JAPANESE VIDEO GAMES ARE PRETTY CRAZY. And these 10 moments may have really took it too far! JRPGs are known for a lot of things. Grinding for experience, weirdly designed characters and rich stories with twists, turns and plot holes. However, sometimes things can get a little too heavy.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 JRPG moments that took it too far and your parents should NEVER see.
What do you think?
What do you think is the saddest JRPG moment?
Are there any moments you wish didn’t happen?
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Japanese Role Playing Games, also known as JRPGs, are an unusual bunch of games to say the least. They involve sprawling stories, a unique cast of characters and have revolutionized the genre with things like turn-based combat and party management.
Some of these games have defined pop culture and gaming as well. Think of Final Fantasy and all the games in the franchise spanning decades. Most people even forget that Pokemon is technically a JRPG. Hey, if it’s from Japan and a role playing game, its a JRPG.
Of course, RPGs have their shortcomings as well. We can all name a time when there was a funky / funny translation with the dialogue and some hokey cutscenes. Do we need to bring up the Tidus laugh scene? While these games can get silly, they can also get really, really sad. It’s common for beloved characters to die as it’s often necessary to progress the plot. Other times, it’s not even a playable character, but an NPC that is close to your JRPG protagonist. This gives them motivation, but sometimes, it can hit a little too hard and make us feel terrible.
Today, we’ll be looking at the times JRPGs crossed the line and made the waterworks flow. Did you agree with this list? If so, be sure to give it a like and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer and ring that bell to become part of our notification squad.
Script by: Zack L.
Voice Over by: Michael N.
Edited by: Marc-Antoine K.
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