قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الأولى من برنامج “طقطقة” في لندن ، والذي يصور كواليس ولقاءات كأس السوبر بين الهلال والاتحاد.
5 Reasons Parents Should Let You Play Fortnite Instead Of Going Back To School
Should You PLAY FORTNITE Or Go BACK TO SCHOOL? (5 Ways To Convince Your Parents)
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It’s back to school time, so you can’t spend all day playing Fortnite anymore…or can you?
This is TheGamer’s list of 5 Reasons You Should Play Fortnite Instead Of Going Back To School (How To Convince Your Parents)
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Ways You Can Sneak Fortnite Into School Without Anyone Noticing
10 Fortnite Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous
5 Unluckiest FORTNITE Players On The Internet (And 5 Who Couldn’t Be More Lucky!)
Fortnite is an incredibly popular battle royale game amongst grade school and elementary school children, but you already knew that. In fact, if you’re watching this video, you’re probably one of them yourself. You may have tried to sneak Fortnite into school, but without our expertise, you’re probably going to get caught, so watch our previous video before you even think about bringing Fortnite to school. This video, on the other hand, is about something completely different.
You won’t need to sneak Fortnite into school with these tips, you’ll actually be able to stay home and play Fortnite while getting an education in the process. Now, you’re going to need level 100 speech to pull this off, but we believe you can convince your parents. For starters, tell your parents you want to get homeschooled. That way, you could play Fortnite when you’re not studying or doing homework and there’s much more than that came from! Enjoy the video!
Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Valerie M
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Who Is The Best Hollywood Chris? MOVIE FIGHTS!
Chris Pine vs Chris Hemsworth vs Chris Pratt vs a SNUBBED Chris Evans? Who will win the great Hollywood Chris-off? We decide once and for all on MOVIE FIGHTS
1. Who’s the best Hollywood Chris? (Chris Pine/Chris Pratt/Chris Evans/Chris Hemsworth)
2. What’s the best romantic comedy of all time?
3. What movie character most deserves to be “Thanos snapped” out of existence?
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Hosted by Hal Rudnick
Fact Checker: Dan Murrell
Social Media Ambassador: Danielle Radford
Who Is The Best Hollywood Chris? MOVIE FIGHTS!
Produced by Billy A. Patterson
Writing/Research: Lon Harris
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Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand
10 Nintendo Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous
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School is going to be back in session sooner than you know it and with a new school year comes back to school supplies. The best of which are awesome Nintendo-related school supplies!
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Nintendo Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous.
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Ways You Can Sneak Fortnite Into School Without Anyone Noticing
10 Fortnite Back To School Supplies That Will Make Your Friends Jealous
It’s back to school time and, for this magical time of the year, department stores all over the country run the ever popular “Back to School” sale. Parents go out to buy new book bags, pencils, trapper keepers and everything in between to get you ready for another grueling year of school, or another fantastic year depending on how you view school in general.
We’ve looked at some Fortnite school supplies to make your friends jealous, but now we’ll be looking at some Nintendo themed supplies that’ll help you stand out this school year. We’ll take you through some of the hottest, must have supplies that’ll make your friends wish they had your sense to pick out school supplies they actually liked.
We’ll cover everything from Back to School fashion like shoes and shirts to the essentials like lunches and how to pass the time on your way to school or class. Enjoy the video!
Script by: Zack Latino
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Valerie M
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After seeing Teen Titans GO to the Movies, Bats and Supes discuss the Teens and the Titans.
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How It Should Have Ended
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Avengers Infinity War and Beyond (Toy Story Mashup)
How IT Should Have Ended
Batman V Superman – Comedy Recap
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Blade Runner – Comedy Recap
Rogue One LEGO HISHE – Chirrut VS Everything
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BAT BLOOD – A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:
Fortnite Acapella (Seasons 1-5 Medley)
A medley of Fortnite menu music with our mouths!
More Acapellas ► http://bit.ly/2Ph1qFo
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Fortnite Acapella (Seasons 1-5 Medley)
Theme music from Seasons 1-5 of the popular video game Fortnite sung with our mouths!
Arranged by James Harper
Recorded and Mixed by Taylor Fugit
Edited by Chance Cole
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8 Times Nintendo Ripped Off Xbox
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Everyone rips off Nintendo, so there’s no way they’ve ever ripped off another company, right? Wrong! They’ve taken a page out of Microsoft’s book on multiple occasions.
This is TheGamer’s list of 8 Times Nintendo Ripped Off Xbox
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Times Xbox Ripped Off PlayStation
5 Things You Didn’t Know About The PS4 Pro 500 Million Limited Edition
5 Things You Missed About Nintendo Switch Mini and Nintendo Switch XL
We all love Nintendo. From Super Mario to The Legend of Zelda and the NES to the Switch, this company has given us so many classic games and iconic consoles to count. Nintendo are known as the innovators of the video game industry. They’re always the first to try new things and are constantly getting ripped off by other companies like Sony and Microsoft. Think of the Nintendo Wii. It was the first console to incorporate motion controls for the majority of its games. To respond to this new way of gaming, Sony came out with the PlayStation Move and Microsoft came out with the Kinect. See what we mean?
Nintendo would never, ever rip off another company…or would they? Surprisingly, Nintendo has taken a page from Microsoft’s book on multiple occasions whether it’s ripping off one of their controllers, having a paid online service or many others.
Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Voice Over by: Grant Kellett
Edited by: Chris Bashen
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Voltron Finale
Here’s a tribute/AMV/CMV for Voltron because the team that creates this show doesn’t get enough love and credit for their amazing work! I remade/reused the song “Finale” by Madeon that was used for a previous Voltron video. I couldn’t find a better song that had enough momentum to put all the action from the show in. I hope you all enjoy it! #ThankYouTeamVoltron