THE ONES THAT GOT AWAY. We know gamers love to play as many video games as they can, but there are some games they’ll never get the chance to. That’s because some genuine classic games have never come out in North America.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Awesome Japanese Video Games That Will Never Be Released In America.
Which of these games would you love to see come out over here?
What other games should be on this list?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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In this day and age, the best video games are released all around the world. However, that hasn’t always been the case. There have been some genuinely brilliant games which never made it to the North American market and, today, we’re going to tell you about some of them.
Sometimes, a game can seem a bit too specialized. The train simulator Densha De Go and the tactical RPG Fire Emblem: Mystery Of The Emblem were seen as unappealing to gamers in America, despite being hugely successful in Japan. Likewise, sometimes there are cultural issues to consider. Although Devil World has a place in gaming history as the game where Nintendo’s dream team of Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka first worked together, its use of religious imagery meant its publisher, who was trying to build a family-friendly image, decided against putting it out in the States. There’s also the gloriously fun-looking Metal Wolf Chaos. This crazy Xbox shooter may have had an all-English language voice cast, but worries about the political situation in the USA in 2004 meant Microsoft only put it out in Japan.
We’ll also take a look at lost classics like The Firemen, Jump Super Stars, Rockman Strategy and Segagaga. We’ll also look at Doki Doki Panic, the game that gave us Super Mario Bros. 2. Make sure you stay until the end, when we’ll show you a game called Mario & Wario and why it only ever came out in Japan. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer!
1-God of War 4 – Sony Interactive Entertainment (Trailer)
2-FORTNITE – Epic Games (Trailer)
3-League of Legends – Riot Games (Trailer)
4-Doki Doki Panic – Nintendo (I Captured Gameplay)
5-Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (I Captured Gameplay)
[Entry 5]
1-Metal Wolf Chaos – Sean Barker (Youtube) https://youtu.be/Td6P6yc0e88
[Entry 6]
1-Mega Man – Met (Youtube) https://youtu.be/HkAx6x_TXN8
[Entry 7]
[Entry 8]
1-Legend of Zelda – Keith Survell (Youtube) https://youtu.be/NC5SxhOX5dw
3-Devil World – William Hunter (Youtube) https://youtu.be/TMYm6as97Kc
[Entry 9]
1-Grand Theft Auto 5 – Jaskaran Kailey (Youtube) https://youtu.be/gkrnyr7_F38
3-GTA 5 Online Fast taxi service – 3MOAC Squad (Youtube) https://youtu.be/zTB1vESTiC0
4-The Firemen – SNES drunk (Youtube) https://youtu.be/plNhevfoEEo
[Entry 10]
2-Metal Wolf Chaos – Sean Barker (Youtube) https://youtu.be/Td6P6yc0e88
3-Devil World – William Hunter (Youtube) https://youtu.be/TMYm6as97Kc
4-Japanese Commercials – allenthebi (Youtube) gman https://youtu.be/kgLpSB4k1lM
6-Best Super Nintendo Games That Utilize the Mouse Accessory – SNESdrunk (Youtube) https://youtu.be/VFNjUx50wME
Welcome to Wakanda! Go on the vibranium laced vacation of your dreams. Danielle Radford takes us on a tour – it’s Feature Destinations – Black Panther’s Wakanda!
Wakanda is featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies Black Panther and Avengers Infinity War
Featured and written by Danielle Radford
Produced by Roth Cornet and Max Dionne
Supervising Producer: Warren Tessler
Production Coordinator: Tina Choi
Edited by Randy Whitlock
Post-Production Supervisor: Gracie Hartmann
Post-Production Coordinator: Carolyn Croce
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand
MISTAKES AND BUGS. God Of War is one of the most anticipated games of the year, but that doesn’t save it from the annoying glitches we see throughout the game.
This is TheGamer’s list of 9 Mistakes and Glitches You Missed In God Of War.
What’s the worst glitch you encountered in the game?
What other glitches should be on this list?
Let us know in the comments section below!
