
8 PLAYSTATION Myths You Won’t Believe People Fell For


PLAYSTATION LIES. Sony is arguably the greatest electronics company in the world. While they are adored by millions worldwide, a lot of PlayStation gamers may have no idea what they are talking about and fed lies that the public now believes as true.

This is TheGamer’s list of 9 Lies You Were Told About Sony PlayStation.

WHAT DO YOU THINK: Do you agree with this list? Are there any other PlayStation lies we may have missed? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Since the dawn of video games, young gamers have whispered secrets on the schoolyard and spent long hours trying to explain their ridiculous video game theories and facts. Some kids heard their best friend’s cousin caught Mew in the waters around Cinnabar Island in Pokemon Yellow while others were utterly convinced there was a secret way to find the Triforce in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Before the internet was a thing and gamers were able to band together to put their collective knowledge to good use with the ability to hack into games and parse their code to rule out the impossible, any schoolyard whisper could turn out to be the truth. When it comes to Sony’s PlayStation, they’re not different. Even the most casual gamers could have believed some of the lies about dark secrets spreading through the community. Many gamers believe there is a mod in Tomb Raider that allows players to defrock Lara Croft and that Aeris from Final Fantasy VII can be revived, but it’s all a myth. You also cannot transform a bunch of PS2s into a missile guidance system or admit the PS Vita is a good handheld console. You think all PS4 games run in native 1080p 60fps and that the PlayStation VR is a gimmick? That’s ridiculous! What’s next? Do you also think there’s a kill switch built into PlayStations and that Sony’s going to release a new console to respond to Microsoft’s Xbox One X? Watch to see if any of these lies are true in our list of 9 lies you were told about PlayStation.


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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Shovel Blade – Shovel Knight – MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED

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Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, the guys at Baltimore Knife and Sword take on the Shovel Blade from Shovel Knight!

Ever wanted to ask the Man At Arms team a question? Now you can! Go to AWEme’s Twitter: @awemechannel and use #AskABlacksmith with your question. Matt and Kerry will be answering your questions with a video reply on AWEme’s Facebook.

Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
Matt Stagmer- Swordsmith / Master Blade Grinder
Ilya Alekseyev – Bladesmith / Arms Master
Lauren Schott – Goldsmith and Casting
John Mitchell – Fabricator
Ferenc Gregor – Master Carver
Bill Collison- Assistant Blade Grinder
Rick Janney- Assistant Smith
Armored Combatant #1: Andrew Dionne
Armored Combatant #2: Paul Friedel
Armored Combatant #3: Z El-Eita

Series Executive Producer – Brent Lydic
Episode Produced and Directed By – Brendan Kennedy

Supervising Producer – Phil Rogers
Office Production Coordinator – Jon Michael Burgess

Baltimore Forge Crew:
Director of Photography – Paulius Kontijevas
Story Producer — Adam Hiner
Production Coordinator – Katie Shinsato
Runner/PA – Halston Ericson
DIT – Christopher Mariles
Set Medic – Celeste Bowe
1st AC – Jason Remeikis
2nd AC – Bethany Michalski
Gaffer – Steve Scott
Grip – Vinny Campbell
Swing – Jeff Rettberg

Post Production:
Edited by — Patrick Burke
Colorist – Patrick Burke
Post Sound – Anthony Vanchure
Lead Assistant Editors – Stephen Erdmann
Manager, Post Production Operations – Michael Gallagher
Post Production Supervisor – Gracie Hartmann

Animation By: Anthony Falleroni –

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5 Games That Were RUINED BY GREED

5 Games That Should Have Been Awesome But The Developers Chose Money Over Fun

Loot Crates and Loot Boxes! Loot is an integral part of video games and, for the most part, the precious loot can be found in game with no extra cost. Then there companies that want to profit off of pulling every last dime out of their players which, as Game Theory pointed out, is dirty pool.

This is The Gamer’s list of 5 Amazing Games That Were Absolutely Ruined By Loot Boxes.

How many loot boxes have you paid for in a video game?
Are you sick and tired of microtransactions in AAA titles?
Let us know in the comments section below!

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Oh, loot crates and microtransactions! Every gamer is, by now, at least somewhat familiar with the pay to play model of most video games. What was once a product of apps and cell phone games has now bled over into console and PC gaming with disastrous results. What was once a joke when it came to casual cell phone games is now quickly becoming a staple in regular gaming, whether the fans like it or not. If developers are earning money, albeit in a sleazy way, what will eventually stop this downward spiral?

Video games of this magnitude, AAA titles specifically, already cost enough money to purchase in the first place. With the initial startup cost of purchasing a console or building a gaming PC, paying $60 for a video game is already a steep enough price. Not to mention the fact that most video games nowadays seem short while the developers are busy pushing out hastily created DLCs which, in all honesty, should’ve been part of the original game in the first place.
Game developers are obviously getting greedy and they’re well aware of the fact that some people will continue shelling out their hard earned cash for more content or a new skin. It’s greasy, real greasy. Gamers deserve better from the companies that they keep in business. No one wants to spend their paycheck to get double XP in one measly game and they shouldn’t have to either. Video game companies are going too far and it’s not only EA, as much as everyone would like to believe they’re the only culprit of this pay to play racket.


