“My job is to tell the story about this family, and if their circumstances scare you, then I’ve done my job right.” Watch director John Krasinski discuss how he brought the terrifying world of A Quiet Place to life.
Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.
Amanda Philipson – http://www.twitter.com/philipsonamanda
Misty, Caterpie, Charmander, Cubone, May
Kelly Sparrman
Facebook, Dawn
Nosepass, Todd
Bug Catcher Benny, Klefki
Bug Catcher Wade
Davis, Ryan and Odom as Dugtrio
Written by Michael Jonathan Smith
Edited by Chance Cole
– The Warp Zone –
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In a world of superhero franchises and reboots, we’re reminded that theatre kids need something average to love too! – It’s The Greatest Showman
All through the month of April, we are raising funds to help support Women In Film, advocating for and advancing the careers of women working in the screen industries. With every dollar raised we make the ScreenJunkies Movie Fights Extravaganza on May 3rd bigger. To donate and learn more go to http://www.ScreenJunkies.com/CharityEvent
Watch the Honest Trailer Commentaries to hear the writers thoughts on the movies along with deleted jokes from the trailer and a hint at next week’s movie!
Original Music By Matt Citron
Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey
Title design by Robert Holtby
Producers – Dan Murrell, Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, and Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell
Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker
Supervising Producer: Warren Tessler
Production Coordinator: Tina Choi
Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker
Post-Production Supervisor: Gracie Hartmann
Post-Production Coordinator: Carolyn Croce
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand
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Special Thanks to Guest Voices:
Nicholas Andrew Louie
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HISHE Swag: How It Should Have Ended
Background Artist Otis Frampton
Possibly our most anticipated episode next to the massive character juggernaut that undoubtedly will be Infinity War. Before Justice League was in theaters we had geared ourselves up to experience the final chapter in the Controversial Dark Snyder DC Trilogy, full of themes about responsibility, temptations of power, gods vs humans type stuff. It was going to be this awesome bow on the end of the Justice League hype train and we were gonna have our work cut out for us for sure. Then the film came out and it was just… meh. Like play it safe, change everything we’ve established Meh. So the question was… Well what do we do with this?! After a LOT of discussion. We decided to break the fourth wall in a sense and give our artistic expression of what the Justice League has become while also keeping true to keeping things HISHE.
Enter the Mighty Martha. Since Justice League is the finale (pretending to be just the beginning) of this trilogy. We decided it was time for our easter egg threat that is Martha to finally enter the scene. DC’s greatest foe. A character that represents everything the DCU now has to put up with. A character who came from another universe and who is set on making sure the Justice League doesn’t have a place to stay. So where is the one place you can find the League with their guard down? The Super Cafe.
It was not easy to make and took way longer than was intended. But I really enjoyed getting to open up our cafe in a direction we’ve never gone before. I hope you enjoy the episode!
————–Previous Episodes——————–
Last Jedi – Best Picture Summary
Star Wars HISHE Compilation Vol. 1
How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended
How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended
Batman V Superman – Comedy Recap
How The Incredibles Should Have Ended
Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears
Blade Runner – HISHE Dubs
Rogue One LEGO HISHE – Chirrut VS Everything
How Wonder Woman Should Have Ended
How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Should Have Ended
How Jurassic World Should Have Ended:
Hulk Spoils Movies
How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended
How Rogue One Should Have Ended
How Moana Should Have Ended
How The LEGO Batman Movie Should Have Ended
How Doctor Strange Should Have Ended
How Beauty and the Beast Should Have Ended
How Star Wars Should Have Ended (Special Edition)
More HISHE Reviews
Villain Pub – The Boss Battle
LEGO Harry Potter in 90 Seconds
Suicide Squad HISHE
How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 Should Have Ended
Star Trek Beyond HISHE
Super Cafe: Batman GO
Civil War HISHE
Villain Pub – The New Smile
How Batman V Superman Should Have Ended
TMNT: Out of the Shadows HISHE
How Deadpool Should Have Ended
Hero Swap – Gladiator Starring Iron Man
How X-Men: Days of Future Past Should Have Ended:
Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith HISHE
Jungle Book HISHE
BAT BLOOD – A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:
Villain Pub – The New Smile:
قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الثالثة والعشرون من برنامج “طقطقة” – الموسم الخامس – والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس مباريات الكرة السعودية، حيث تقدم الحلقة أصداء كواليس لقاء الاهلي والهلال
لربح تذكرة سفر مع الخطوط السعودية .. قم بزيارة صفحة مشجع السعودية: Tweets by Saudia_fan
موقع صاحي:
فيسبوك صاحي:
تويتر صاحي:
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sometimes game game developers will do the unthinkable and chance a lawsuit or the destruction of their company all together in a last ditch effort cash grab by putting an actor or singer in their video game. WITHOUT the celeb knowing they did. They usually try to change the look of the celeb ever so slightly, but let’s be real- we know who they are. Lindsay Lohan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme- they’ve all had the sneaky treatment!
#TheGamer #gaming
What do you think? Are these celebs entitled to be compensated?
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REASONS WHY PUBG IS BETTER THAN FORTNITE. The gaming world has been taken by storm by two massively popular battle royale games: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite! Obviously, this being the internet, we are compelled to argue that one of them is clearly better than the other and that anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong.
This is TheGamer’s list of 6 Things PUBG Can Do That Fortnite Can’t!
#PUBG #Fortnite
Is there anything PUBG does better than Fortnite that we missed?
Did we get this totally backward? Is Fortnite the better Battle Royale game?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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Battle royale games are all the rage right now and it seems like the market has been more or less cornered by Fortnite and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. The two games share similarities, to be sure, but in a lot of crucial ways, the two of them are different. In our opinion, PUBG might actually have the edge over Fortnite.
The similarities between the two games are in fact deceptive and conceal some deep and significant design differences. Fortnite’s pace is much more frenetic and arcade-like, matching its multicolored and cartoonish art style. PUBG is decidedly grittier in its art design, but is also more deliberate in its pace. A game of PUBG will last many times longer than a game of Fortnite, and while that means that players will play fewer rounds of PUBG in the same amount of time, the emotional arc that they follow has more time to simmer and develop, making for an overall more satisfying game experience.
When it comes to content too, PUBG simply has more to offer than its free-to-play counterpart. From the inclusion of iron sight aiming to a range of both weapons and weapon mods to its two enormous maps and, as of recently, new game modes, PUBG has more depth than Fortnite. This means that, even as Fortnite has catapulted in player count, it is still overall the lesser game of the two.
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5 JRPGs That Were Banned Or Censored Around The World
JRPGs or Japanese Role Playing Games, are traditionally turn based rpgs that look like a walking talking anime.
But things that fly and are OK in Japan don’t always translate to the United States, let alone the rest of the world. Schoolgirls, young kids doing questionable things, alcohol, satanic messages- these are a few of the images presented here in games like:
What do you think? Should these JRPG video games have been BANNED around the world?
#Gaming #TheGamer
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Check out these other awesome videos!
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