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Top 10 Characters We Want to See Batman Fight

This video is brought to you by KAPe, the one source app to the world of Mixed Martial Arts. Click here and use the referral code “watchmojo” to sign-up for updates and a chance to win a walk-on role in the next installment of the Kickboxer movie franchise! KAPe will keep you up to date on your favorite fighters and organizations and even allow you to watch classic Martial Arts and Action movies!
Top 10 Characters We Want to See Batman Fight
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Come on, admit it: you’ve thought about how awesome it would be to see the Dark Knight take on at least one of these other pop culture icons. No, it probably will never happen, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to see them fight – we definitely do. Who do you think would be the ultimate matchup for Batman outside of the DCU?

List Rank and Entries:
#10: Wolverine
#9: Hellboy
#8: Freddy Krueger
#7: Darth Vader
#6: Adam Jensen
#5: Moon Knight
#4: Jason Voorhees
#3, #2, #1: ?

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Honest Trailers – Showgirls

Before there was 50 Shades of Grey, there was another movie failing to be sexy – It’s Showgirls!

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Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey:
Title design by Robert Holtby

Producers – Dan Murrell, Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, and Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell
Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker

Black Panther – Review!

Roth Cornet and Danielle Radford review the next movie in the Marvel CInematic Universe – Black Panther!

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5 Times People Took The Sims TOO FAR

Some people simply play The Sims, while others use it to create the most amazing buildings from their wildest dreams!

As new editions of The Sims are released and more expansions available, today’s builders have the tools and creative to now faithfully recreate cities and buildings from their favourite movies, video games, or even real life!

This is the Gamers list of 5 times people took The Sims builds WAY too far!


1) Simproved’s Starbucks –

2) Simproved’s Serial Killer’s Basement –

3) Devon Bumpkin’s Dragonsreach, Skyrim –

4) Sims Designs’ Fresh Prince Mansion –

5) Devon Bumpkin’s Town Of Whoville –

6) Deligracy’s BURGER HOUSE –

-What have you tried to recreate in the world of The Sims?
-What is the coolest build you’ve ever seen?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Some people simply play The Sims, while others use it to create the most amazing buildings from their wildest dreams!

As new editions of The Sims are released and more expansions available, today’s builders have the tools and creative to now faithfully recreate cities and buildings from their favourite movies, video games, or even real life!

This is the Gamers list of 5 times people took The Sims builds WAY too far!


Script by: Drew and Justin

Voice Over by: Drew and Justin

Edited by: Drew and Justin

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Top 10 Deadliest Hitmen

This video is brought to you by KAPe, the one source app to the world of Mixed Martial Arts. Click here and use the referral code “watchmojo” to sign-up for updates and a chance to win a walk-on role in the next installment of the Kickboxer movie franchise! KAPe will keep you up to date on your favorite fighters and organizations and even allow you to watch classic Martial Arts and Action movies!
Top 10 Deadliest Hitmen
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If the mob puts a contract out on your head, these are the last guys you would want coming after you. From Giovanni Brusca to Joseph Barboza, WatchMojo is counting down the most prolific and deadly real-life hitmen.

Need more true crime? Check out our other videos of the Top 10 Most Notorious Criminals of All Time:, Top 10 Most Evil Couples In History: and Yet Another Top 10 Unsolved Murder Mysteries:

#10: Charles Harrelson
#9: Giuseppe Greco
#8: Roy DeMeo
#7: Thomas Pitera
#6: Joseph Barboza
#5: Frank Abbandando
#4: Giovanni Brusca
#3, #2 & #1???

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Special thanks to our user Mitchell Hoosier for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at

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9 DARK SECRETS About PlayStation Sony Doesn’t Want You To Know

DARK PLAYSTATION SECRETS. If you’re like us you’re a fan of the juicy details and, as we all know, Playstation is one of the biggest brands in the world so they have to be full of dark secrets. And they didn’t disappoint.

This is TheGamer’s list of dark secrets about Playstation you had no idea about.

In your opinion, what was the best Playstation console?
Do you agree with console exclusive games or would you rather have a universal system where you could get any game you wanted?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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The console wars have been going on since the beginning of time…or at least since the beginning of consoles. What we have a hard time deciding is which one is the best.

We love them all and wish they didn’t have exclusive content, but how else would they get us to buy their consoles? All of this aside, let’s dish out the dirty deeds of Playstation and Sony because that’s why we’re all here.

Sony has been under fire for creating racist advertisements like the one they produced for the PSP in the Netherlands. They wanted to release a white color version of the PSP, but it turned out their advertisement was extremely racist so their entire campaign had to go in another direction.

Oh and then, there was the time the emails of executives were hacked and it was discovered, across the board, that women were making much less than their male counterparts. And not long after this discovery, they were in hot water yet again because a bunch of college students were forced into labor to create Playstation consoles in order to earn college credits and graduate from college.

Add to this fact the original PS3 consoles were prone to overheating and one even caught fire burning down a man’s residence. And we don’t even want to talk about the Playstation Phone or the PSX which both ended up just being major commercial failures…and expensive ones at that. So with all this being said, we still adore the Playstation console, but it’s kind of nice to know not everyone (or every company) is perfect.


Script by: Jen Weddle

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Lashan Ranasinghe

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#صاحي : “طقطقة ” 516 – ديربي الحراس !

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة السادسة عشر من برنامج “طقطقة” – الموسم الخامس – والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس مباريات الكرة السعودية.
حيث تقدم الحلقة أصداء كواليس لقاء الدوري السعودي بين فريقي الاهلي و الاتحاد
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Comedy Recap (HISHE Dubs)

A Comedy Recap / Review of The Force Awakens voiced by How it Should Have Ended

The Last Jedi HISHE is coming soon.

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How It Should Have Ended

————–Previous Episodes——————–
Star Wars HISHE Compilation Vol. 1

How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Batman V Superman – Comedy Recap

How The Incredibles Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

Blade Runner – HISHE Dubs

Rogue One LEGO HISHE – Chirrut VS Everything

How Wonder Woman Should Have Ended

How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Should Have Ended

How Jurassic World Should Have Ended:

Hulk Spoils Movies

How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended

How Rogue One Should Have Ended

How Moana Should Have Ended

How The LEGO Batman Movie Should Have Ended

How Doctor Strange Should Have Ended

How Beauty and the Beast Should Have Ended

How Star Wars Should Have Ended (Special Edition)

More HISHE Reviews…

Villain Pub – The Boss Battle

LEGO Harry Potter in 90 Seconds

Suicide Squad HISHE

How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 Should Have Ended

Star Trek Beyond HISHE

Super Cafe: Batman GO

Civil War HISHE

Villain Pub – The New Smile

How Batman V Superman Should Have Ended

TMNT: Out of the Shadows HISHE

How Deadpool Should Have Ended

Hero Swap – Gladiator Starring Iron Man

How X-Men: Days of Future Past Should Have Ended:

Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith HISHE

Jungle Book HISHE

BAT BLOOD – A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:

Villain Pub – The New Smile: