
TOP 9 Cheeky Easter Eggs in DEADPOOL 2

OUR FAVORITE EASTER EGGS IN DEADPOOL 2. Deadpool 2 was one of the most eagerly anticipated movies of 2018 and it didn’t disappoint. With the humour we’ve come to expect, there are some great references to other films and characters, and we’re going to tell you all about them.

This is TheGamer’s list of 9 Cheeky Easter Eggs in Deadpool 2.

What’s your favorite Easter Egg in Deadpool 2?
What other references should be on this list?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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It takes a lot for a new superhero movie to stand out in a crowded field, but that’s exactly what Deadpool did when it hit cinemas in early 2016. This wisecracking and filthy mouthed Marvel comic book hero became a new icon for a new generation who had got a bit bored with cleaner heroes. One of the many things we loved about him was that he kinda knew he was a comic book character, so the film had plenty of pop culture references. Now that the sequel has recently been released, that was still the case, only more so, and today we’re going to tell you about some of the Easter Eggs.

While Deadpool 2 was a big deal, Avengers: Infinity War was perhaps even bigger. Both films had one thing in common: Josh Brolin, who played Thanos in Infinity War and plays Cable in Deadpool 2. When Cable got too annoying for Wade Wilson, he was told “zip it, Thanos.” There’s also a nod to classic comedy This Is Spinal Tap, not to mention a reference to Ryan Reynold’s friend Taylor Swift and her cats. You’ll also learn about references to other MCU movies like Black Panther and, of course, X-Men. In fact, we’ll even tell you about iconic Canadian X-Men spin-off Alpha Flight and how the guys who didn’t capture Wolverine got a nod on Dopinder’s taxi. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer!


Script by: Peter Henn

Voice Over by: Wes Beach

Edited by: Wes Beach

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Honest Trailers – Star Wars Spinoffs (Holiday Special & More!)

Before Solo: A Star Wars Story milks your nostalgia dry, discover three spinoffs that took everything from the old Star Wars and….let’s say… you something different – it’s Honest Trailers: Star Wars Spinoffs

Featuring the:
Star Wars Holiday Special,
Caravan of Courage: The Ewok’s Adventure Special
Ewoks Battle of Endor Special

Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey
Title design by Robert Holtby

Producers – Dan Murrell, Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, and Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell

Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker

Supervising Producer: Warren Tessler
Production Coordinator: Tina Choi

Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker
Post-Production Supervisor: Gracie Hartmann
Post-Production Coordinator: Carolyn Croce
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

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#صاحي : “شغال!” 2 – بطاطس بـ 15,000 ريال!

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الثانية من برنامج شغال، الذي تستعرض فيه العديد من الوظائف ذات المردود الجيد، وتقدم فيه عدداً من التجارب التي تفيد كل من يريد خوضها .. البرنامج من تقديم محمد بافقيه وإخراج حسن عطاس

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سناب: zaghloul_moe
تويتر: mohammedbafaqeh

#صاحي : “شغال!” 2 – بطاطس بـ 15,000 ريال !

محمد بافقيه
سناب: zaghloul_moe
تويتر: mohammedbafaqeh

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#يعرب – تشويقة

اشترك في قناة ميركوت :
لمشاهدة المزيد من حلقات مسامير :

الموسيقى : عدد من الفنانين العرب من عزف Ahmed AlShaiba
استمعوا للمزيد على قناته :

#يعرب – تشويقة
ترقبوا المسلسل الكرتوني الجديد #يعرب ، من فريق العمل الذي قدم لكم مسامير!
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10 Times Family Guy Played The Race Card

Do you think that Family Guy pushed the boundaries too far?Subscribe to our channel:

Nothing is safe in the world of Family Guy. The show has pushed boundaries and limits over the years, looking to offend anyone and everyone with their content. Along with all types of celebrities and adult jokes, Family Guy has touched on racism numerous times. Look back at these moments and the way has shaped them into messages about society and the show in general.

In an episode where Peter’s son decides an African-American woman, he decides to dress up like a ghost and appears as a member of the KKK. The Turban Cowboy episode takes on terrorism with a number of stereotypes and some blatantly racist moments. Through the years and through various cut scenes, Family Guy has showcased a number of offensive Asian jokes and gags. In one episode, Brian decides to go on a date with a black girl and things just get really awkward when it comes to Brian’s confusion and race relation. The whole episode entitled “Road to India” is filled with all kinds of racist and stereotypical moments. Native Americans have also been the target of several racist jokes including their nicknames, the way they talk, and the casinos they own. Family Guy tries to get away with some racist jokes by using animals, and specifically Kermit the Frog among others. Police and racism has been shown on the show numerous times, especially with the character Cleveland. Then there’s the classic episode where Peter finds out he had a black relative. Watch to see all of these racist moments unfold!

