
10 Ways You Can Sneak Fortnite Into School Without Anyone Noticing

WANT TO PLAY FORTNITE AT SCHOOL? Here’s 10 ways you can play Fortnite Battle Royale without your teacher noticing.

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Don’t waste time on the real playground, when you can get sneaky by playing Fornite’s Playground mode while hanging out at school!

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 ways you can sneak Fortnite into school without anyone noticing!

Check out these other awesome videos!

10 Fortnite Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

9 Fortnite TROLLS Who Took It WAY TOO FAR

5 Unluckiest FORTNITE Players On The Internet (And 5 Who Couldn’t Be More Lucky!)


As summer vacation ends for many children, there’s a massive loss of possible game time, especially in games like Fortnite: Battle Royale. Thanks to some slick moves and a little trickery, you’ll have the chance to sneak in some battles, rise in tiers and play Fortnite during a history lesson.

A number of different products and tips will help you get away with playing Fortnite at school. Special controllers, ways to conceal your device and some special ways to play on the computer all offer some unique challenges. On the very first day of school, choosing the correct seat is a crucial option if you want to thrive and get away with playing Fortnite for as long as possible. Of course, while all of these ideas work great and provide options, don’t go blaming TheGamer if you find yourself in detention after all is said and done!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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Honest Trailers – Avengers: Infinity War

Disney+ is the only place to stream your favorites from Marvel and more. Watch now!

This Marvel movie has the most Marvel movie of any Marvel movie – it’s Honest Trailers for Avengers: Infinity War

Don’t forget to check out the Honest Trailers Commentary with the three writers of Honest Trailers to see more of their thoughts on the movies!

Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey
Title Design: Robert Holtby

Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, and Lon Harris
Produced by Dan Murrell, Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, and Max Dionne

Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

Honest Trailers – Avengers: Infinity War

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9 Fortnite TROLLS Who Took It WAY TOO FAR


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Trolls are everywhere in the world of Fortnite, but luckily, there are many players who’ve learned the best way to stop these trolls and prevent them from wreaking havoc in the game.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Fortnite Trolls who got what they deserve!

Check out these other awesome videos!

5 Unluckiest FORTNITE Players On The Internet (And 5 Who Couldn’t Be More Lucky!)

6 Shady Fortnite Cheaters That Got PUBLICLY HUMILIATED


When there are 100 players in a game, you have to deal with all kinds of different gamers. Between the noobs, streamers and experts are the trolls. These players thrive on ruining the Fornite experience for players looking to follow the rules.

Thankfully, players have a lot of experience defeating trolls and know the best ways to take out their enemies in an act of revenge. For example, during the Fortnite rocket launch, there was a player who killed 48 others with a dastardly move. Then, there’s the player who tried to troll Thanos and his efforts ended in disaster. Knocking down ramps is one of the easiest ways to troll others, but some players got revenge using a great box-in method which practically tortured the player for several minutes. One of the Fortnite’s first funerals resulted in a big disaster as one player completely destroyed the tombstone and then an all out war broke out among the remaining guests. Watch to see these trolling moments and several others!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Grant Kellett

Edited by: Kyle West

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Fortnite Gameplay #18 – FREE TO USE – (60FPS) – No Copyright Gameplay
Fortnite Gameplay #30 – Free to use – (60FPS)- No Copyright Gameplay
Watch as @MrMuselk attempts to rescue a fellow player.

10 Fortnite Items That BROKE THE GAME!


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With all the updates Epic Games releases for Fortnite, items have come and gone. Some of these items were so powerful, they changed the game.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Fortnite Items That BROKE THE GAME!

Check out these other awesome videos!

10 Fortnite Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

6 Shady Fortnite Cheaters That Got PUBLICLY HUMILIATED

5 Unluckiest FORTNITE Players On The Internet (And 5 Who Couldn’t Be More Lucky!)


It’s crazy to think that Fortnite has already celebrated its first birthday! Epic Games has come up with update after update adding many new items and making map changes to help keep the battle royale game fresh and constantly evolving. With all these updates comes new items that have changed the game. We’re talking about items that were so overpowered, they actually broke the game.

Items like the legendary Zapotron were so rare in the early stages of Fortnite Battle Royale that people don’t believe the weapon actually existed. It’s a staple in the Save The World PvE mode, but it also had a short stint in the Battle Royale mode as well. We also have the pump shotgun that was so ridiculously OP, it was abused by everyone to the point where Epic Games had no choice but to nerf the weapon. Watch to see these Fortnite items and all the others that broke the game!


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Chris Bashen

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Video Links:

Fortnite – Ionix_Tv (YouTube)

Fortnite – Ninja (YouTube)

Fortnite – TSM_Myth (Twitch)

Fortnite – FaZe Tfue (YouTube)

Fortnite – Daequan Loco

Fortnite – MrGrimmmz (YouTube)

Fortnite – MrGrimmmz (YouTube)

Fortnite – KTOWN70 (YouTube)

Fortnite – thredzzzz (YouTube)

Fortnite – FizzySportsLager (YouTube)

Fortnite – ZackTTG (YouTube)

Fortnite – Myth (YouTube)

Fortnite – Ninja (YouTube)

Fortnite – Vikkstar123 (YouTube)

Fortnite – Ninja (YouTube)

5 Things You Didn’t Know About The PS4 Pro 500 Million Limited Edition


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Sony has sold over 500 million PlayStation consoles since 1994 and, to commemorate this achievement, they’re planning to release a 500 Million Limited Edition PS4 Pro console.

This is TheGamer’s list of 5 Things You Didn’t Know About The PS4 Pro 500 Million Limited Edition

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Sony burst onto the console scene in 1994 shortly after their split with Nintendo. At the time, we had no idea the company would turn into a giant in the gaming world. The PlayStation has become one of the best-selling lines of consoles of all-time and we’re not surprised they’ve managed to eclipse the 500 million units sold mark. Think about that for a second. Half a billion people have owned a PlayStation console in their lives. It’s unbelievable! To honor this incredible achievement, Sony has released a 500 Million Limited Edition PS4 Pro and it’s something special. It’s a beautiful console filled with plenty of secrets.

It’s a limited edition console, but it’s very limited with only 50,000 units available for purchase worldwide. You also better have saved up your money because this system costs even more than a standard PS4 Pro. There’s so much more you didn’t know about the 500 Million Limited Edition PS4 Pro!


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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10 Fortnite Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous


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All of your friends are talking about Fortnite, so why not show off how cool you are with these awesome Fortnite back to school supplies. They might help you make even more friends.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Fortnite Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous.

Check out these other awesome videos!

5 Unluckiest FORTNITE Players On The Internet (And 5 Who Couldn’t Be More Lucky!)

6 Shady Fortnite Cheaters That Got PUBLICLY HUMILIATED

10 Stunts Only FORTNITE NOOBS Think Would Work


Fortnite is the talk of the campus or the school playground depending on how old you are. The game has seemingly taken over the world and, whether you’re in elementary school or you’re in college, you’ve heard of the game. Everyone on the planet knows about the game, but no one seems to be fed up of it. Except for teachers. They must be sick of hearing their students talk about the game nonstop.

With the new school year just weeks away, it’s time to stock up on some much needed school supplies. Whether it’s going to be your first day in grade 3 or your first day at a top university, there’s plenty of Fortnite swag you could bring that’ll definitely make your friends jealous. From laptop cases to pencil cases and water bottles to lunch bags, we know of all the Fortnite back to school supplies that’ll make you the talk of the town.


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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