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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8 DARK SECRETS Nintendo Doesn’t Want You To Know!

8 DARK SECRETS About Nintendo You Knew Nothing About

DARK SECRETS: Nintendo prides itself on being family-friendly company for all ages. However, there are some things that Nintendo has done in the past that will make you think otherwise.

This is TheGamer’s list of 8 dark secrets about Nintendo you knew nothing about.

WHAT DO YOU THINK: What games did Nintendo come out with that made you think “What the Heck?” What are some of the darkest things Nintendo has come up with?
Let us know in the comments section below!

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What is Nintendo known for? Mario, one of the most recognizable mascots in the history of pop culture. Did you ever wonder why? Mario is appealing to all ages, unlike Master Chief or other gaming mascots, his games are rated “E” for everyone. By and large, Mario is the face of not only the franchise he is named after, but Nintendo as a whole. Even with other phenomenal franchises under their belt like Pokemon and the Legend of Zelda, Mario still remains at the top because he appeals to the masses and is enjoyed by billions. However, what if, beneath the surface, Mario and Nintendo are not as family friendly as they appear. Sure, we may have covered some darker aspects of Mario and Pokemon, but what if we told you it went deeper? What if Nintendo was responsible for some of the bloodiest and violent games during the past console wars? What if some of Nintendo’s longest running titles took a twisted and surreal turn for the worst? In this video, we take a look at 8 of the darkest Nintendo secrets you knew nothing about. Where you surprised by anything on this list? Let us know what you think in the comments down below. Don’t forget to give this video a like and follow us on Facebook. If you really like us, you can subscribe to us on Youtube for more great gaming content.


Script by: Zack Latino

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Kyle Mirzaian

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Nintendo Switch HUGE Announcement 2018 – Success or FAIL?


Did Nintendo Really Just Tried To Sell Us Cardboard?

Nintendo often pushes out innovative products from the Virtual Boy to their Amiibo line, but innovative doesn’t necessarily mean useful.

This is The Gamer’s First Look at the Nintendo Labo: The Cardboard Video Game You Never Knew Your Life Was Missing.

Will you be buying the Nintendo Labo?
Is the Nintendo Labo just another Nintendo Gimmick?
Let us know in the comments section below!


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Oh, Nintendo! The Japanese based video game company that’s well known for churning out family-friendly video game content. Ok, so they’re also well known for creating unique products to use in conjunction with their consoles and handheld systems. However, they’re not well known for creating useful accessories or maintaining said accessories after releasing them to the public. Stunted Wii U game library, anyone?

From the Virtual Boy to the Power Glove, Nintendo is constantly pushing boundaries when it comes to creating new accessories for their product line. Both of the above examples are dismal failures, however, and are frequently listed on lists of Nintendo fails. In fact, the company itself makes so many well-intentioned missteps that they’re frequently the butt of jokes and the subject of numerous memes across the internet. We’ve got to hand it to Nintendo, however, for allegedly pushing this deep, down in their collective conscience and continuing to create strange products that nobody ever wanted.

Currently, Nintendo’s latest venture, aka the attempt to outright kill their success with the Switch, is selling their fans cardboard. While the cardboard can be used in conjunction with the Nintendo Switch, it’s pretty pointless. It’s like putting racing stripes on your shoes in an attempt to run faster. Then there’s the ridiculous price range for what is essentially Martha Stewart’s foray into the video game industry. Sure, this will probably entertain kids for about 10 minutes before they move onto something else. Quit screwing around with cardboard, Nintendo, and give us Animal Crossing on the Switch.


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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XBOX Games Microsoft Wants YOU To Forget Ever Existed


XBox is known for releasing amazing games on all of their consoles, but sometimes their games are just too disturbing or simply terrible.

This is The Gamer’s list of 10 XBox Games Too Disturbing for the USA.

WHAT DO YOU THINK: What’s the weirdest XBox game you’ve ever played? What other weird XBox games should be on this list? Let us know in the comments section below!


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Microsoft has a plethora of games available for each and every one of their XBox consoles. From the original system to the XBox One X, it makes sense that a company would like to release as many games as possible. More games just means more money. Let’s face facts, if a system didn’t have a large selection of games, players would be very unhappy. While most of the XBox games in their library are AAA titles, they do occasionally have a strange game every now and then, but nothing too disturbing overall. While Playstation and Nintendo have the distinction of being Japan based companies, Xbox does not. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does mean that if there are regionally exclusive games, they will probably be exclusive to North America. XBox relies on American culture as their prime target audience so it’s perfectly understandable that they would tailor make products for their main fanbase. A few games were limited to release solely in Japan and they are definitely strange! However, the now defunct XBox Live Indie Store was filled with disturbing games. From games about not farting on a date to a game about stacking muscle men into a tower, there were plenty of strange options for every gamer to explore. Sure, these games were released in America, but they were definitely on the weird side. Come to think of it, maybe they were too disturbing for the U.S.A because, after all, Microsoft did end up shutting down the XBox Live Indie Store section of their XBox Live program.

Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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