Super Mario Bros (Minus World Glitch) Interstate Judy
Super Metroid Yapping Maw Glitch
Super Best Friends Play God of War (Part 01)
PS3 Longplay [130] Batman Arkham Asylum (part 2 of 2)
played by Spazbo4
Metroid Prime 3 Finall Boss and End Screen
God of War – Family Business
God of War 3 Remastered 60FPS All Cutscenes Movie Full Story
Super Best Friends Play God of War (Part 01)
God of War – Kratos Becomes the God of War [4k hd 60fps]
Super Best Friends Play God of War (Part 14)
NES Longplay [20] Castlevania
Played by Ultima
NES Longplay [051] BattleToads
Played by Spazbo4
SNES Longplay [50] Super Metroid
played by Parazzing
PS3 Longplay [130] Batman Arkham Asylum (part 2 of 2)
played by Spazbo4
Super Best Friends Play God of War (Part 14)
Super Best Friends Play God of War (Part 14)
God of War – Story Trailer PS4
Let’s Play World of Warcraft! Wrath of the Lich King (Warmane – Icrecown) Part 1 (Levels 1-10)
God of War Magic Chisel Part 2
God of War Magic Chisel Part 2
The Magic Chisel – God of War PS4 Let’s Play part11
God of War – Be A Warrior: PS4 Gameplay Trailer E3 2017
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By now, most gamers are aware that new games often come with glitches and bugs that will need to be patched at some point. Errors, game-breaking bugs and exploits are all to be expected, and God Of War franchise is certainly no exception.
With the launch of the latest title in the God Of War series released in April 2018, PlayStation 4 players have already uncovered lots of glitches.
Players who are looking for 100 percent completion are likely to end up being frustrated. In Helheim, a search for 9 artefacts will only end up with 8 for a lot of players. There’s also a problem for people playing the Family Business sidequest, too. This one is a bit more complicated because it only shows up if you turn the game off without saving it once you’ve completed the quest. The moral of this story is to make sure you watch the cutscene at the end to save yourself the hassle.
There are also issues with the main part of the game, too. Going through Tyr’s Hall could potentially lead to you getting stuck while both the road to Jotunheim and the quest for the magic chisel have game-breaking parts. We hope they get patched up, but until Santa Monica do that, you, Kratos and Atreus are stuck.
Stay tuned to the end when we’ll show you a glitch which means you can get a massive amount of XP really quickly. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for more great gaming videos!
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With the recent announcement of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout, things are starting to shake up a bit at the top of the Battle Royale food chain. Grand Theft Auto 5 Trap Door is here too, and Rockstar is known for putting out a fantastic product! We already know all about Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (PUBG), but there are other Fortnite copies, Fortnite rip-offs, and other Fortnite Battle Royale fans that want in on the action. Here at TheGamer we’ll show you Trapdoor, PUBG, COD4, Blackout, and more Battle Royal games that did it better than Fortnite!
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HARD TO DISCOVER EASTER EGGS IN VIDEO GAMES. There is nothing quite like finding a secret created by a professional in the video game industry. It makes us want to belt out “We are the Champions” at the top of our lungs.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 video game Easter eggs so well hidden they took YEARS to find.
What was an Easter egg which took you years to find?
Are there any secrets you think are still hidden from the world you’d like to share?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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As a gamer, there’s nothing quite as exhilarating in life as searching for hidden secrets and easter eggs in some of your favorite video game franchises. It feels like you’ve accomplished something great when you make these discoveries put in place by professionals who love to stump people.
The first Easter egg came in 1979 with the game Adventure for Atari and while it was the original, it certainly wasn’t the last. It became a popular phenomenon to put these in place so players would get to have little puzzles to figure out and solve. It was originally used as a way to give game developers credit as most companies didn’t have their name anywhere even though they were the one who created the game from nothing. Warren Robinett completely changed the industry without even knowing what he had started.
Sometimes, the Easter eggs were just strange or side projects like in GoldenEye where an entire emulator with 10 working games was put in place. No one found them for 15 years even though the game was extremely popular. The initials of the Donkey Kong designer were another forgotten treasure locked away for over 20 years until a coder finally discovered the mystery.
Then, there were games where secret rooms were created in your honor and neither you or any other gamer really had access to it unless you stumbled upon it completely by accident as could be done for the Chris Houlihan room in the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
There are still so many Easter eggs just waiting to be discovered, but for now, we’re going to check out 10 video game Easter eggs so well hidden they took years to find!
Something is NOT RIGHT in the Mushroom Kingdom. Princess Peach is messing with Toad’s head.
