
Clash Royale: 5 Things Players HATE About The Game

Is Clash Royale driving you mad?


Pay to win games can be annoying. But, Clash Royale is actually pretty fun. This spin off of CLash of Clans is a freemium mobile tower rush game made by Supercell. You can collect cards, defend your towers, and play multiplayer online with players across the globe. Even though the game made $1 billion in revenue under a year, some players have more than a few issues with the game.

What do you think? Do you have any issues with Clash Royale?


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9 Dirty Jokes You Totally Missed In GTAV

Did you catch these dirty jokes in GTA V? If not, you definitely gotta check out all these little easter eggs developers planted in the game.

Grand Theft Auto V has been out for a while, but it’s a big game, so there’s bound to be some things you missed. Speaking of things you may have missed, there are quite a few dirty jokes you may not have noticed and we’re going to show you some of them.

This is The Gamer’s list of 9 Dirty Jokes You Totally Missed In GTA V.

What’s the funniest rude joke you’ve found in the game?
What other jokes should be on this list?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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When Grand Theft Auto V came out in 2013, gamers were blown away. The game’s concept allowing you to play as either Michael, Trevor or Franklin, was new and fresh, and the depth of the game’s design meant Rockstar had given you a massive world in the form of Los Santos. Some things remained constant, though, and one of those things was the way in which the game’s developers slid in some subtle and not-so-subtle dirty jokes. Today, we’re going to show you some of the ones which you might have missed.

There’s a bizarre kind of continuity to the whole of the GTA franchise. It’s probably best described as “there is no continuity between the universes, unless there is.” However, fans of the series have noticed there are some old favorites they might not have noticed on first play. GTA V features a welcome return for the likes of ProLaps clothing and Rusty Brown’s Ring Donuts, which is both a bit rude and a bit reassuring.

There’s also some double entendres in the way in which you can take part in Yoga. Is there really a position called the Punching Starfish? We don’t think so. There’s also the return of a lot of 69 references, as well as cars with suggestive names, an exhibitionist gnome, how Amanda entertains herself when Michael is busy running around the State of San Andreas and a special kind of social media feature. Keep watching until the end, when we’ll point out a sly visual joke we don’t think you’d have seen in your first playthrough. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for all things gaming!


Script by: Peter H.

Voice Over by: Michael N.

Edited by: Valerie M.

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Meet the Avengers! (Marvel Feature Destinations)

Ever notice that all of the Avengers live in New York City? Well, this new tour will get you as close as legally possible to meet all of them. Just in time for Infinity War, it’s Feature Destinations!

Barry Vinetti played by Alton Clemente

Produced by Max Dionne
Supervising Producer: Warren Tessler
Production Coordinator: Tina Choi

Edited by Randy Whitlock
Post-Production Supervisor: Gracie Hartmann
Post-Production Coordinator: Carolyn Croce
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

Starbucks photo courtesy of

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5 Ways Fortnite Completely Changed Since Its Release

OLD Fortnite Vs NEW Fortnight

If games don’t change then they won’t capture the attention of the people who play them. In Fornite, we’ve seen the VGA Debut in 2011, the First Gameplay in 2013, Defending the Fort, Save The World, Survive the Storm, Battle Royale, Battle Royale 50 v 50, map updates, Teams of 20, the Mobile release, and a lot more! Fortnite has completely changed since its release… and that’s a good thing!


What do you think? Are the Fortnite changes good?


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Surprising Theories and Facts You Never Knew About Bowser

GAMER TV – Surprising Things You Never Knew About Bowser

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Bowser is one of the most well-known villains in video game history, but even with everything we know about the character, there’s still plenty to learn!

The evil Koopa has spent years causing trouble, but between his time being a bad guy he has actually been a doting father. The confusing part is trying to figure out exactly how many children he has.

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10 Japanese Games Your Parents Should NEVER See

JAPANESE VIDEO GAMES ARE PRETTY CRAZY. And these 10 moments may have really took it too far! JRPGs are known for a lot of things. Grinding for experience, weirdly designed characters and rich stories with twists, turns and plot holes. However, sometimes things can get a little too heavy.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 JRPG moments that took it too far and your parents should NEVER see.

What do you think?
What do you think is the saddest JRPG moment?
Are there any moments you wish didn’t happen?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Japanese Role Playing Games, also known as JRPGs, are an unusual bunch of games to say the least. They involve sprawling stories, a unique cast of characters and have revolutionized the genre with things like turn-based combat and party management.

Some of these games have defined pop culture and gaming as well. Think of Final Fantasy and all the games in the franchise spanning decades. Most people even forget that Pokemon is technically a JRPG. Hey, if it’s from Japan and a role playing game, its a JRPG.

Of course, RPGs have their shortcomings as well. We can all name a time when there was a funky / funny translation with the dialogue and some hokey cutscenes. Do we need to bring up the Tidus laugh scene? While these games can get silly, they can also get really, really sad. It’s common for beloved characters to die as it’s often necessary to progress the plot. Other times, it’s not even a playable character, but an NPC that is close to your JRPG protagonist. This gives them motivation, but sometimes, it can hit a little too hard and make us feel terrible.

Today, we’ll be looking at the times JRPGs crossed the line and made the waterworks flow. Did you agree with this list? If so, be sure to give it a like and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer and ring that bell to become part of our notification squad.


Script by: Zack L.

Voice Over by: Michael N.

Edited by: Marc-Antoine K.

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10 Insane Video Game Modifications That Will Blow You Away (GTA)

INSTALL INCREDIBLE GTA 5 MODS. The PC version of Grand Theft Auto not only has better performance and graphics, but playing on your computer also gives you the chance to install some crazy mods.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Insane GTA Mods You Won’t Believe Exist.

What’s the best GTA mod you’ve ever played?
What mods should Rockstar Games turn into official features?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Adding mods to Grand Theft Auto completely changes the game. You can play in whole new worlds, access all types of features and enjoy the game the way you want it to be played. For the PC version of GTA 5, there are numerous mods to use with your game. Check out some of the craziest versions you can download and use TODAY!

Star Wars games will always be popular and Grand Theft Auto showcases a world of lightsaber anarchy with a mod featuring weapons, ships and costumes based off the franchise. Enter a post apocalyptic world where vehicles are torn apart, buildings are abandoned and characters fight for survival. Turn your GTA gaming experience more joyful with the installation of the snow and winter mod. Race against other drivers and upgrade your vehicle with a variety of NASCAR race mods. Completely change the way you shoot weapons with two special guns involving both vehicles and sharks. Get the home of your dreams with the Marlowe Valley mod installation. Pedestrians start to go crazy in a special mod that can be turned on and off in an instant. See how long you can survive when a meteor shower mod showcases a non-stop barrage of falling debris from space. Become a Grand Theft Auto superhero with the Iron Man mod. Suit up and fly around just like the popular Avenger. Turn your criminal life around and become a cop with a special mod allowing you access to all types of in-game police elements. Watch now to see all these crazy mods in action!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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