
5 DARK SECRETS About Samus Nintendo Tried To Hide (Metroid Prime)

DARK SECRETS ABOUT SAMUS. Samus Aran became one of the first female protagonists and has remained a popular video game character thirty years later.


This is TheGamer’s list of 5 DARK secrets about Samus Nintendo tried to hide (Metroid Prime)

What do you think would have happened if we were introduced to Samus as a female from the beginning?
Do you think having Samus as a silent protagonist is a good method for developing her character?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Samus Aran came at a top when females weren’t necessarily portrayed as lead characters in a video game, and even if she was only put there as an afterthought and a surprise to the players. It doesn’t matter how she got there, what matters is it definitely changed video game history.

She’s been one of the most influential female characters in video game history–and even after thirty years the franchise she’s in still reigns supreme. Plus, you have to admit no one looks quite as striking as Samus in a Power Suit. Does our leading lady have a few dark secrets though?

It turns out Samus wasn’t going to be a female at first. The design team had almost finished the entire game before they decided to stick a girl in the suit. Although, it’s never been verified even the original manuals had Samus as a male. Although, Nintendo tries to say this was done in an effort to keep the person in the suit’s identity a secret until the end. But come on, who really reads those game manuals?

Samus also was vying for the attention of two men in her life–one of which we’re not sure how we feel about their relationship. Adam and Samus arguably have had chemistry since their first introduction she calls him her “best friend” and a father figure but we’re not sure if we can agree there’s anything romantic going on there. Kevin and Samus were part of a Nintendo Power comic series where Samus was always trying to get Kevin’s attention, at the dismay of N-Team Leader Princess Lana.

Join us now as we delve more into those dark secrets and a few others in 5 dark secrets about Samus Nintendo tried to hide!


Script by: Jen Weddle

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Chris Bashen

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#صاحي : “طقطقة ” 525 – قرعة البطولة العربية

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الخامسة والعشرون من برنامج “طقطقة” – الموسم الخامس – والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس مباريات الكرة السعودية. هذه الحلقة تنقل كواليس قرعة بطولة الأندية العربية.

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2018 Summer Movie Preview – Everything You Need To Know

The Summer blockbuster season is nearly upon us! Avengers, Incredibles, and so much more in our 2018 Summer Movie Preview!

Hosted by Hal Rudnick

Featuring: Jacqueline Coley, Grae Drake, and Dan Murrell

Produced by Max Dionne
Supervising Producer: Warren Tessler
Production Coordinator: Tina Choi

Edited by Randy Whitlock
Post-Production Supervisor: Gracie Hartmann
Post-Production Coordinator: Carolyn Croce
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

10 Big Similarities Between FORTNITE and PUBG

FORTNITE VS. PUBG: SIMILARITIES. Fortnite and PUBG are two of the most popular battle royale titles out there and it may partly be due to all the similarities between the games.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Major Similarities Between Fortnite and PUBG.

What other similarities are there between Fortnite and PUBG?
Which game do you prefer?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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The war rages on between Fortnite and PUBG. These two battle royale giants have taken the gaming world by storm and have even become relevant in pop culture today. Fortnite and PUBG may seem like completely different games, but once you dive deeper into them, they have a lot of similarities. That being said, battle royale games in general are quite similar to each other. They all blend together survival, exploration and scavenging with the goal of being the last man or squad standing. Whether you prefer Fortnite and PUBG, we’re not saying one is a copycat of the other. We’ve just noticed a few major similarities.

For starters, you begin each game by waiting on a lobby island that’s separate from the island the games take place on. Not only that, but in both games, you have to jump out of an aircraft and parachute, or glide, your way to the destination of your choosing. The only difference is that you’re jumping out of a plane in PUBG and a Battle Bus in Fortnite. In both games, the second you land, you make a mad dash to obtain weapons, explosives and protection to help you succeed in the long run. Speaking of running, you’ll be chasing the circle and trying to stay inside it in both games to make sure you remain alive. Watch to see all of these similarities and more in TheGamer’s list of 10 Major Similarities Between Fortnite and PUBG!


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Dan Schiffmacher

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Honest Trailers – The Incredible Hulk

With Avengers: Infinity War coming out, return to phase 1 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the only MCU movie we put off doing for years – It’s The Incredible Hulk!

All through the month of April, we are raising funds to help support Women In Film, advocating for and advancing the careers of women working in the screen industries. With every dollar raised we make the ScreenJunkies Movie Fights Extravaganza on May 3rd bigger. To donate and learn more go to…

Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey
Title design by Robert Holtby

Producers – Dan Murrell, Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, and Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell
Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker

Supervising Producer: Warren Tessler
Production Coordinator: Tina Choi

Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker
Post-Production Supervisor: Gracie Hartmann
Post-Production Coordinator: Carolyn Croce
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

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10 Most Absurd Plot Twists In Video Games

What’s the most insane plot twist you’ve even seen in a video game? Subscribe to The Gamer:

Video game stories have come a long way, but there is still much to be done if they are to match that of films. Of course, a movie and a video game are two completely different beasts. For example, it is much easier to pace a movie compared to a game especially if they are open-world and full of side quests. Sitting down to watch a 100+ hour movie doesn’t sound very fun at all. What video games and movies do have in common are plot twists. Just when you think you have the plot all figured out, something happens that changes everything you know and love about the characters or the world itself. Be warned, because this video contains spoilers.

