
Sherlock Gnomes (2018) – Draw A Goon! – Paramount Pictures

Any-gnome can be an artist! Learn how to draw one of the #SherlockGnomes Goons in this fun video!

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10 Games NO KID WILL EVER Want As A Present

Buying a video game for a friend or family member is pretty hit or miss. While it is the thought that counts, sometimes a gift is so bad that no one wants it.

This is The Gamer’s list of 10 Games No Kid Will Ever Want As A Present.

What’s the worst video game you’ve ever received as a gift?
Which of these games would you actually like to play?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Everyone want to select the perfect gift for their loved one. Finding the perfect present is part of the fun, but what should you do if you’re clueless about what to get? Ask for help and do your research! Video games are usually a good starting point for children and adults of all ages. There are countless ways to play and numerous games on the market so it goes without saying that there’s something for everyone out there.

Unfortunately, with so many games on the market, that means that there are also a lot of terrible games as well. With game prices being so high, the last thing anyone wants is to spend a lot of money on a game that no one likes. It’s even more embarrassing to buy a terrible game for someone else. Nothing hurts like giving and receiving a bad video game.

Fortunately, The Gamer has done some research for you. We’ve compiled a list of ten games that you absolutely shouldn’t buy for someone else unless, of course, they’ve asked for it by name. In which case, you should probably ask yourself why you hang out with that person in the first place. Anyway, knowing which games you should avoid while gift shopping is key. Not only are these games terrible, but a lot of them are outdated as well. If you’re looking to appear old in the eyes of children, please get them a game for a console that wasn’t popular in the last ten years. That’ll help! Now that you have access to this list, you have no excuses!


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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Top 10 Things That Need To Happen In Star Wars Episode IX

Top 10 Things That Need To Happen In Star Wars Episode IX
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The Last Jedi was one hell of a movie, but for every burning question it answered, it posed several more and got that theory train rolling again! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 things that Need to Happen in Episode IX! But what will take the top spot on our list? Will it be a satisfying ending to the story, balance be brought to the force, or for their to be a fitting end for Leia? Watch to find out!

#10. New Force Powers
#9. Rey’s Parents
#8. Romances Resolved
#7. Poe Stepping Up
#6. Lando Calrissian’s Return
#5. An Appearance From The Knights of Ren
#4. Ghost Luke
#3, #2, #1 ?

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9 DARK SECRETS About Minecraft Mojang Tried To Hide

9 SECRETS About Minecraft YOU Probably Don’t Know

MINECRAFT SECRETS. Over 121 million copies of Minecraft have been sold on all consoles and, by now, it’s become a household name, but every game and gaming company has a few little secrets in their hidden chest just waiting to be unlocked.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 DARK SECRETS about Minecraft Mojang tried to hide.

What was the biggest secret never revealed in Minecraft?
Was the game better before the Better Together Update?

Let us know in the comments section below!

Also, as promised in the video, here is the link for the mining strategy tutorial:


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Minecraft may not excel at graphics, but it makes up for it in secrets. It has taken the world by storm, but particularly due to it’s massive fanbase. It’s one of the most popular titles in the world being sold on every console, but as we’re well aware, like every game, this one has plenty of secrets in its own chests just waiting to be unlocked by the right person.

If you enjoy exploring in Minecraft. We totally get it, there’s nothing quite like checking out the expansive environments of the game. Our favorite place is Mushroom Island where the cows are red and literally have mushrooms growing from their back. Gotta love Mooshrooms. They’re strangely endearing and fit right into the Minecraft realm.

For some of us, we will never love the Better Together update because we don’t like change. We get why Mojang decided to do it, but we still don’t have to like the update.

No Minecraft video is complete without the discussion of Herobrine and where the mysterious icon came from. Is he a ghost? Is he a demon? Or perhaps an ex-Mojang employee seeking revenge on gamers? The choice is yours although don’t get too carried away with your story or Notch might jump on his Twitter account and yell at all of us again.

Also, did you know there was a way to trick zombies? Neither did we until we started to explore a few different methods. We haven’t quite figured out how to get rid of a high-level Zombie Pigman yet, but that’s next on our to do list. We hope you’ll join us as we unlock the treasure trove of mysteries in 9 dark secret about Minecraft Mojang tried to hide!


Script by: Jen Weddle

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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Top 5 Facts about Black Panther (2018)

This video is brought to you by KAPe, the one source app to the world of Mixed Martial Arts. Click here and use the referral code “watchmojo” to sign-up for updates and a chance to win a walk-on role in the next installment of the Kickboxer movie franchise! KAPe will keep you up to date on your favorite fighters and organizations and even allow you to watch classic Martial Arts and Action movies!
Top 5 Facts about Black Panther (2018)
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The King has arrived. With the release of Black Panther, Marvel has given the spotlight to one of its most long-lasting and interesting characters, and the results look to be spectacular. But before you head to the theaters to see Black Panther, check out these facts about the long production and possible outcomes of this long-anticipated film!

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Secrets Your Teachers Don’t Want You To Know

Secrets Your Teachers Don’t Want You To Know

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5 Most Embarrassing Ways To Lose. EVER.

NOT ALL FINISHING MOVES ARE THE SAME. Some are weird, gross or simply ridiculous. Here are 5 finishing moves so embarrassing you’d die of humiliation.

Here at The Gamer, we’re gonna show you the 5 Most Embarrassing Finishing Moves in Fighting Game History

WHAT DO YOU THINK: Are these the most embarrassing you’ve ever seen? Or are there some that are even worse? Let us know in the comments section below!

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One of the coolest ways to really annoy your friend in a fighting game is to not only beat them, but also hammer them with an awesome finishing move at the end. It’s the best way to humiliate one of your friends and say “how dare you challenge me!?” Whether it’s using a babality, some bloody gory finisher, a stinky smelly one, or a good ol’ fashioned decap, they really bring your point home. Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Primal Rage, and tons more have some unforgettable finishing moves.


Script by: Wesley Beach
Voice Over by: Wesley Beach
Edited by: Wesley Beach

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We Lived In A Futuristic City

We stayed at Arcosanti, an urban laboratory in the Sonoran Desert!

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Top 10 Must-See Trailers of January 2018

Top 10 Must-See Trailers of January 2018
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A new year is upon us, and with it, a whole new year of trailers to get excited about! The Strangers: Prey at Night, Red Sparrow and Ant-Man and the Wasp, are already looking to be some of the hottest releases of the year, while Nintendo’s first look at Nintendo Labo has us all puzzled. Of course that’s not the end of the gaming previews we got this month, as Monster Hunter World showed off some next level gameplay! Which trailer was your favorite?

Top 10 Trailers of January 2018
#10: Red Sparrow
#9: Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot
#8: Game Over, Man!
#7: Genius: Picasso
#6: Altered Carbon
#5: The Strangers: Prey at Night
#4: Monster Hunter: World
#3, #2 & #1: ?

Special thanks to our users Christopher Nedrick, mason carr, Sean Collins and hulkfan for suggesting this idea, check out the voting page at

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