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1. Turban Cowboy
2. Peter Dressed as the KKK
3. Offensive Asian Jokes
4. I Need a Jew
5. Brian’s Awkward Date
6. Road to India
7. Native American Moments
8. Racist Animals
9. Racist Police Officers
10. Peter Griffin: Husband, Father… Brother?

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8 Things YOU CAN DO In Clash Of Clans (That YOU CAN’T In Clash Royale)

CLASH OF CLANS STILL RULES. After many years, Clash of Clans still rules mobile gaming. Clash Royale may seem like a similar game, but there are many advantages to Clash of Clans over the other.

This is TheGamer’s list of 8 Things Clash Of Clans Can Do That Clash Royale CAN’T.

What’s your favorite part of Clash of Clans?
How long have you been playing Clash of Clans?

Let us know in the comments section below!

Video Sources:
Clash of Clans – New Update Inbound 2016
Clash Royale desafio do goblin
Free to use Gameplay ¦ Clash Royale ¦ Cutted with Music

Free to use clash of clans gameplay

Gameplay Free to use¦Clash of Clans¦Cutted with Music

“MY TOP BEST WEAPONS in Clash of Clans” (Top 5 Series)

Best BH6 Base Builder Hall 6 Base Layout Anti 2 Star Anti Giant Anti Archer Anti Barbarian
Clash of Clans Gameplay [Free 2 Use]


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Clash of Clans and Clash Royale may sound similar and are produced by the same company, but they are very different games. When you break each one down, you realize how many differences there are and the various advantages Clash of Clans has over Clash Royale.

One of the biggest differences between the games is the story and characters. In Clash Royale, your characters are merely cards you collect. In Clash of Clans, your troops and the other characters feel like parts of a living and breathing world. The longevity in Clash of Clans is also impressive. The game was made to last for months and even years. Years after the initial launch, players are still growing, learning and expanding the way they play the game. In Clash Royale one of the main things to do is a tower battle. In Clash of Clans, the diverse set of actions allow you to build, battle and create a whole world that is all your own. Both games are highly successful, but you cannot deny the larger fan base Clash of Clans has. With more active players, the game gives you a lot more options for battles and socializing. Expanding your world is a lot more than just collecting cards. Expansion options in Clash of Clans showcases how much you can build and grow as the game progresses. Reaping rewards is done in a lot more ways through Clash of Clans. Watch to see all of these advantages and several others Clash of Clans has over Clash Royale!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Kyle West

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10 Anime Characters That Wouldn’t Stand A Chance Against Thanos

Thanos would make short work of these anime heroes! Subscribe to our channel:

Thanos is commonly seen as a threat due to his infinity gauntlet, which allows him to control the concepts of time, space, reality, power, the mind, and the soul. However, Thanos is very capable of defeating strong opponents even without the gauntlet, as his journey to please Death have led him to fight against the Avengers, Galactus, the Annihilators, Odin, and even the entire cosmic hierarchy! The anime world has a wide range of powerful characters, some that may pose a threat to the Titan and outright defeat him within the movie version, but how would they fare against Thanos’ comic version, the stronger of the two?

Death Note is one of the most popular animes from the early 2000’s, as it brought the concept of a human dealing with the powers of a god of death, and how manipulating life itself is a big task. Would the Death Note, which allows the user to cause someone to die by writing their name in, work on the Mad Titan? What about Luffy or Kenshiro, who are pretty capable in their own right? The substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki has quite destructive spiritual energy attacks and a menagerie of forms, would his ghost-like abilities affect the purple-chinned conqueror?

Saitama is revered as someone who can one punch any opponent he comes across within his own story, but would that narrative do jack against Thanos, who has endured attacks from opponents far more powerful than the ones Saitama has faced? There are more characters that surpass the power of Saitama as well, would they fare any better? Well, sit back and relax as we go over anime characters that Thanos would definitely be able to defeat!

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5 Weird Alternate Versions Of Deadpool

Should any of these alternate versions of Deadpool make it to the big screen? Subscribe to our channel:

Deadpool 2 is out! Is it good? Is it terrible? Well that’s not really
the point of this video. Yep, no review here. Instead, we are going
to take a look at some alternate versions of the Merc with a Mouth.
What do we mean “alternate versions” of Deadpool? Well, there are
characters such as Venompool, what would happen if the famous black symbiote took over Wade Wilson. Or Lady Deadpool, the female version of Deadpool. And of course, we touch upon Gwenpool, a character that has basically nothing to do with Deadpool, except for a similar name and the knowledge they are in a comic book. Yea, comics are weird…

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1. Venompool
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