what IS the deal with Luigi and Daisy? Nintendo has let us believe they are, but is it the truth?

This is The Gamers list of the top four reasons why PEACH and LUIGI would make a great couple!

-Could it work for Peach and Luigi?
-What couple do you think would make the best pair in the Mario games?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Most gamers assume Mario and Peach are in love and that Luigi and Daisy are dating. However, it may surprise you to learn that there is little-documented support in the Mario games or their manuals to confirm this. Nintendo has done a great job of being deliberately vague about the relationship status of the Mario.

While it is likely that the hunch of most gamers is correct, what if we considered another dating option in the Mushroom Kingdom? There are a few reasons why Princess Peach and Luigi could actually make a really great couple (if you’re willing to play along).

Mario has “dated” a few different characters throughout the games, starting in 1981 with Donkey Kong before he ever met Peach on the N64.

This list has four reasons why Peach and Luigi would make a great couple. Are they a better couple than Mario and Peach or Daisy and Luigi? Watch the video and decide.

Script by: Drew and Justin

Voice Over by: Drew and Justin

Edited by: Drew and Justin

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6 Seriously TERRIBLE Things Princess Daisy Has Done

SERIOUSLY TERRIBLE TRAITS OF PRINCESS DAISY. Some of you might be thinking how dare you call Princess Daisy terrible, but you might just change your opinion after you hear and see some of the things she’s done throughout her Nintendo career.

This is The Gamer’s list of terrible things Princess Daisy has done. For better or for worse, we had to see if she was really the good guy…we mean princess, she claims to be.

Do you like Princess Daisy as a character in the Mario series?
Do you think she deserves her own game?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Princess Daisy has starred in over 60 games in the Mario franchise which means she’s the second leading lady of the popular game series. But is there something much darker about Daisy’s personality that we’ve missed after all this time? You’ll have to join us to see what we’ve uncovered!

Daisy got to be the star in the first (and only) live-action film ever created for a Nintendo franchise game. Sure, it wasn’t very successful but, then again, they chose Daisy over Peach for the starring role and, who knows, maybe if Daisy didn’t steal the spotlight, the movie would have been better. Okay, who are we kidding, there wasn’t much to save the trainwreck the Super Mario Bros. movie was in 1993.

Daisy is a shallow character with very little depth to her, but the worst part is we just have to deal with it. She has Luigi, who is arguably one of the kindest and sweetest characters in the Mario series and yet, Daisy chooses to flirt with other characters to get her way. Shame on her for using her pretty looks to get what she wants.

Poor Luigi, he probably has no idea how flirtatious Daisy is. Oh, and did we mention Daisy is a cheater? No, silly, not that kind of a cheater, but she does like to cheat occasionally in games to tilt things in her favor. If you ever had the opportunity to play against Daisy in Fortune Street, we’re really sorry for her behavior, but maybe that’s who the true Daisy is? Maybe not. Either way, you should check out our video to see 6 seriously terrible things Princess Daisy has done!


Script by: Jen Weddle

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Kyle West

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