One of the biggest video game tropes is when the final boss is your character from the future. We see this in Bioshock Infinite and Infamous. It’s enough already! Who at Nintendo thought it was a plot twist that Samus actually turned out to be a woman? It really isn’t. When talking about confusing plots full of twists, it’s almost impossible not to mention Heavy Rain and the mysterious origami killer. Main character replacements out of nowhere seem to be popular as well and it has happened in games such as Metal Gear Solid 2 and Red Dead Redemption. Don’t even get us started on the Mass Effect 3 ending. When talking about incredibly confusing franchises, Kingdom Hearts and Resident Evil certainly come to mind. Without further ado, here are 10 of the most absurd plot twists in gaming.

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Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Jonathan Choi

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10 Upcoming Movie Remakes That Prove Hollywood Is Out Of Ideas

How many more remakes are Hollywood going to pump out this year? Subscribe to our channel:

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.”
Unfortunately, when it comes to Hollywood sometimes that gets taken a little too literally. Some movies are better left alone, but it seems that rather than hiring writers to come up with fresh ideas, producers are intent on making the same movies over, and over, and over again. Whether they are beloved classics that are perfect as is, or a critical and box office flop getting a second shot at success, you can’t enter a theatre these days without seeing a handful of rebooted favorites lining the marquee.

From Green Lantern with a new star and updated concept, to Ace Ventura with or without Jim Carrey, a Clint Eastwood classic that will hopefully still co-star a chimpanzee, Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds updated for television, The Sword in the Stone made live action and given some Game of Thrones flare, A Rambo update with a Bollywood twist, Charlie’s Angels with an edgy new cast, Tim Burton’s long talked-about Dumbo revamp, the third installment of The Blob with Samuel L. Jackson (I’m tired of this m—- f—-ing blob on this m— f—ing… earth?), and an all female re-imagining of the classic Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, there’s a remake for everyone, whether or not they asked for it.

There are remakes of originals, remakes of remakes, remakes of remakes of television shows, and remakes of books being remade into television. If you can make it and make it again, Hollywood has got you covered.

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Green Lantern Corps
Ace Ventura
Any Which Way But Loose
The Birds
The Sword in the Stone
Charlie’s Angels
The Blob
The Hustle

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Villain Pub – The Dead Pool

The Villain Pub places bets in a Dead Pool before Thanos goes to Infinity War.

Inspired by a tweet sent to us from Mei Mei Leonard (her Dead Pool names are funnier)

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How It Should Have Ended

————–Previous Episodes——————–
How Justice League Should Have Ended

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Batman V Superman – Comedy Recap

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Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

Blade Runner – Comedy Recap

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How Wonder Woman Should Have Ended

How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Should Have Ended

How Jurassic World Should Have Ended:

Hulk Spoils Movies

How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended

How Rogue One Should Have Ended

How Moana Should Have Ended

How The LEGO Batman Movie Should Have Ended

How Doctor Strange Should Have Ended

How Beauty and the Beast Should Have Ended

How Star Wars Should Have Ended (Special Edition)

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Villain Pub – The Boss Battle

LEGO Harry Potter in 90 Seconds

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How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 Should Have Ended

Star Trek Beyond HISHE

Super Cafe: Batman GO

Civil War HISHE

Villain Pub – The New Smile

How Batman V Superman Should Have Ended

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How Deadpool Should Have Ended

Hero Swap – Gladiator Starring Iron Man

How X-Men: Days of Future Past Should Have Ended:

Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith HISHE

Jungle Book HISHE

BAT BLOOD – A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:

Villain Pub – The New Smile:

Fury’s Blade – Goodgame Empire – MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED

Thanks to GoodGame Empire for sponsoring this episode. Join the “Battle for Fury’s Blade” and Play Now!

Our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. Today we make Fury’s Blade from Goodgame Empire!

Filmed on Location at Baltimore Knife and Sword

Ever wanted to ask the Man At Arms team a question? Now you can! Go to AWEme’s Twitter: @awemechannel and use #AskABlacksmith with your question. Matt and Kerry will be answering your questions with a video reply on AWEme’s Facebook.

Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
Matt Stagmer- Swordsmith / Master Blade Grinder –
Ilya Alekseyev – Bladesmith / Arms Master
Lauren Schott – Goldsmith and Casting
John Mitchell – Fabricator
Ferenc Gregor – Master Carver
Bill Collison- Assistant Blade Grinder
Rick Janney- Assistant Smith

Episode Produced and Directed By – Brendan Kennedy

Supervising Producer – Phil Rogers
Office Production Coordinator – Jon Michael Burgess

Baltimore Forge Crew:
Producer – Kerry Stagmer
Director of Photography – Paulius Kontijevas
Story Producer — David Cross
Production Coordinator – Patricia Parris
Runner/PA – Halston Ericson
DIT – Christopher Mariles
Set Medic – Kevin Dugard
1st AC – Jason Remeikis
2nd AC – Mat MacIntyre
Gaffer – Danny Balsamo
Grip – Marc Elzey
Swing – Jeff Rettberg

Post Production:
Edited by — Patrick Burke
Colorist – Patrick Burke
Post Sound – Anthony Vanchure
Lead Assistant Editors – Stephen Erdmann
Manager, Post Production Operations – Michael Gallagher
Post Production Supervisor – Gracie Hartmann

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