
10 Secret Superpowers You Didn’t Know Venom Had

Marvel’s alien symbiote Venom is more powerful than you think! Subscribe to our channel:

Sony’s Venom movie is in theatres right now and Tom Hardy’s version of the character is showing off his super-strength, speed, agility and durability.

But did you know Venom has displayed a much larger array of superpowers in Marvel’s Comic books and in other media?

In this video, we’ll run you through just some of the lesser known superpowers you didn’t know Venom had.

The superpowers in question are; his shapeshifting ability (which includes camouflage, the ability to look like any human, transforming into a car, creating a giant mouth on his torso, and transforming into a humanoid form even without a host), his immunity to certain powers (such as Spider-Man’s Spider-sense and Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare), his ability to secrete acid through his skin, his bizarre ability to emulate water (which allows him to breathe under it), his ability to suppress any cancers in his human hosts, his ability to hear “the voice of the cosmos” (which, for example, allows him to respond to distress signals in space), his ability to access the internet (quite literally – we don’t just mean he can log on via his laptop), his super-teeth that enable him to bite through almost anything and are venomous, his ability to shoot off certain parts of his body, and his ability to clone the powers of other superpowered characters.

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.


1. Shapeshifting
2. Immunity to certain powers
3. Acid secretion
4. Emulating water
5. Cancer suppression
6. The voice of the cosmos
7. Internet access
8. Super-teeth
9. Shooting off parts of itself
10. Power cloning

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If Candy Crush Was an Action Movie

Huge thanks to new Candy Crush Friends Saga for sponsoring this episode! Are you ready for the sweetest feeling ever? Download now!

Candy Crush Friends Saga: The Action Movie
A funny trailer parody of the sweetest action movie you’ve ever seen…

Michael Adams Davis – Commissioner Toffee
Imari Williams – Yeti
Ryan Tellez – Bubble Gum Villain
Brian Fisher – Dave
David Odom – Cop 1
Mary Risk – Cop 2
Corey King – Cop 3

Jon Bailey – Epic Trailer Voice Guy

Directed by Michael Schroeder

Written by Michael Adams Davis and Michael Schroeder

Cinematography – Pat Flaherty
Gaffer – Josh Benson
Production Designer – Megan Mantia
Art Asst. – Vicki O’Brien
Makeup – Roxanne Pike
Costumer – Samantha Kailey
Sound – Michael Rich
AC – Paula Palumbo
PA – Corey King

Edited by Chance Cole

VFX by RomThirty –
– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (
Brian Fisher (
David Odom (
Michael Schroeder (
Ryan Tellez (

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هذه الحلقة الخاصة من #طريلر تنقل لكم افتتاح فيلم #HunterKiller في السعودية.



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Evolution Of Assassin’s Creed Games 2007 – 2020


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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is one of the most anticipated games of the year, but that doesn’t mean it came out of nowhere. There’s a whole history of the franchise to look at!

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The games started on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC in 2007, and have kept going. With Desmond Miles and his ancestors Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze and Ratonhnhaké:ton, AKA Connor, we were thrilled in the original game, Assassin’s Creed II, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed Revelations and Assassin’s Creed III. We also had fun being pirates in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, we explored colonial America in Assassin’s Creed Rogue and survived the French Revolution in Assassin’s Creed Unity. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate took us to Victorian London before Assassin’s Creed Origins saw us in Ancient Egypt. Now, here we are in Ancient Greece…but where next? Enjoy the video and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for more awesome content!


Script by: Peter Henn

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Lev Seidl

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Want to see more from Coach Marco? You can find him here:

Twitch: coachmarcolive

Spider-Man 3 Pitch Meeting

Step into the pitch meeting that started Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:

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15 Versions Of Venom More Powerful Than Tom Hardy’s

Which version of Marvel’s Venom is your favorite? Subscribe to our channel:

So many Venoms, so little time. But just enough to go through these fifteen most powerful Venoms in the history of Marvel comics. Since the symbiote species first appeared following Spider-Man’s adventures in the Secret Wars, the creature’s got around. It’s taken over and cohabitated the bodies of many of our favorite heroes and villains. While the symbiote has enhanced and added to the abilities of super-powered individuals and normal people alike, it’s had the biggest impact on the characters you’re about to see on this list. When you get down to it, Venom’s a weird and different kind of villain – it takes the shape of whatever body it inhabits and it actually enhances the senses of the characters it possesses.

Beyond the symbiotic suit that changed Spider-man’s life and was shown in the comics, many of the classic Spider-Man cartoon shows, and controversially immortalized in Spider-Man 3 – we’re going to dig deep into the back stories of many other favorites of whom you may or may not be aware. There’s Red Hulk/Ghost Rider Venom, Hulk Venom, Venom Thor, Old Man Logan Venom, Guardians of the Galaxy Venoms (Groot, Drax, Rocket), Symbiote President Norman Osborne, Venompool, Venomsaurus Rex (Devil Dinosaur), Venom 2099, Punisher Venom, Scorpion Venom (Mac Gargan), Maniac Venom, Agent Venom. Are they all as powerful as Eddie Brock venom and do their stories match up to what the tale spun by the Venom movie? Join ScreenRant and watch this video to find out for sure!


Entry 1 – Eddie Brock Venom
Entry 2 – Red Hulk/Ghost Rider Venom
Entry 3 – Hulk Venom
Entry 4 – Venom Thor
Entry 5 – Old Man Logan Venom
Entry 6 – Guardians of the Galaxy Venoms (Groot, Drax, Rocket)
Entry 7 – Symbiote President Norman Osborne
Entry 8 – Venompool
Entry 9 – Venomsaurus Rex (Devil Dinosaur)
Entry 10 – Venom 2099
Entry 11 – Punisher Venom
Entry 12 – Scorpion Venom (Mac Gargan)
Entry 13 – Maniac Venom
Entry 14 – Agent Venom
Entry 15 – Spider-Man Venom

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