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ايش صار في آخر 5 مباريات بين النصر والأهلي .. وبندر مانسي سؤال الجمهورين عن ماجد عبد الله وعمر السومة.
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Fortnite is the most popular game in the world, but some of its skins aren’t nearly as popular. In fact, some of them are nearly impossible to get your hands on.
This is TheGamer’s list of 20 Rarest Fortnite Skins You Will Never Get!
Check out these other awesome videos!
12 Times Fortnite Crossed The Line!
12 Fortnite Glitches That Never Got Fixed
20 Times Fortnite Pros Were Wrecked By Noobs.
12 Fortnite Hacks And Glitches Cheaters Found In Season 6
Fortnite is the hottest game out there right now. Pretty much everyone has played this game by now. People of all ages are playing and enjoying Fortnite. While it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s impossible to deny the popularity of the game. All around the world, people are copying the dances they see in Fortnite. Even professional athletes are getting in on the fun!
Fortnite players just don’t know how good they have it. Sure, the re-release of the Skull Trooper skin and Reaper pickaxe may have upset the OG players, but developers Epic Games are constantly treating us to new cosmetics in the item shop every few days, which is something special. With all these expensive and limited time skins, there’s bound to still be some ultra rare ones.
Could the Venom movie exist in a universe where Spider-Man is already dead? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
When Venom was announced, when Venom was filming, and when Venom was released, all anyone could talk about was the inclusion of Spider-Man. Would there be an Easter Egg. A secret meeting between the two. How could Sony do a Venom movie without Peter Parker?! Well, they pulled it off. Not even a mention of Spider-Man, Parker, or Mary-Jane. They avoided Spidey like the plague, but fans are still desperate to see a connection between the two. And will they get it? Maybe, but not in the way you’d like. According to some theories, Spider-Man may already be dead in Venom’s world — and no we’re not talking Thanos’s finger snap. This death would be way before that.
Watch as we break down the movie, some of the key scenes, and present you a theory about why Spider-Man is dead and who the potential replacement will be. If you’ve seen Venom, then you can put these pieces together and see how a dead Spider-Man makes a whole lot of sense. Without Peter Parker in the picture, we may see how a new Spider-Man steps up to the plate and takes on Venom in the future. Either way, with every new Venom movie, people will try to find some type of Spider-Man connection and eventually there will be one. Watch to see this connection and then comment below if you agree! The whole Venom universe would be completely changed if Spider-Man was already dead and present a lot of different storytelling options for the franchise!
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We all love to play Fortnite, but how do we get to the next level? Watch our video to explore pro tips both in the game and through various streaming platforms.
This is TheGamer’s list of what it takes to be a Fortnite pro.
Check out these other awesome videos!
12 Times Fortnite Crossed The Line!
25 Fortnite Players That Were Hit With Instant Karma
8 Fortnite Cheaters – Pros Caught CHEATING LIVE And HUMILIATED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynJOdnRIdak
12 Fortnite Hacks And Glitches Cheaters Found In Season 6
You spend hours each day playing Fortnite, but you’re ready to take things to a whole other level. We’re talking about streams, sponsors and pro level status for Fortnite tournaments. Well, it doesn’t just come overnight, a lot of hard work and planning is required, so how do you do it? Well, we’ll show you how!
Follow our tips and tricks from top pros like Ninja to learn exactly what it takes to move ahead in the game, join the ranks of other pros and prove your worth in the world of Fortnite. Think you have what it takes? There’s a ton of time involved, ensuring you have the proper set-up and putting yourself out there for the masses. Watch to see all of our tips, tricks and lessons while you learn how various pros have gone up through the ranks over the years following these same Fortnite strategies.
Step into the pitch meeting that started The Nightmare Before Christmas! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
The Nightmare Before Christmas from Tim Burton and director Henry Sellick is one of the most beloved Christmas and/or Halloween movies, depending who you ask. Jack Skellington is on a mission to appropriate the cool things he finds that don’t belong to him, and never faces any consequences for his actions. So what led to this bizarre stop motion animation featuring the Pumpkin King and Sally taking on the Oogie Boogie Man? To find out, step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Nightmare Before Christmas! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Check Out These Other Amazing Videos:
Home Alone Pitch Meeting
Avengers: Infinity War Pitch Meeting
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This is the greatest dark secret about Fortnite Battle Royal that will NEVER be revealed
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Check out these other awesome videos!
12 Funniest Things That Happened In Fortnite This Halloween
12 Times Fortnite Crossed The Line!
12 Fortnite Glitches That Never Got Fixed
20 Times Fortnite Pros Were Wrecked By Noobs.
Hearing a new Fortnite theory is a fairly common occurrence. A new Fortnite secret can show up once a day, and Epic Games is counting on the players of this popular game to keep up their interest, and keep coming back to play. Fortnite Battle Royale is obviously a massive game and it seems almost impossible to hide a secret for more than a few days. But there is a mystery that most people haven’t considered: the Fortnite Battle Royale plot! That’s right: the Fortnite plot has never really been explained, and it is a mystery as compared the Save the World. Could the entirety of Fortnite be a simulation? Why are all the players so happy on the battle bus? Epic Games has NO plans to tell us what the REAL Fortnite story is, so for now, TheGamer has the Fortnite lore you need…
Could any of these Pixar theories actually be true? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Ever since the first Incredibles movie came out, and with the recent release of the amazing Incredibles 2, fans everywhere have become enthusiastic about trying to figure out every little detail in the movies, and a ton of possibilities that didn’t even make it to screen. These theories range from completely out there to totally plausible, and they just might make you rethink the the movies entirely! Like the fact that Edna might just be a reformed supervillain herself, what with her enthusiasm for danger and her giant, fortress like home, complete with armed guards! Or the idea that Violet might be Helen’s daughter, but not Bob’s! Fans think that she is actually the daughter of deceased Super Snug, and have a bunch of evidence to back it up. COuld it be possible that the government is actually backing up Syndrome’s operations in order to continue to get rid of Supers? How about that Edna planned Syndrome’s demise, or that he actually is a Super himself? Or that Violet is actually Boo from Monsters Inc all grown up? Some fans believe that, along with their super strength and stretching powers, that Mr and Mrs Incredible are also actually clairvoyant and can see into the future, while others believe that the three children actually represent Freud’s idea of the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. Along with all of this, there is a theory that states that Syndrome is using mind control to hypnotize both Mirage and his army of henchmen, and another one that runs with the idea that, in The Incredibles 2, the family moves into the giant house that used to belong to Syndrome himself!
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Dark Secrets Hidden In Hotel Transylvania 3
Pixar Reveals The Secret Rule The Incredibles Must Follow
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