TOAD’S MUSHROOM. We’ve all come to love the peaceful Toads. They’re the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom, but there may be a dark secret hidden underneath that giant mushroom of theirs.
This is Gameology: The DARK SECRET About Toad’s Mushroom Head!
Do you think Toad’s mushroom is a part of his head or just a hat?
Is there another explanation for what exactly is on Toad’s head?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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Toad debuted as an NPC in the original Super Mario Bros., was one of the protagonists of Super Mario Bros. 2 and has been a fan favourite in the franchise ever since. Who doesn’t love Toad? They’re adorable, they always do their best to make sure Princess Peach is protected and make sure Mario is on his way to the right castle. These citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom come in different sizes with different colored mushrooms. In fact, one look at these creatures and your eyes just gravitate to that giant mushroom on their heads. Seriously, what is that thing? Is it a part of their head? Is it just a hat? Or is it something darker and more sinister than you thought possible?
Well, it turns out there’s evidence to support each of these theories. The Super Mario Bros. Super Show cartoon makes it clear that Toad’s mushroom is a hat, but can we even consider the show to be canon? Toad’s mushroom head is always rendered as part of his head in every single Mario game, but is that enough evidence to prove the theory? Is the mushroom actually a fungus that has taken control of the minds of these Toads!? As crazy as all this information sounds, it may be enough for you to commit yourself to one of the three schools of thought. By the end of this video, we’re sure you’ll become a part of Team Hat, Team Head or Team Mystery.
ANIMES YOU MUST WATCH. Let’s be honest, animes are awesome! Whether you’re an anime veteran or new to the genre, there are some must watch shows you should binge on this instant.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 anime you have to see if you’re new to anime!
Which of these anime series’ have you seen before?
Are there any animes not on this list you’d recommend to first time anime viewers?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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Anime may seem strange to the normal folk, but there are undoubtedly some that should not be slept on! Throughout several decades, there have been countless amounts of animes being pumped out. While some are very lackluster or are more invested in quantity of episodes rather than quality, there are some animes with barely over 30 episodes that have more depth than those with hundreds of them! Whether it be the martial arts heavy Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super series, or the parody twist on the superhero genre as seen in One Punch Man, there is sure to be hype inbound!
However, anime shouldn’t be limited to just the releases from Japan. Although Avatar: The Last Airbender and Halo Legends did not originate from Japan and, as a result, aren’t truly anime material, they still have various elements from the japanese-art style’s animation and tropes. Regardless, for those that are acquainted to American cartoons or the video game series, Halo, they may like these anime-esque cartoons.
Not all animes have to be full of energy blasts, martial arts or alien armies to be enticing. Terror and Resonance and Samurai Champloo explore modern and historic times with their own unique twists. These series’ are full of drama, but also amazing soundtracks that make them worth watching for sure! There are several other anime series on this list that are NECESSARY to dive into. So, be sure to sit back and relax as we go over anime series’ that you MUST see!
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HEROES AND VILLAINS. Deadpool has become an icon in his own right as more than just an antihero with his constant ability to break the fourth wall. However, this has not won him any favor with some superheroes in the Marvel Universe and has even gotten on some superheroes’ bad sides.
Do you think Deadpool is a good superhero?
Which superhero do you think Deadpool works the best with?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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By now, most people know about Deadpool, the wacky non sequitur super mutant who breaks the fourth wall because his greatest power is knowing that he’s in fact a comic book character. While he has been around for a while, his popularity didn’t skyrocket until the Deadpool movie. After that, the rest is history. Deadpool finally became a household name in the mainstream comic book community despite the fact he made an appearance in X-Men Origins, but people really don’t want to talk about that Deadpool.
Deadpool has been making a name for himself and has been teaming up with other heroes for the better part of a decade and, while he mainly goes solo for his missions, he has helped out other superheroes like Spiderman and the X-Men. Despite Deadpool being an okay guy for the most part, people would rather work without him than with him. Why is that? Could it be that, in a world of gritty drama and superheroes, Deadpool regularly takes the piss out of things? Or could it be that he’s actually a villain sometimes. In one way or another, he has gotten on superheroes’ bad sides and today we’ll be looking at some of your favorite superheroes who actually don’t like Deadpool all that much.
Do you think Deadpool is a good hero? Or is he more annoying than helpful? Please let us know down in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe, hit that like button and ring that bell to become part of our notification squad so you never miss a video.