
5 Times People Took Super Mario Maker TOO FAR

These Super Mario Maker Levels Will Blow Your Mind!

Super Mario Maker brought a whole new level of creativity to Mario games…and a whole new level of insanity!

Super Mario maker was the first game that allowed us to create our very own levels for Mario to conquer. But just because we could all build Mario levels, doesn’t mean we all should.

This is The Gamers list of 5 Times People Took Super Mario Maker To The Next Level!

-What kind of levels are your favs in Super Mario World?
-Which ones do you KNOW you’re gonna hate, but try and beat ‘em anyway?
Let us know in the comments section below!

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Super Mario Maker brought a whole new level of creativity to Mario games…and a whole new level of insanity!

Super Mario maker was the first game that allowed us to create our very own levels for Mario to conquer. But just because we could all build Mario levels, doesn’t mean we all should.
This is The Gamers list of 5 times people took Super Mario Maker WAY too far!


Script by: Drew and Justin

Voice Over by: Drew and Justin

Edited by: Drew and Justin

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10 LIES You Were Told About NINTENDO

NINTENDO LIES. Here are 10 Myths You Were Told About Nintendo.

Nintendo is arguably the greatest video game company in the world. While they are adored by millions worldwide, a lot of those fans may have no idea what they are talking about and fed lies that the public now believes as true.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 lies you were told about Nintendo.

WHAT DO YOU THINK: Do you agree with this list? Are there any other Nintendo lies we may have missed? Let us know in the comments section below!

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You may think you know everything there is to know about Nintendo, but you probably don’t. Okay, sure, it’s definitely impressive that you can name each of the Koopalings, that shiny Mewtwo in your completed Pokedex is also pretty cool and maybe you can finish the Ocarina of Time’s Water Temple without swearing, but that doesn’t mean you know everything. Some of the most popular and well-known Nintendo facts are actually false no matter how many times you’ve heard them or wish they were true. It’s common knowledge that Mario was known as Jumpman in the Donkey Kong arcade game, but was that his original name? Many Nintendo gamers believe Donkey Kong is a mistranslation of “Monkey Kong,” but that is not the case. The NES wasn’t the first home console released by Nintendo. A lesser known console was released earlier, but only in Japan. Speaking of the NES, it’s very difficult to pinpoint when the original Super Mario Bros. was actually released. Contrary to popular belief, it’s actually pointless to blow into Nintendo cartridges. If you’ve played the original Metroid, you’ve heard of Justin Bailey, but did he work on the game? The movie The Wizard led us to believe gamers played Super Mario Bros. 3 at the Nintendo World Championships but it never happened. Nintendo didn’t even develop the Power Glove! While the characters of Star Fox may look like they have robotic legs, we assure you they are normal. Don’t even get us started on trying to understand the genders of Yoshi and Birdo. Without further ado, here are 10 lies you were told about Nintendo!


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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10 Bosses That Made It GAME OVER Before You Even Began

10 Bosses So Impossibly Hard They Ruin The Game

UNFAIR BOSS MOVES. Bosses have always been a way to test your skills, but sometimes, they’re flat out unfair. From overpowered attacks to incredible abilities, there is always something to put these bosses into a category of their own.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 boss moves that made it GAME OVER before you even began!

WHAT DO YOU THINK: What unfair boss moves do you know of? Do you know any tips and tricks to defeat any of these bosses? Let us know in the comments section below!


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Boss battles have been a staple of the video game industry for as long as we can remember. Games from the 80’s and 90’s were full of boss fights until things started to get a bit more cinematic like in The Last of Us. Ending a game on a defining moment or story point is great to lead up to a sequel, but in this day and age of instant gratification, we want to feel rewarded for our accomplishments. Enter the overpowered gargantuan boss. If you really want a rewarding feeling, try taking on any of the bosses mentioned in this video. They each have a specific move that can end you at any given time. Psycho Mantis’ reaction time is enough to make anyone go psycho until you learn his weakness. Riku’s Dark Aura attack is strong enough to let any player instantly regret entering the boss fight. Demyx’s Water Dance will end the fight as quickly as it started. Shao Kahn’s charge attack is relentless and will have you pulling your hair out. Even Flemeth’s most basic attacks will knock you back and frustrate you like no other. The Heretic Leader will clone himself to confuse you. Big Daddy’s melee attacks, including that big drill of his, can inflict some major damage. Ornstein’s lightning attacks are some of the strongest in Dark Souls and he still brought a friend with him. General Raam’s Swarm of Kryll is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Mike Tyson packs one hell of a punch, even in a video game. Without further ado, here are 10 boss moves that made it GAME OVER before you even began.


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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Top 10 Musicians Who Are Most Difficult To Work With

Top 10 Musicians Who Are Most Difficult To Work With
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Word of advice – don’t get on their bad side. Welcome to and today we’ll be taking a look at our picks for the Top 10 Musicians Who are the Most Difficult to Work With.

For this list, we’ll be taking a look at musicians like Gene Simmons, Axl Rose Eddie Van Halen, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Noel and Liam Gallagher, Young Thug, Eagles, Kanye West and Syd Barrett to see who takes the cake. Did your favorite ‘difficult’ musician make it onto the list? Let us know in the comments below!


#10: Eagles
#9: Lady Gaga
#8: Young Thug
#7: Eddie Van Halen
#6:Gene Simmons
#5: Noel and Liam Gallagher
#4: Kanye West
#3, #2 & #1: ?

Special thanks to our user Sheldon Betteridge  for suggesting this idea, check out the voting page at

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#صاحي : “طقطقة ” 514 – عوائل بس !

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الرابعة عشر من برنامج “طقطقة” – الموسم الخامس – والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس مباريات الكرة السعودية.
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Top 10 Worst Boyfriends in Anime (Featuring Todd Haberkorn!)

Top 10 Worst Boyfriends in Anime (Featuring Todd Haberkorn!)
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We’re once again joined by the anime voice acting hero, Todd Haberkorn, to count down some of the most terrible anime husbands and boyfriends in history! Expect shows like; Death Note, School Days, Bakemonogatari, Nana, Rurouni Kenshin, The Familiar of Zero, Naruto Shippuden, High School DxD, Oreimo, Baccano, and many more.

Special thanks to our user AlexCrilly-Mckean for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool:

#10. Takumi Ichinose
#9. Makoto Shishio
#8. Saito Hiraga
#7. Sasuke Uchiha
#6. Issei Hyodo
#5. Kyousuke Kousaka
#4. Ladd Russo
#3, #2, #1: ???

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Top 10 Times Rick Crossed the Line on Rick and Morty

Top 10 Times Rick Crossed the Line on Rick and Morty
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Sometimes, Rick goes a little TOO far. We’re taking a look at the times when the more sociopathic half of Rick and Morty crossed the line, such as Taking Morty’s Memories, Killing the Vindicators, Pickle Rick, Blowing Up Zigerions, and more. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Times Rick Crossed the Line on Rick and Morty.

#10. Space Seeds Up the Butt
#9. Keep Summer Safe
#8. Selling Weapons to Assassins
#7. Toxic Rick Toxifying the World
#6. Killing the White House Security
#5. Blowing Up Zigerions
#4. Taking Morty’s Memories
#3, #2 & #1: ???

Have an idea you want to see made into a WatchMojo video? Check out our suggest page at and submit your idea.

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