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10 Marvel Villains Who Might Still Be Alive In The MCU

What do you think the chances are of seeing these Marvel villains appear in future movies? Subscribe to our channel:

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen a lot of villains come and go since its inception all the way back in 2008 – a lot of whom are undoubtedly gone for good.

But some of the supposedly deceased bad guys could definitely come back, given the nature of their deaths – and indeed given the very nature of comic book movies in general.

In this video, we’ll take a look at some of those villains who may still be alive in the MCU – and be warned: it contains MCU spoilers, as does this text.

The villains in question are; Jeff Bridges’ Obadiah Stane from 2008’s Iron Man, Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith from 2013’s Tho: The Dark World, Toby Jones’ Arnim Zola from 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger and 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser from 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy, James Spader’s Ultron from 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, Mads Mikkelsen’s Kaecilius from 2016’s Doctor Strange, Cate Blanchett’s Hela from 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, Andy Serkis’ Ulysses Klaue from 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and 2018’s Black Panther, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor’s Ebony Maw from 2018’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Tom Hiddleston’s Loki, who’s appeared in five MCU movies to date, having first appeared in Thor back in 2011.

We hope you enjoy the video. Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought of it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.


1. Obadiah Stane
2. Malekith
3. Arnim Zola
4. Ronan
5. Ultron
6. Kaecilius
7. Hela
8. Ulysses Klaue
9. Ebony Maw
10. Loki

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16 Dragon Ball Villains From Weakest To Most Powerful

Is the mystery villain Goku will have to face in the upcoming Dragon Ball movie the STRONGEST villain yet?

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RANKING THE STRENGTH OF DRAGON BALL VILLAINS. The Dragon Ball franchise has dozens of antagonists of all shapes and sizes, not only in appearance, but also regarding levels of power! Who is the mightiest of them all?

This is TheGamer’s list of 16 Dragon Ball Villains Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful!

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We’ve all seen Dragon Ball, no? It’s quite hard to have missed the show with intense yelling, epic battles and one transformation coming right after the other. However, which villain or antagonist truly is the strongest one of them all? We’ll check out not only the main Dragon Ball Z series, the non-canon Dragon Ball GT or the recently concluded Dragon Ball Super, but also the movies, which take place in a different world, separate from the main series and also the video games! There might be some characters left out here and there, but you can’t have them all!

People might be surprised that Cell and Dabura, two of the most powerful villains in Dragon Ball Z, are complete ants compared to later villains in Z and the movies as well. Even the galaxy destroying potential of Broly and Kid Buu is still child’s play compared to the malicious shadow dragon, Omega Shenron, and Janemba, the reality warping demon from the Fusion Reborn film. Even Frost, a complete laughingstock to the other Dragon Ball Super antagonists, is surprisingly more powerful than anyone from the movies and GT as a result. However, the further we dive into the movies and the video games, the more insane the feats of strength get! The Omni King Zeno made destroying universes look simple, but video game villains like Demigra and Mira, threatened to destroy EVERY single universe and, even so, are still weak compared to other Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Xenoverse villains, shocking, no? Sit back, relax and let’s jump into these rankings!


Script by: Chuck M.G.

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Wes Beach

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Sausage Party Pitch Meeting

Step into the Pitch Meeting that started the hilarious Seth Rogen comedy Sausage Party! Subscribe to our channel:

Ever wonder how Seth Rogen’s insane animated comedy Sausage Party came to be? How was an R-Rated movie about talking sausages and food items approved by Hollywood. What are the two kinds of jokes that Rogen decided to go with? What’s up with the Great Beyond– what is it a metaphor for? Why did they allow food to be ruined for us for eternity? Step inside the pitch meeting that started it all!

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Best NEW Games of E3 2018

E3 2018 is full of amazing new game announcements. Here are 5 of the most hype-worthy ones we can’t wait to see more of.

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E3 games have been announced so now it’s officially cool to freak out. E3 2018 was always gonna have TONS of hype and excitement but now we actually have details. Halo Infinite, new the Elder Scrolls (The Elder Scrolls VI) Elder Scrolls Blades, Fallout 76, Battletoads, Kingdom Hearts 3, Devil May Cry 5, and TONS more. If these releases don’t get you excited, you should probably check your pulse! We here at TheGamer have got all the details of the coolest 5 game announcements at E3.

Platform: PC Xbox One
Release Date: TBA 2018

Devil May Cry 5
Platform: PS4 Xbox One
Release Date: Q2 2019

Platform: Xbox One
Release Date: TBA 2019

Fallout 76
Platform: PS4, PC, XBOX ONE
Release Date: November 14, 2018

Elder Scrolls VI
Platform: TBA
Release Date: TBA

Elder Scrolls Blades
Platform: PC iOS Android
Release Date: TBA 2018

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#صاحي: باص المشجعين CaraFans – هنا موسكو!

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الأولى من برنامج باص المشجعين CaraFans من سلسلة تغطيات نهائيات كأس العالم 2018. البرنامج من بطولة علي الحميدي و هادي الشيباني.

Road Trip by Joakim Karud
Music promoted by Audio Library

8 Things Only Pro Gamers Know About The XBOX ONE

XBOX ONE SECRETS ONLY PROS KNOW. The XBOX ONE has been out for nearly half a decade and there are still some features of the console that have flown under the radar.

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AWESOME XBOX ONE SECRETS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT. The Xbox One is one of our favorite consoles ever. However, did you know that it can be used for so much more than just playing games?

This is TheGamer’s list of 9 Things Only Pro Gamers Know About The Xbox One.

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The Xbox One is yet another awesome gaming machine from Microsoft. Ever since it was released way back in 2013, it’s helped change the games we play and the way we play games. Along with the Sony PlayStation 4, it’s been at the forefront of home entertainment as part of the eighth generation of consoles. However, if you only use it for playing games, you’re missing out. Pro gamers know there’s more to the Microsoft Xbox One than that and we’ll tell you some of the things only hardcore gamers know.

Professional gamers want to make sure they can play at all times and, with the Xbox One, they can. It turns out there’s a way of playing games on your Windows PC. We’ll even let you know about how you can quicken installs and play games on your Xbox One as soon as possible. If you want to use the Xbox One’s awesome tech to play games from your other consoles, then watching this video will teach you that, too.

You’ll also find out how to get fit for free on your Xbox One, as well as working around the horror of not having enough disk space. We’ll also tell you about how to use your system to listen to music, how to turn it into a PC, how to share your games and how to make sure your games are right where you want them. Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe to TheGamer for more awesome videos!


Script by: Peter Henn

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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