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Senior Citizens Give Life Advice To Millennials
If you ain’t having fun, you’re not doing it right.”
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10 Nickelodeon Jokes That Were NOT FOR KIDS
We warned you! These Nickelodeon cartoon jokes will change the way you look at these shows forever!
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INAPPROPRIATE NICKELODEON JOKES. Nickelodeon may be marketed to kids, but over the years, animators have found plenty of ways to sneak dirty jokes into the programming.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Nickelodeon Jokes That Were NOT FOR KIDS
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For many of us, Nickelodeon represents a great time growing up, seeing our favorite cartoon characters and following them on various adventures. What we never realized as kids was how many jokes were directly aimed at adults. A wide-variety of cartoons featured these jokes and they likely wouldn’t make it past the censors today.
Rocko’s Modern Life was a hotbed full of adult material. At one point, Rocko decides to get a new job and finds himself working as a “special operator”. SpongeBob Squarepants only seems to get crazier as the years go by, but one early episode makes a direct joke about a man’s junk and rhyming some specific words with it. Ren and Stimpy often pushed boundaries with the content they showcased and things got even worse when the cartoon transitioned to a whole new network. The Angry Beavers featured a lot of sarcasm and some great moments, but one father and son scene may raise a lot of questions about what little boys do in the bathroom. Some episodes of Hey Arnold brought us on a journey with Helga and her family, something that created some pretty crazy moments for a cartoon. On Doug, Roger Klotz may act cool, but there are a few things he needs to learn about. Meanwhile, Doug is learning all he needs just by playing video games. The Rugrats featured a lot of risque moments, but one of them involved the name and plot of an episode which was based off an infamous movie. Watch to see all these dirty jokes and several others!
Script by: Alan Donahue
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Dan Schiffmacher
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Men Model With Their Biggest Fears
“If this was America’s Next Top Model, I’d definitely be expecting my elimination.”
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Critter Squad
PLAYSTATION VS XBOX – The Ultimate Gaming Console Is…
PLAYSTATION VS XBOX – Who will be the best in 2018? Which side are you on?
SONY VS. MICROSOFT: E3 2018. With E3 promising the best of the best, the question on everyone’s mind, as is every year, is which company will come out on top?
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Sony or Microsoft: Who’s going to come out on top 2018.
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5 Video Game Secrets That Took YEARS TO DISCOVER
The times, they are a changin’. Games are coming out from indie devs and AAA studios now more than ever thanks to the advent of digital media, however, one thing still hasn’t changed in the video game industry: E3. Yes, it’s that time of year again where we don our favorite gaming company’s hat and root for them to come out on top.
The rumors that pop up before E3 has become kind of a passtime for fans from all walks of life and fandoms. What do people look forward to most in an E3 showcase? The exclusives and the possibility of a new system, and boy do we have plenty of those from Sony and Microsoft.
There have been plenty of rumors and speculations about the new Xbox console. In addition, the PlayStation 5 has also been rumored to be teased during the Sony presentation. Whether the new systems are teased or not is irrelevant for the most part because what’s more pressing to gamers now are the exclusives. Who’s going to come out on top? Well, in this video, we’re going to try and answer that exact question. The question of which one to root for though, is up for you to decide. In this video, we’ll be taking a look at what exactly each company is bringing to the table. We might give our opinion on some topics, but at the end of the day, we want you to decide based on the evidence we provide.
Script by: Zack Latino
Voice Over by: Grant Kellett
Edited by: Lev Seidl
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Puppy Prep • The Puppies Have Their Final Test
It’s time for one of the dog’s final exam: the local mall. Will all the new sounds and smells cause Demian to fail out at the last moment? Or have his years of training been enough to get him to graduation?
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A New Beginning
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Doggie Do Good
Nintendo – WHY??? The WEIRDEST Things Nintendo EVER Done
Nintendo is not as family friendly as you might have thought. Some of the things Nintendo has done are actually pretty disturbing!
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These are the STRANGEST Things About Nintendo That Are Actually Disturbing
When a person thinks of Nintendo, there are a lot of positive elements that come to mind. The colorful world of Mario, the inventiveness of Zelda, and the creative minds behind Pokemon just to name a few. There are some things that probably dont come to mind: murder, animal abuse, and affairs. All of those elements are actually a huge part Nintendos gaming history. Even as Nintendo tries to portray themselves as family-friendly, its become harder to hide some of these creepy factors.
One of the most common types of Japanese games we never see make it to America is horror games. Often times, these games are considered too disturbing for American children. Games like Clock Tower, Sweet Home and Fatal Frame IV may have been popular in Japan, but Nintendo felt it wouldn’t be appropriate in the US.
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E3 video game announcements that didn’t go according to plan! These mistakes and fails are hilariously brutal!
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THE CRINGIEST MOMENTS IN E3 HISTORY. E3 is a great place for video game giants to showcase their plans for the upcoming year, but sometimes, things don’t go exactly as planned.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Biggest E3 Mistakes And Fails Of ALL TIME
Check out these other awesome videos!
The Electronic Entertainment Expo, commonly known as E3, may be the most important event of the year for the video game industry. It’s a time for the big companies, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, to strut their stuff and show us their big plans for the upcoming year. Gamers all around the world get so anxious waiting to learn about what the next year of gaming is shaping up to be. From new consoles to new exclusive releases, there is plenty for gamers to get excited about. It’s also a time for developers to showcase their future releases and get us hyped up to purchase these amazing games. Some gamers even unleash their hardcore side and cosplay for the event. Walking around the Los Angeles Convention Centre to see a Fortnite Love Ranger here and a Super Mario there makes you feel like you’re in a different world. An incredible world, but a different world nonetheless.
E3 has given us some incredible moments that will forever live on through the annals of gaming history. Hearing the roar of the crowd after a grandiose announcement is something special. However, E3 is also known for it’s blunders, mistakes and hilarious fails.
How could we forget Sony’s presentation at E3 2006 where they initially announced the PS3 was going to be 600 dollars! Yeah, that didn’t go over well with gamers. And who can forget E3 2011’s infamous Mr. Caffeine? Without further ado, here are some of the biggest fails in E3 history!
Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Kyle West
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