Which under the radar Marvel characters will have a big role in Avengers 4? Subscribe for more Theory Battles: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
With all the secrecy surrounding Marvel’s upcoming Avengers 4 movie, it seems like all we have to go on are theories about what’s going to happen to our favorite superheroes. We know that characters like Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Ant-Man and Black Widow are going to play massive roles– but what about unexpected ones? There are tons of side characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe waiting for their shot at stepping up and saving the universe. And with Thanos having wiped out half of all existence, Avengers 4 is the perfect time for some others to shine. Here are some theories about unexpected big players in Avengers 4!
Check out these other Theory Battle videos!
What Will Happen If Captain America Dies? [Theory Battle]
Has Venom Already Been Introduced Into The MCU? Theory Battle
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Hosted by Hal Rudnick
Fact Checker: Dan Murrell
Social Media Ambassador: Danielle Radford
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Production Coordinator: Ryan O’Toole
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Who Should Make the Red Dead Redemption Movie? MOVIE FIGHTS
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Halloween is slowly becoming a great Fortnite tradition and players all over the world have gone through some crazy in-game moments and noticed some new features.
This is TheGamer’s list of the Funniest Things That Happened In Fortnite This Halloween.
Check out these other awesome videos!
12 Times Fortnite Crossed The Line!
12 Fortnite Glitches That Never Got Fixed
20 Times Fortnite Pros Were Wrecked By Noobs.
12 Fortnite Hacks And Glitches Cheaters Found In Season 6
Fortnitemares is back and features all types of new challenges and games. The Skull Trooper made its triumphant return and there are plenty of funny moments to be had in the game, including some new emotes and dance moves. See some of the great Halloween themes put to good use, including some spectacular fails and watch as Ninja wears a new pumpkin skin and dominates in a game of squads.
See some Fortnite costumes in real life and one way a player effectively used the Treat Yourself emote in a round of solo. Want to know where Jack Gourdon came from? Well, a short movie explores the origins. Enjoy the Skull Trooper and Ghoul Trooper skins? Well, maybe they’re actually in love! There’s a new challenge in Fortnitemares and it involves some very judgy gargoyles who enjoy watching others dance for their own amusement. Watch to see all these funny moments and several others!
Jon Bailey – http://www.youtube.com/jon3pnt0
Jango Fett, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader
Imari Williams
Lando, Qui-Gon Jinn, Grand Moff Tarkin, Finn
Alex Walker Smith – http://www.alexwalkersmith.com
Han Solo, Anakin, Kylo Ren, Krennic, Poe Dameron
Kelly Sparr
Qi’Ra, Jyn Erso, Luminara Unduli, Rey
Ryan Tellez – http://www.twitter.com/tellezryan
Obi Wan
Written by Lia Woodward
Edited by Chance Cole
– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (instagr.am/teamdavisinsta)
Brian Fisher (instagr.am/lifeofbrianfisher)
David Odom (instagr.am/mr.spodom)
Michael Schroeder (instagr.am/theschroeder)
Ryan Tellez (instagr.am/tellezryan)
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Fortnite is the world’s hottest game, but with Halloween coming up, we think it may also be one of the spookiest.
This is TheGamer’s list of The Scariest Thing To Ever Happen On Fortnite Battle Royale.
Check out these other awesome videos!
12 Times Fortnite Crossed The Line!
25 Fortnite Players That Were Hit With Instant Karma
8 Fortnite Cheaters – Pros Caught CHEATING LIVE And HUMILIATED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynJOdnRIdak
12 Fortnite Hacks And Glitches Cheaters Found In Season 6
While Fortnite Battle Royale seems to be a lighthearted take on the genre popularised by PUBG, with Halloween around the corner, we couldn’t help but notice some times when it got a little bit scary and we’re going to tell you about them!
Fans of super scary film The Conjuring will be in for a treat of sorts when they see how someone was scuttling around like a character in the movie. There’s also cases of unnerving coincidence, including one involving top Fortnite player Tenser and a llama. Season Six was the time when things got extra creepy with Gargoyles and Cube Monsters, not Zombies, according to Epic Games, located around the map. Fans of the Marvel Universe will see Thanos and Venom make an appearance and there are scary sound effects, an unnerving set of glowing eyes and much more. Thanks for watching and make sure you subscribe to TheGamer for more awesome Fortnite videos!